Whats a good movie your wholesome Grandparents could watch?


Lots of my favourite films would be fine for grandparents ... if they were in English - Late Spring, 3-Iron, A Separation, Dolls, Still Walking, High and Low, etc.

I have only one grandparent still alive and she would happily watch Rear Window, Wuthering Heights, the Before ... series, One Flew Over the Cuckoos Nest, The Circus, Dog Day Afternoon, etc., and they are all films I love too.

It’s A Classic Rope-A-Dope
I took my grandmother to the theater to see Pleasantville. During the mother's bathtub scene you could hear her throughout the theatre saying, "what's going on here". It was better to stick to the classics with grandma. I miss watching movies with her though.

Heres a few others...

The true story of two brothers, one severely handicapped, that travel cross country from San Diego to Pittsburgh to see Roberto Clementes 3000th hit.

This one is dark, very authentic, but there should be enough of a human interest element in there for Granny. One of those films where maybe a handful of actors were used, and the rest were locals. Kinda like the movie The Apostle in how they made it.

and of course theres Robert Duvalls The Apostle

The Best Exotic Marigold Hotel


Brassed Off

I've found these (Brassed Off) types do well. Billy Elliot, The Full Monty, Made In Dagenham, etc.


Salmon Fishing In the Yemen

Sense & Sensesibility
5-time MoFo Award winner.

I would suggest this to any mother, father, grandparent, anyone who wants a great WWII drama. You will not be disappointed.

The Birds
The Princess Bride
Field of Dreams
Sky Captain and the World of Tomorrow
A Family Thing
Forrest Gump
The Secret Garden
Where the Red Fern Grows
Wrestling Ernest Hemingway
Waking Ned Devine
The African Queen
The Lion in Winter
Tender Mercies

And Eli Roth's Hostel, of course.
#31 on SC's Top 100 Mofos list!!

I am the Watcher in the Night

A good remake of a classic Western.
spot on! I was surprised by how much I liked this.

My Grandad's fav movie was Lawrence of Arabia, now that film is pure class. So can't go wrong with that.

I'm trying to think of some others but so many of you have already mentioned the real classy classics. Damn this is tough, I will say, steer clear of Scarface.
"Frankly, my dear, I don't give a damn"

"I need your clothes, your boots and your motorcycle"

my Grandmother likes Alfred Hitchcock. her favorite is The Birds

that's wholesome, right ?!

I think the Saw franchise would be a nice place to start

In all seriousness, any of the older John Wayne westerns (particularly The Searchers because it's amazing), Casablanca, Gone With the Wind, Citizen Kane, the original Star Wars trilogy, any of the Indiana Jones films, some of the early Hitchcock films (the ones like Rear Window), and Back to the Future.