Eddie Murphy


Mischief. Mayhem. Soap.
Not sure whether or not this is the right forum - read the post count if you have complaints - but I recently watched Delirious and Raw
and found them absolutely hilarious <-- me laughing.

It far surpasses any of his recent movies, in terms of humour, probably due to the no holds barred environment.
Also, he is one of the few men, in my opinion, along with Tarantino, who can make senseless profanity work

What are your thoughts?
I am Jack's smirking revenge.

Female assassin extraordinaire.
I agree - there was a "no holds barred" aspect to comedy back then and those who influenced Murphy are industry standards ... andy kaufman, richard pryor, all them wild men.

a friend told me she read/saw an interview (can't remember which) where murphy openly stated that he no longers delves into stand-up because he is afraid he'll get squashed immediately by the talent out there now. i say he ought to have stuck with it - i'd have preferred that to seeing him make something like G-Man, or whatever that one was called. and frankly, the Klumps and Dr. Dolittle ... that stuff just wears thin fast, for me. I miss his devil may care attitude ... like Axle Foley and the Bev Hills Cop series ... and Raw, etc, etc.

Mischief. Mayhem. Soap.
I enjoyed his recent movies while I was younger....around 12 or so, but now they start to wear thin.

Eddie was really cool until he got famous and began laboring under the illusion that people would pay to see him in anything. His more recent stuff just plain sucks.

RAW and DELIRIOUS are hysterical and I seriously think Eddie should seriously consider reinventing his nearly comatose career by going back on the road, reconnecting with his comic roots and doing stand-up again. He's spent the last 20 years making some REALLY bad movies ( I know there is an exception here and there) and he really needs to reinvent himself.

"Hey Look it's Masterman"
"Kelly Robinson 57-0 baby"
--I Find Your Lack Of Faith Disturbing.

I love Eddie's earlier work (coming to america, beverly hills cop, and harlem nights) but his later work has not been as spectacular. I also feel that he should have won the Oscar for his role in dreamgirls because that was by far the best acting I have ever seen him do.

In then end if I want to smile I know I can put in some of his old work and get a good laugh.

I love Eddie's earlier work (coming to america, beverly hills cop, and harlem nights) but his later work has not been as spectacular. I also feel that he should have won the Oscar for his role in dreamgirls because that was by far the best acting I have ever seen him do.

In then end if I want to smile I know I can put in some of his old work and get a good laugh.
I agree that he should have won the Oscar for Dreamgirls.

The Bib-iest of Nickels
I don't absolutely hate Eddie Murphy, but I've never seen anything of his that I enjoyed particularly BECAUSE of him. I can't think of one big performance that jumps out at me, but I can thing of a few movies of his that I didn't like pretty easily.

Good whiskey make jackrabbit slap de bear.
Raw and Delirious are still the best examples of his talents as a comedian. As for his best films, the Beverly Hills Cop films are great, as are The Golden Child and Metro.
"George, this is a little too much for me. Escaped convicts, fugitive sex... I've got a cockfight to focus on."

Eddie Murphy can't make a comeback...

To make a comeback, you have to have disappeared. He hasn't though... he's just been churning out movie after movie with him playing every single role but in various fat-suits.
Failing that, stuff like Dr Dolittle, Meet Dave or Daddy Day Care.

The last decent performance was Holy Man in 1998. Not a great film but his performance was cool, I thought.

Thane of Glamis, Thane of Cawdor, & King Hereafter
I loved Bowfinger!

The last decent performance was Holy Man in 1998. Not a great film but his performance was cool, I thought.
I haven't seen it, but I would assume he did well in Dreamgirls (2006). Supporting Actor nomination for his role in it.

There may be better stand-up, but I put "Delirious" and Bill Cosby's "Himself" as masterworks. From both ends of the spectrum, I have not seen anything rival these. I wasn't too impressed with "Raw", it never seemed to have the magic or memorable lines like Delirious.

I think Eddie Murphy lost that twinkle in his eye. Age will do that anyone, but he seems like a completely different person now.