Movie Tab II


Not keen on necrophilia. You have to know the difference between kinky and just plain disgusting.
It's a pretty thin line, though.

But whatever, my favorite movie has a scene with necrophilia - albeit one that is part of a dream.

I guess Minio had best stay away from Nekromantik then.
It's not that bad if it's still warm...

Actually I have it ready to be seen for a few months now. Maybe I should give it a go. And still haven't seen The Pig Humping movie as if I have to choose between a highly-acclaimed piece of foreign arthouse cinema and zoophilia movie, I'd go with the first one.
Preserving the sanctity of cinema. Subtitles preferred, mainstream dismissed, and always in search of yet another film you have never heard of. I speak fluent French New Wave.

Bright light. Bright light. Uh oh.

The Banger Sisters (Bob Dolman, 2002)

Double Trouble (Norman Taurog, 1967)

Johnny Was (Mark Hammond, 2006)

Ballad of a Soldier (Grigoriy Chukhray, 1959)

Wild Bill (Walter Hill, 1995)

Krippendorf's Tribe (Todd Holland, 1998)

The Monitor (Pål Sletaune, 2011)
Gandhi (Richard Attenborough, 1982)

Last Dance (Bruce Beresford, 1996)

Glimpses of Argentina (James A. FitzPatrick, 1951)

Gunman in the Streets (Frank Tuttle, 1950)

The Wolf of Wall Street (Martin Scorsese, 2013)

Backfire (Vincent Sherman, 1950)

Joe and Max (Steve James, 2002)

Green Light (Frank Borzage, 1937)
Before Sunrise (Richard Linklater, 1995)

Love & Basketball (Gina Prince-Bythewood, 2000)
Outlaw's Son (Lesley Selander, 1957)

Whiplash (Lewis Seiler, 1948)

The Act of Killing (Joshua Oppenheimer, Anonymous & Christine Cynn, 2012)
+ (160 min extended version)

It's what you learn after you know it all that counts. - John Wooden
My IMDb page

- I'm still not really sure how I feel about the film, however, it's too dark and the 3D is too distracting. It looks gorgeous, but I always felt I was peering at it through a dark film (which, of course, I was) which meant I was never in the film and always distracted. I was distracted everything. By the glasses (I don't wear glasses at all, not even sunglasses), by the light in the cinema (I swear cinemas used to be properly dark, as in black and not just dim) by the reflection of the exit lights in the glasses, by remembering Simon Mayo saying how George Clooney was Buzz Lightyear in this (he is), but mainly I was distracted by always thinking about the film. I was thinking how it would look in 2D. Would I prefer it in 2D? Would it feel more like a film? Would I be more involved? Would the weightless motion, especially on the ISS, seem as fluid? These questions and more. So many questions.

The scene in the ISS and the emotional scene near the end are the two key scenes, for me, where the 3D is concerned. I couldn't care less about the rest, in fact, I'll probably prefer it in 2D, but I worry that those two scene will really suffer in 2D. I fear the ISS scene won't look and move as beautifully and that the emotional scene just won't work as well.

After seeing Inception I described it as a heist movie set in someone's head. Gravity is a small, simple, cheap film made as large, complex and expensively as possible.
5-time MoFo Award winner.

The Act of Killing (Joshua Oppenheimer, Anonymous & Christine Cynn, 2012)
+ (160 min extended version)

Approval from Caesar!
"Don't be so gloomy. After all it's not that awful. Like the fella says, in Italy for 30 years under the Borgias they had warfare, terror, murder, and bloodshed, but they produced Michelangelo, Leonardo da Vinci, and the Renaissance. In Switzerland they had brotherly love - they had 500 years of democracy and peace, and what did that produce? The cuckoo clock."

Ballad of a Soldier and Cranes are Flying both a high rating from mark? Glorious!

Bright light. Bright light. Uh oh.
I've rated them that high for over 35 years! I never saw Letter Never Sent until this week.

So honey, if you rated the theatre, the glasses and the movie's cost
, does that mean the actual movie was a
? 1+4=5/2=2.5 <-- 3D glasses

Why is that I confuse everybody's sex?
Because you don't pay enough attention. The membership here seems to be predominantly male, so when in doubt assume as such.

Of regular members, obviously, I am female. Goddogo, Nebbit, Thursday Next, Teeter G, eMilee and Soul Surfer are also female. I want to say that Deadite is as well, but my memory isn't great so don't quote me on that.

Obviously not a comprehensive list, but you might find that helpful.

So honey, if you rated the theatre, the glasses and the movie's cost
, does that mean the actual movie was a
? 1+4=5/2=2.5 <-- 3D glasses
As I said, I'm still not sure how I feel about the film. At no point did I feel tense, worried, excited, etc by it. If it's a thriller, it's a thriller without thrills for me. If it's a drama, then I barely became involved with it.

At one point, I think it was during the first debris storm, my attention was on Ryan as she tried to get into the shuttle. Suddenly I realise that's what I'm doing and think "I should be looking at everything else. Even if I see this film a thousand more times I'll probably never see it in 3D again" This was one of the things I meant about the 3D being distracting. Frankly, I'd probably have been better off going to see one of those NASA IMAX films and enjoying the spectacle and then seeing this in 2D. However, as I said earlier, I think those two scenes I mentioned really do need to be seen in 3D to be fully appreciated and, for that reason if no others, I'm pleased I saw it in 3D.

BTW, this was my first experience of the new 3D and the trailer for the new Spiderman film was also in 3D. If that's what 3D usually looks like in movies, I won't be seeing any of them.

I want to say that Deadite is as well, but my memory isn't great so don't quote me on that.
Deadite is a man. I'm not sure how you'd think Deadite was female.

Also, Nausicaa is female. And Gabrielle947. And Destiny and Caitlyn, although they never show up anymore. And Ash_is_the_Gal. There's a lot of women. Mack -- another one you don't see often. WSSLover, the crazy member who goes on and on about The Town.

Deadite is a man. I'm not sure how you'd think Deadite was female.
I knew there was a MoFo that I thought was male and was surprised to find that I was wrong. Deadite was the first to come to mind, which is why I said "I'm not sure about that." Apparently it was a different MoFo.

Don't forget Dorothy Michaels. Another female.

Also, Nausicaa is female. And Gabrielle947. And Destiny and Caitlyn, although they never show up anymore. And Ash_is_the_Gal. There's a lot of women. Mack -- another one you don't see often. WSSLover, the crazy member who goes on and on about The Town.
As I said, not a comprehensive list and I was naming only active members, hence no Destiny, Caitlyn, Mack or that psycho WSSLover. I hardly ever see Ash around and when I do it's almost always in the shoutbox. Nausicaa and Gabrielle947 were an oversight, which I figured I would do which is why I said it's obviously not comprehensive.

Bright light. Bright light. Uh oh.
Quick first impression: Starts fast and funny (higher than my rating), but can somebody tell me why it's three hours? Quick bottom line: I think it's way too long. Yeah, now I should go home and get my ******' shinebox.