Rate The Last Movie You Saw


I was lucky enough to see Fantasia tonight under pretty unusual circumstances - with a live score, by the Royal Philharmonic Orchestra. A really unique experience and a visually gorgeous, often very moving film to boot. Hadn't seen it since I was small and this was superb way to rewatch it.
Fantasia was f*cking awesome as a kid, sounds great man

Finished here. It's been fun.

Back to the Future Part III-
. Fun conclusion to the trilogy but not as fresh as the first two.Still damn good entertainment though.

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Another pretty disturbing movie. But I like this one the best of the three. Christian Bale is excellent as Patrick Bateman. The world he lives in is incredibly superficial, and apparently people in this world are so shallow they forget who the hell the are meeting and easily mistaken each other for other people. Horror's of conformity it seems.

What a fantastic dark comedy. Easily,easily Christian Bale's best performance yet.

Joe Kidd

Nice surprise of a western, especially going in with pretty much zero expectations from such a mediocre reputation. The story was brutally straightforward and thin while also lacking the necessary emotional lift to even care about what's actually going on and the film manages to drag despite a brief run time of only ninety minutes, but it was definitely some mighty entertainment. The scenery was beautiful as well (check out the picture above) and it was a perfect touch. It was only until afterwards where I realized the missed opportunity that the film actually was- directed by John Sturges, written by Elmore Leonard, starring Clint Eastwood and Robert Duvall, and scored by Lalo Schifrin- but of course that would've never ended up as good as it sounded on paper. Joe Kidd really does fall towards the back of the pack of Eastwood's line of westerns and it's hardly something that you can sink into and talk about for days, but it's a very fine way to spend a lazy ninety minutes with.


The last one I saw was an oldie but a goody. It was Kiki's Delivery Service, as it was something I got for Christmas. It's an honestly fantastic film. The visuals are great, the story is at the very least, acceptable and the characters are likable. I really enjoy seeing the influences from Swedish cites Stockholm and Visby being mixed into the film's own city making for a unique but also believable city design. Regardless of if you watch the American dubbed version, the original Japanese, or in an entirely different language the voice acting is great and really makes the characters believable (although it's one those rare moments where I prefer the English dub myself). Since it is 25 years old, I imagine most everyone who's going to see it has, so there's no point in making a really detailed review. I give it a 4.8/5.

I think Henry's better, but so what?
You're right, mark. It is better. In fact, it's much better. It's up there with Blue Velvet as the most disturbing and unsettling film I've ever seen.
5-time MoFo Award winner.

You're right, mark. It is better. In fact, it's much better. It's up there with Blue Velvet as the most disturbing and unsettling film I've ever seen.
What in the world is that? I can't even find that movie, I just typed in "Henry's".
Here, if you have a milkshake, and I have a milkshake, and I have a straw. There it is, that's a straw, you see? You watching?. And my straw reaches acroooooooss the room, and starts to drink your milkshake... I... drink... your... milkshake!
-Daniel, There Will Be Blood

Henry: Portrait Of A Serial Killer
Christ, just by reading IMDB's parental advisory, I can tell this movie is most likely 100 times more disturbing than American Psycho. To be fair though, Psycho probably has a different message behind it than Henry.

The Wrong Man
Hitchcock did it again. It's actually the less good Hitchcock I've seen yet, but is nonetheless a freaking great movie. I didn't thought Hitchcock would be as succesfull making a movie about something that actually happened, but the master of suspense did it again it's a great film.
I do not speak english perfectly so expect some mistakes here and there in my messages

Well, I started watching "Looper" tonight but lost interest and had to turn it off after an hour. It was like a Philip K Dick adaptation, if he'd written the book after switching from LSD to Heroin.. I'll try to complete it tomorrow.
The first time I watched it I was a but a few watches I quite enjoy it
Health is the greatest gift, contentment the greatest wealth, faithfulness the best relationship.

Bridge To Terabithia

First two acts based around coming of age and a budding kinship between two 10 year olds who create a fantasy world, using a tree house they find in a nearby wood... pretty touching and well pieced together and the character development works a treat.

The third act hit me in the face like a brick though. Immensely heart-breaking and incredibly moving but also manages to be uplifting.

I was in bits in the last act.


The Bib-iest of Nickels
Bridge To Terabithia

First two acts based around coming of age and a budding kinship between two 10 year olds who create a fantasy world, using a tree house they find in a nearby wood... pretty touching and well pieced together and the character development works a treat.

The third act hit me in the face like a brick though. Immensely heart-breaking and incredibly moving but also manages to be uplifting.

I was in bits in the last act.

Damn, bro, I haven't seen the movie since I was like eleven, and while I don't remember anything negative, I don't remember it being THAT good. Maybe I'll have to give it a second watch sometime.

Lord High Filmquisitor
The Impossible, which turned out to be sadly very average (I had higher hopes for this movie). It was well-enough acted, well-enough directed, well-enough written... but just lacked that umph to push it over the edge into "good." 6.5/10
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Finished here. It's been fun.

American Hustle.
American Hustle is not a good film...it's a great film. Coming into this movie I had some high expectations, due to how well received it is.And for the most part it delivers in spades.For one,I have to say that this movie is entertaining from start to finish. One of the funnest movies i've seen all year. The performances are stellar, and I have to praise the performances of Bale,Renner,Adams, and Cooper.This movie has a large cast of great actors and they all do an excellent job in their roles. The dialogue is great, and there are numerous scenes that genuinely made me laugh.The direction is incredible, with lush cinematography,great attention to detail and a killer 70's soundtrack. The story is damn good as well, it isn't perfect but its good.This is a film mostly about the characters, and damn are they entertaining. Overall American Hustle is just great, its easily in my 5 favorite films of 2013. It earns a
from me.

Taxi Driver

This is a brilliant film. I don't know where to begin with this one. The atmosphere of the whole movie is perfect. It's very dark and gloomy, giving rise to tension whenever it goes to night, where the city's worst come out to play. The music is generally quite peaceful throughout, but adds a sinister twist at the end. De Niro's performance is legendary, to say the least. I love when actors can tell a story with their eyes alone, and this guy nails it. Scorsese does a great job with the camera angles, giving a point of view on what our taxi driver friend sees as he travels through the city. The buildup to he climax is slow, and well thought out, leaving hints about what goes on in Travis's head.

As for the ending, it really left me thinking about things long after it was over. I was just lying in bed, trying to make sense of what just happened. Great stuff. All in all, this is nothing short of a masterpiece in my eyes, and the comparisons between it and Drive are apparent, another film that I love. But Taxi Driver really is one of a kind, and Scorsese has once again proved what a truly special director he is.


Finished here. It's been fun.
Nice Review Donuts, I really feel like watching Taxi Driver again. What a fantastic movie by the great Scorsese.