I'm new here. Hello!


"I smell sex and candy here" - Marcy Playground
To be fair, I want to give you a small heads up...

To my surprise, I just got suspended for a week from another movie forum for reviving older movie, music and comic threads that were of interest and amusement to me.
I requested that my account there be deleted. I don’t wish to upset them any further.
I was wondering if the same would happen to me here, if I were to revive old forum topics that I find amusing or interesting?

I was wondering if the same would happen to me here, if I were to revive old forum topics that I find amusing or interesting?
People might get annoyed if the topics have been long dead, but there's no rule against it.
Our moderators here make a great effort to be fair and even handed. Bans and suspensions are very rare, except in the case of obvious spammers.

Hi, welcome to Movie Forums.

No, we don't just ban people for resurrecting old threads. If anything, we spend more time warning people about creating duplicates. That said, I'm assuming the "amusement" you're referring to isn't anything weird or mischievous, like reviving them not for actual discussion, but just because they're old.

Unless you're doing something overtly awful (spamming, attacking people), you'd at least get a warning first, anyway. We don't really insta-ban for anything below that.

To be fair, I want to give you a small heads up...

To my surprise, I just got suspended for a week from another movie forum for reviving older movie, music and comic threads that were of interest and amusement to me.
I requested that my account there be deleted. I don’t wish to upset them any further.
I was wondering if the same would happen to me here, if I were to revive old forum topics that I find amusing or interesting?
Welcome .

Well I must admit that I've done that myself, purely as they interested me.

Master of My Domain
To my surprise, I just got suspended for a week from another movie forum for reviving older movie, music and comic threads that were of interest and amusement to me.
I requested that my account there be deleted. I don’t wish to upset them any further.
I was wondering if the same would happen to me here, if I were to revive old forum topics that I find amusing or interesting?
I feel your pain. A lot of forums I know are unfairly strict, with rules that are obviously inspired by the trending thought police force. But not here, and you're more than welcome to discuss anything you like.

Trouble with a capital "T"
Welcome Movie Max, I'm going to call you Max because calling you Movie would be way too confusing

So you were canned for reviewing older movies, how old?

So what's your favorite film? And what's your most hated film?

"I smell sex and candy here" - Marcy Playground

It's not that important. It was mostly reviving threads like "Your Favourite...", Your Best...", Your Worst...", "Your Most..." comic, film, soundtrack and this or that. There was also some talking back on my part, to the members that had a problem with me reviving. Rules didn't forbid it, the topics were all open and accessible and somehow it was a problem. C'est la vie!

I have too many favourites to list just one.

There are too many crappy movies to list just one, but, I'm sure Battlefield Earth is near the bottom. I also have not seen After Earth, so, you never know.