Movie Forums Top 100 of the 2010s - Group Watch

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Society ennobler, last seen in Medici's Florence
Ugh.... just finished the second half of The Dressmaker (saw the first half two days ago).

I'm.....not sure what is allowed to say here... you know, I just want to be honest...and that's why I say no, no, no...

Anyway, I'll avoid most of the sharp words I've prepared for this.
You know, I've never heard about this movie before and when I saw the poster and the cast, it seemed very promising. I was so enthusiastic.

Well, it turned to be an obvious cartel commission for a two-hour promo video to enrich the portfolio of the talentless Hemsworth, hoping to build from him something like AU-Ryan-Gosling for the crowd. So, the bosses commanded three world-wide famous movie stars to support the initiative.
My Lord, it was a nightmare. Two of my so loved artists, Judy and Hugo, were so miserable in their bad acting here, probably the lowest point in their careers.
But what can one expect under such a poor directing and writing. The good-looking production design, costumes and famed actor names can't save the mediocrity of the filmmakers.

"Population don't imitate art, population imitate bad television." W.A.
"You can't depend on your eyes when your imagination is out of focus." M.T.

Just need info. I'm not familiar.
Why Part 1 and 2 are separated?
That's what donniedarko sent me. Nymphomaniac: Part 1. Not part 2.

Combined, both films are just over four hours, making them illegible for this thread as a pair (as per the four hour rule in the first post), but since part one is only two hours, it's allowed.

It’s A Classic Rope-A-Dope
I’m probably going to skip this round, sorry Donnie. I will be keeping up with the thread though and should be in next go.

Just need info. I'm not familiar.
Why Part 1 and 2 are separated?
They were released as two separate volumes, though at the same time

Part I is better though

I'll be re-watching and seeing how my views have changed on it.

Currently I'm not even considering it for my list, but Lars Von Trier tends to get better on repeat viewings for me

Hopefully, this film won't discourage too many people from participating. Though yeah, I hear it gets pretty graphic with some of the sexual content, so be aware of that if you decide to watch it.

Regardless, I'll get to it tomorrow.

Enjoyed " Nymphomaniac: Part 1". Didn't really care for "Part 2". Maybe I shouldn't have watched them back-to-back. Need to revisit "Part 2", just to be fair.

I find Von Trier very hit and miss. Oddly, there is no middle ground. Either I love it or hate it. Can't really say that with any other director.