The Resident Bitch's Movie Log

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Tokyo Godfathers (Satoshi Kon and Shôgo Furuya, 2003)

Date Watched: 12/16/15
Cinema or Home: Home
Reason For Watching: It's a Christmas movie
Rewatch: Yes

I watched this for the first time back in June after really enjoying Kon's other three features. I didn't know that it was a Christmas movie at the time which may have slightly affected my enjoyment of it. So I decided to revisit it now.

Like most Christmas movies, it does suffer from being overly sentimental at times and some of the events are difficult to believe, with the film expecting you to accept them as Christmas miracles. Still, I find this tale of a misfit surrogate family of homeless people hiding from their pasts - a drunken middle aged man, a transsexual, a teenaged runaway and an abandoned baby - to be really endearing and quite funny.


I haven't seen it, but I hear great things about it. And I love Kon. Glad you liked it Vicky, especially since it's Anime. XD

I haven't seen it, but I hear great things about it. And I love Kon. Glad you liked it Vicky, especially since it's Anime. XD
I don't hate Anime, I've just been mostly indifferent to what I've seen. Kon is the only Anime director that has truly impressed me and I've added all four of his movies to my collection. I will say though that Tokyo Godfathers is stylistically different than the other Kon films in that the surrealistic elements are very minimal.

I liked Paprika the most, but Perfect Blue is excellent too.

I don't think I've seen anything by Yuasa. Most of the anime I've seen has been from Studio Ghibli.

Check out the movie Jin Roh. It's a psychological thriller/drama with a bit of a futuristic little red riding hood story.

Minions (Kyle Balda and Pierre Coffin, 2015)

Date Watched: 12/24/15
Cinema or Home: Home
Reason For Watching: I received the bluray for Christmas
Rewatch: No

Sequels and prequels often fail to measure up to original films and spin-offs of secondary characters are nearly always much, much worse (I’m looking at you, Puss In Boots!). So when I heard about Minions, I had a lot of reservations and ended up skipping it at the theater.

There’s no doubt that this is a far cry from Despicable Me, which is one of my all time favorite animated films, but it was still a very watchable movie and even had a few laugh out loud moments. The fact that Bob befriends a rat didn’t hurt anything, either. That said, the laughs and premise are stretched a bit thin and I feel like this would’ve worked better as a short than as a feature.


Won't even take time off on Jesus birthday, you are a dedicated MoFo i'm so proudb . I didn't like Minions at all tbh, Despicable Me was pretty good (haven't seen the second one), i mostly liked Grus relationship with the kids the minions were funny and cute at first but they have became incredibly annoying now IMO.

Merry Christmas MV

PS: There are rumours going around that i am drunk, i will neither confirm or deny.

The Nut Job (Peter Lepeniotis, 2014)

Date Watched: 12/27/15
Cinema or Home: Home
Reason For Watching: I was bored and it was on Netflix
Rewatch: No

Discount Over the Hedge... with fart jokes. And a soundtrack that features "Gangnam Style."

You can't make a rainbow without a little rain.

The Nut Job (Peter Lepeniotis, 2014)

Date Watched: 12/27/15
Cinema or Home: Home
Reason For Watching: I was bored and it was on Netflix
Rewatch: No

Discount Over the Hedge... with fart jokes. And a soundtrack that features "Gangnam Style."

I loved Over the Hedge. I hated The Nut Job.

Mad Max: Fury Road (George Miller, 2015)

Date Watched: 12/27/15
Cinema or Home: Friend's House
Reason For Watching: I bought the bluray as a gift for a friend and we watched it together
Rewatch: Yes

I'm not sure how many times I've seen this movie now, but tonight was at least the sixth viewing. I still love it. I love the explosions. I love the ridiculous cars. I love the ridiculous costumes. I love the crazy stunts. I love the over the top villains. I love dirty Tom Hardy in chains and a muzzle. I love it all.

The friend I bought it for hadn't seen it before. She loved it, too.

Women will be your undoing, Pépé
Been wanting to see Tokyo Fathers, really need to.

Loved Minions and a huge fan of Despicable I & II

Didn't last past the first 15 min of Nut Job

and fully agree about how much fun it is to watch Fury Road

Home (Tim Johnson, 2015)

Date Watched: 12/26/15-12/29/15
Cinema or Home: Home
Reason For Watching: I was bored and it was on Netflix
Rewatch: No

Some of these scenes might actually have been touching if I didn't hate these obnoxious characters so damn much. Uninspired and annoying. It took me three attempts (or was it four?) to get through it. Come on Dreamworks, you're better than this.
