1 pesky sciuridae, 504 leaps, an unknown number of fillums


15th January:
21. Adam & Paul (Lenny Abrahamson - 2004, tv)

Kitchen-bin drama about a day in the life of two drug addicts that is slow yet oddly charming and atypically Irish in it's humour so won't be to everybody's taste. Both leads perform well with Tom Murphy giving the standout performance.

16th January:
22. The Lady From Shanghai (Orson Welles - 1947, tv)

Film-noir that is decent enough but isn't helped by it's little quirks imo. Welles' seems a little torn at times whether to play things straight or with a slight comedic angle and his accent is a little variable, most noticeably between his performance and voiceover but to my ear it even almost drifts into being Peter Lorre for a few seconds in the theatre scene.

23. What Have I Done To Deserve This? [Qué he hecho yo para merecer esto!!] (Pedro Almodóvar - 1984, dvd)
Enjoyable piece of whimsy that never really scaled any heights for me but had enough moments along the journey to keep me amused and interested to see where it would end up.

17th January:
24. Puppet On A Chain (Geoffrey Reeve / Don Sharp - 1971, tv)

Adaption by Alistair MacLean of his own novel so a fairly tightly plotted thriller in general, a little slowly paced but a good enough tale to maintain interest even if looking somewhat dated now in places.

25. Army Of Crime [L'armée du crime] (Robert Guédiguian - 2009, dvd)
WWII tale of resistance by non-nationals in France that was well paced and well acted imo.

18th January:
26. Colombiana (Olivier Megaton - 2011, tv)
Reasonably well executed action movie and Saldana plays her part well but for me aside from a few scenes it wasn't as enjoyable second time around.

20th January:
27. The 36th Chamber Of Shaolin [Shao Lin san shi liu fang] (Chia-Liang Liu - 1978, tv)

Fun old-school MA tale that still contains some decent choreography even if not always entirely fluid in the fight scenes.

23rd January:
28. Thirst [Bakjwi] (Chan-wook Park - 2009, tv)

Quirky vampire tale that won't be to everyone's taste and is somewhat drawn out but as I have a natural affinity with the director's style that's not really much of an issue for me.

29. The Devil's Double (Lee Tamahori - 2011, tv)
Bio-drama centred around Uday, son of Saddam Hussein, and the man who purportedly acted as his double. Dominic Cooper plays his dual roles well and the story contains enough drama to keep it interesting though it does feel a little repetitive at times..

Master of My Domain
Thirst is probably my least Park film (which means it's very decent lol), glad you enjoyed it more than I did.

Thirst is probably my least Park film (which means it's very decent lol), glad you enjoyed it more than I did.
It's certainly not perfect and I fully appreciate most would rate it lower than I have but (a) I'm a bit of a sucker for zombie/vampire film, (b) Park just has a knack of putting a smile on my face and (c) I simply adore Ok-bin Kim

24th January:
30. WALL-E (Andrew Stanton - 2008, dvd)

Simply delightful animation.

31. Walkabout (Nicolas Roeg - 1971, tv)
Didn't quite live up to the fond memories I had of viewing this unconventional adventure so long ago (I'd forgotten some of the material concerning animals) but it's a film that sadly still carries meaning today.

I keep hearing good things about WALL-E...I'm going to have to break down and give it a watch one of these days.
You'd likely know within the first few minutes whether or not it's really going to work for you or not. For me the opening scenes are beautifully done in making me 'humanise' WALL-E and his apparent lot but I'd imagine it's one of those things that either works well or falls completely flat.

Trouble with a capital "T"
I see what you're saying, that makes sense. I'm not usually a fan of animation but I know GBG loves that movie, so there must be something special about WALL-E. Who knows I might like it too

You can't make a rainbow without a little rain.
I see what you're saying, that makes sense. I'm not usually a fan of animation but I know GBG loves that movie, so there must be something special about WALL-E. Who knows I might like it too

Yup. WALL-E is my favorite animated movie, and one of my all-time favorite movies. It's more than just a movie about a robot. It's a love story.

Before I saw it, the hype was that there was almost no dialog in the first half hour of the movie, and I remember thinking it couldn't possibly be that good with no dialog, but it was so good that after I saw it, I wanted to go back in and see it again immediately.

25th January:
32. Once Upon A Time In America (Sergio Leone - 1984, dvd)

Very good crime drama that is nicely recreated and maintains interest but it is overly long imo and the poor aging of Deborah Gelly (Elizabeth McGovern) does irritate me a little in the later stages.

25th January:
32. Once Upon A Time In America (Sergio Leone - 1984, dvd)

Very good crime drama that is nicely recreated and maintains interest but it is overly long imo and the poor aging of Deborah Gelly (Elizabeth McGovern) does irritate me a little in the later stages.
Yes I agree about your last point there, it was awful.

27th January:
33. King Boxer (aka: 5 Fingers Of Death) [Tian xia di yi quan] (Chang-Hwa Jeong - 1972, tv)
Enjoyable enough early MA romp chock full of atypically seventies cheese.

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27th January:
33. King Boxer (aka: 5 Fingers Of Death) [Tian xia di yi quan] (Chang-Hwa Jeong - 1972, tv)
Enjoyable enough early MA romp chock full of atypically seventies cheese.
I have this as well. Have been looking forward to watching it. Are you gonna catch Come Drink with Me, on Friday night?

Just to reiterate, the film, i meant. This was not a request to hook up or anything.
Too weird to live, and too rare to die.

25th January:
32. Once Upon A Time In America (Sergio Leone - 1984, dvd)

Very good crime drama that is nicely recreated and maintains interest but it is overly long imo and the poor aging of Deborah Gelly (Elizabeth McGovern) does irritate me a little in the later stages.
I hated that so much that I want to see it again.

I have this as well. Have been looking forward to watching it. Are you gonna catch Come Drink with Me, on Friday night?

Just to reiterate, the film, i meant. This was not a request to hook up or anything.
I'll certainly be DVR-ing it and the fourth and final film they will be showing (whose name eludes my pathetic memory) the week after.

And lol for the clarification