Movie Forums Letterboxd Page


Followed both!^^

Though I already followed Frightened Inmate, since it could only be him! It could've been FI #1 though.

Maybe there's more MoFos out there with a Letterboxd account since the last update. C'mon people, join in!

I'm moviequotesjoe but I don't have much up there yet.

Sorry if I'm rude but I'm right
Just made an account on a whim. Don't know where it takes me, but I'm really digging the site's aesthetics. It must've been quite a programming challenge to make all of this work so well. Looks like the filters are a little bit more advanced than these on RYM. I haven't rated any movie yet, I've only set up my favourite movies (which appears to be just TOP 4) and started following Swan and MovieGal.


Just made an account on a whim. Don't know where it takes me, but I'm really digging the site's aesthetics. It must've been quite a programming challenge to make all of this work so well. Looks like the filters are a little bit more advanced than these on RYM. I haven't rated any movie yet, I've only set up my favourite movies (which appears to be just TOP 4) and started following Swan and MovieGal.

Followed you. Nice to see we share a favourite film.

Yep! Basically just a film-diary.
That's interesting. When I first saw it, my only thought was that I wouldn't cheat on movieforums, but maybe it would be useful.

It definitely fills a different need. I had thought about adding something like this years ago, but now it seems unnecessary, since people can easily use both and they do a pretty good job of the tracking as is.

It’s A Classic Rope-A-Dope
That's interesting. When I first saw it, my only thought was that I wouldn't cheat on movieforums, but maybe it would be useful.
I have been screaming that Mofo and Letterboxd are like PB&J since I have been here. You're killing me bro. Nobody here listens, it's like I'm still married.

Just made an account on a whim. Don't know where it takes me, but I'm really digging the site's aesthetics. It must've been quite a programming challenge to make all of this work so well. Looks like the filters are a little bit more advanced than these on RYM. I haven't rated any movie yet, I've only set up my favourite movies (which appears to be just TOP 4) and started following Swan and MovieGal.

Following! There's enough to love just in that top4, it will be fun.

Trouble with a capital "T"
Just made an account on a whim..I've only set up my favourite movies (which appears to be just TOP 4) and started following Swan and MovieGal.
I took a look at Letterboxd and I see MovieGal is there. Kind of sad she ditched us for Letterboxd. I don't see what the big deal is about that site. Can't I just keep a list of movies I've watched on a computer file?

Master of My Domain
This is link is for anyone who wants to follow me.

Adding the new MoFos atm.
Letterboxd Profile:

It definitely fills a different need. I had thought about adding something like this years ago, but now it seems unnecessary, since people can easily use both and they do a pretty good job of the tracking as is.
If MoFo had that, it would be the icing on the cake.
[ J ] - [ S ] - [ F ]

Care for some gopher?
I'm on letterboxd as well:

Followed everyone in here.
"Gentlemen, you can't fight in here. This is the war room."

Sorry if I'm rude but I'm right
Okay, I rated my TOP 100 so far. Make whatever you want of it.

BTW, the search function is occasionally very slow. Also, I don't like that all films are always represented as tiles. Would be nice to have an option to present them as a minimalist list, too. Or maybe there is one, but I don't know about it?

Haven't seen most of those, i do like most of the ones i've seen though. Interesting that Vivre Sa Vie is the only Godard unless i missed others, is that your favourite of his? I've only seen three from him that as well as Contempt and Breathless, Vivre Sa Vie was easily my favourite.

Sorry if I'm rude but I'm right
Yes, it is the only Godard in my TOP 100. I believe I have seen 31 of his films (be it full-length or short) and I absolutely loved some of them, but it is Vivre Sa Vie that I, for some reason, chose to be a 5/5 film for me, when I was compiling the list of my TOP 100 favourite films on RYM a week ago, or so. It's still one of these early Godards that, even though revolutionary and edgy in the context of early French New Wave, were still pretty classical and down-to-earth compared to his later stuff. Often on the edge of political rant mumbo jumbo, or artistical masturbation, Godard's films never cease to amaze me. He constantly tries to find the limits of cinema and the thorough process of him doing this is nothing short of fascinating. It's hard to find any other filmmaker so prolific with such a great variety in his works. He could make an obscure political film, thought-provoking movie essay and appealing French New Wave oddity in one year and all of these works would've been interesting. Here's a list of all his films with my ratings of them, so that you can see how many of his works I've seen and which ones are these. Also, which films I still have to see. I'm still left with dozens of these, since his body of work is huge.

Just to think I will have to rate all 4000 films I've seen on Letterboxd gives me creeps!
Only 4000? Come on, I was expecting you to rate the entire database

I am very extremely disappointed. Hey at least I could make a few additions to my Absurdly Long Watchlist™ taken from your top100.

>Is Minio
>Hasn't even watched the entire filmography of Godard

Come on... where is my God now.