MoFo Top 100 Horror Movies: The List

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Bright light. Bright light. Uh oh.
I'm the one who gave Altered States 17 points placing it at #9 on my list. I'll let my post below speak for me on that. As far as Mother! goes, I think it's one of the five best horror films of the decade.

Altered States (Ken Russell, 1980)

Anybody calling this a "mellow Ken Russell flick" seems out of his mind but I stand by that statement based on most of the work he had done during the previous decade. Somehow this film is able to juggle intellectualism, extreme drug use, sensory deprivation tanks, the search for the first self, the concept of faith, at least in the context of loving another person, religious imagery, especially of the Judeo-Christian ethic, sexual attraction and obsession. overlapping dialogue, genetic changes and reconstitution, etc., so obviously it has plenty of fish to fry and can topple over into absurdity at almost any moment. Screenwriter Paddy Chayefsky apparently thought it did and had his name removed from the screenplay credits, but Ken Russell got the last laugh as he was able to turn the whole thing into a 2001-ish trip while never being boring and filling the screen with memorable imagery provided by cinematographer Jordan Cronenweth, complimented by an intense musical score by John Corigliano. William Hurt, Blair Brown, Bob Balaban and Charles Haid all give solid acting turns, and look fast for several actors in early roles, including a pre-E.T. Drew Barrymore.
My List
9. Altered States
Seen 16/16
It's what you learn after you know it all that counts. - John Wooden
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Still nothing, but that was expected, most of mine are classics.

didn't see Altered States and I didn't like Mother! when I first see it 1 or 2 years ago maybe a rewatch would change my mind but idk
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Mother was lame in my book. And I didn't care for Re-Animator but I thought it was a pretty cool concept actually.

That puts me at 3 seen but nothing from my list yet.

You can't make a rainbow without a little rain.
I watched the first 30 minutes or so of Mother!, but I found it so boring that I turned it off.

Altered States was on my watchlist for this countdown, but it's one of the movies that I didn't watch because I ran out of time.
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Trouble with a capital "T"
Still nothing, but that was expected, most of mine are classics.
My list was all classics or cult classics, and all of them were older movies. I expect some will turn up on the list, but so far nothing.

Welcome to the human race...
mother! is...fine, I guess. Certainly an unsettling experience that makes me understand why it counts as horror, but again I wonder exactly what percentage of this list is going to end up being from the 2010s.

Altered States isn't quite as great as I want it to be, but I've seen it a couple of times and do like the psychedelic madness of it all.
I really just want you all angry and confused the whole time.
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Still nothing from my list and I think that means a few of mine won't be showing up, as the only chance they had were near the bottom of the countdown.
I may go back to hating you. It was more fun.

Just wanted to point that The Devil's Backbone and The Orphanage are two different films
Damn it! Thank you. I meant The Devil's Backbone but was led astray by Fredrick. I preferred The Orphanage, but didn't think that was great either.

mother! is...fine, I guess. Certainly an unsettling experience that makes me understand why it counts as horror, but again I wonder exactly what percentage of this list is going to end up being from the 2010s.
Probably a lot more than I'd like. Though that's probably beause I've barely seen any of them,

That being the case, I doubt I have to say that I've not seen Mother. I haven't seen Altered States for a very long time, but as with everything Ken Russell, it's worth watching whether you like it or not because it'll be an experience.
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I thought of including Altered States. It would probably be in the top half a Sci-Fi list.

mother! was an entertaining mess.

Seen 8 of them so far.

Welcome to the human race...
Eh, I guess we'll see what the decade-by-decade breakdown looks like once it's done. I don't know what I'd consider an unacceptably high amount of entries from this decade anyway.

28 days...6 hours...42 minutes...12 seconds
Haven't seen Altered States. Was given the dvd and I gave it away. Still wouldn't mind seeing it though, ha.

mother! was....interesting. Another polarizing film from Aronofsky, so nothing new there. Did not make my list.
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I'm never on here on the weekend so its great getting to see several reveals at once!

The Last House on the Left was good although I preferred I Spit on Your Grave, which I would have guessed is more popular?? Maybe not. Just checked IMDB and although the remake gets higher vote, I'll still not be going near it. Never in contention for my list.

The Devils Backbone I really enjoyed and it was actually quite close to making my list. On paper, its not something that I would usually enjoy and I remember watching Cronos beforehand so wasn't too optimistic but this was a pleasant surprise. I could see this being a popular film here if more watched it.

Re-Animator is another film I liked, although never in contention. Not always the biggest fan of horror-comedy.

Cannibal Holocaust is probably one of my favourites that I left out. The animal cruelty is despicable but aside from that its one of the most shocking movie experiences I've ever had.

Mother! was seriously considered but I just couldn't find the room for it. After watching it for the first time, I immediately went out and bought the DVD copy. Aronofsky is super talented and I found the film so intense.

Altered States is a film I only got round to seeing for the first time last year, I think and I liked it a lot. Great special effects from another amazing director.

The only 2 from my list so far are Kill List, which was a real disappointment not to make the countdown and Neon Demon.

Looking forward to the next set Nos!
Too weird to live, and too rare to die.


Dr. Jekyll And Mr. Hyde (1931)
Runtime: 1 Hour 38 Mins
Production Company: Paramount Pictures
Distributed by Paramount Pictures
Director: Rouben Mamoulian
Production Budget: $535,000
Box Office: $1,250,000
Five Votes
59 Points (19, 16, 15, 5, 4)
High Voter: @Citizen Rules

Jekyll & Hyde Theme
Click image for larger version

Name:	Dr Jekyll And Mr Hyde 84.jpg
Views:	149
Size:	252.9 KB
ID:	52572  


Zombieland (2009)
Runtime: 1 Hour 28 Mins
Production Company: Relativity Media
Distributed by Columbia Pictures
Director: Ruben Fleischer
Production Budget: $23,600,000
Box Office: $102,400,000
Five Votes
61 Points (16, 15, 12, 12, 6)
High Voter: @Frightened Inmate No. 2

There's a sequel coming out in October 2019 (this year). WIN
Click image for larger version

Name:	Zombieland 83.jpg
Views:	145
Size:	68.6 KB
ID:	52580  

I actually downloaded Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hide with the intention of getting around it before turning in my list. But I never did, unfortunately...

I don't like Zombieland as much as a lot of people seem to do. It's okay fun and all, but it seemed to gather a cult status of sorts really quick that I just didn't understand. While it's about zombies and horror in that sense I never even thought about it because it's so comedic. Glad that it isn't too far up the list though.

Gnarly films today. HAPPY ABOUT IT. Zombieland: Double Tap (2019), hitting theaters in October this year. At our rate, it could've made this.

Dr. Jekyll And Mr Hyde is one of the best old horror films. Watched it for the 30s HoF and ranked it first there but it didn't get my vote for this list. It's surprisingly twisted for such an old movie. Zombieland is kinda OK for a horror comedy but coming from me that doesn't really mean too much.

Seen: 16/18

I've seen both of these, but neither were in contention for a spot on my list.

I had planned to watch Dr. Jekyll And Mr Hyde again before the Countdown, but all of the older films on my rewatch list got shuffled to the very bottom (mostly because I had seen the majority of them multiple times), and unfortunately I didn't make it down that far. I think that if it was fresher in my mind, it might've had a better chance at getting on my list.

I saw Zombieland in theatres, but was very lukewarm towards it. I rewatched it with some friends a few years later, and had a similar experience again. Those same friends are quite excited about the upcoming sequel, so maybe I'll give the first film a third chance before the new one comes out, if anyone asks me to watch it with them.

Seen: 14/18
My List: 1

02. Re-Animator (1985) - #88
25. The Void (2016) - DNP/1 Pointers List