Coffee Appreciation Thread


\m/ Fade To Black \m/
Hands up who loves the stuff?

Personally I cannot get enough coffee it is awsome lol.

What is your favorite type of coffee?

And if you have how long have you gone with out the stuff?

My fav coffee is Nescafe Gold Blend as its easy and quick to make, but we have a coffee maker and make a pot of coffee but I cant leave the coffee in the jug it is always drunk.

The longest ive gone with out a coffee is possibly 3 hours.

~In the event of a Zombie Uprising, remember to sever the head or destroy the brain!~

I never drank coffee until I was 40 I now drink a huge cup of organic perculated every morning, I do not have instant coffee in my house

Health is the greatest gift, contentment the greatest wealth, faithfulness the best relationship.

\m/ Fade To Black \m/
I cant believe you didnt have a coffee untill you were 40 thats insane man lol ive been addicted to the stuff since I was about 12 lol When I was younger im sure I seemed like...

Tweak from south park.

Little floppy, hoppy, bunnies!
I have'nt had my cup yet, grabbed a RedBull on the way to work. Why you ask? I was running late for work....what else is new and guess to sleepy to deal with people at Starbucks!

A system of cells interlinked
Oh, I love me some coffee. Dark and rich, thanks...
“It takes considerable knowledge just to realize the extent of your own ignorance.” ― Thomas Sowell

I appreciate coffee's existence, but I don't have a deep appreciation for it in the sense that I need (or even want, necessarily) particularly nice or elaborate coffee. I'm not sure I really even like coffee, a technical sense, because I always try to drown out its natural taste with creamer and Splenda. It gives me a boost in the morning, and that's that.

Most days it's just a nice little pickup, but there are some where the difference before and after is like night and day. This isn't one of those days, as far as I can tell, but it can be kind of amusing to see how randomly upbeat I get after a cup or two.

Hands up who loves the stuff?
I wouldn't say that I love it.
It's more of an on and off again relationship.
What is your favorite type of coffee?
If Mrs. Darcy has left some in the pot, I'll nuke it, and pour it into a glass with tons of ice, sugar, and that non-dairy creamer powder.
Sometimes the coffee makes me jumpy and hurts my tummy.
And if you have how long have you gone with out the stuff?
I can go years.
And I did during my twenties and thirties.
I would never make it, but I would have some camping or in a restaurant, or at friend's or relative's house.
And then it always seemed like the cups were too small.
The longest I've gone with out a coffee is possibly 3 hours.
Three hours.
You don't get up during sleep time to drink coffee do you?
That would be hardcore.

I like Arizona Tea in the jug.
Too much effort for me to make my own tea.

I almost forgot.
Those fancy coffees people like now are good.
Those little Starbuck's coffees in the bottles?
Man, those are good.
But the bottles are so small.

I have never gone through a drive-thru.
It seems too fancy to get coffee that way.
But, I will happily drink it, if you order for me.
"If you can't be funny be interesting."
Harold Ross

thank god there's free coffee at work! just regular coffee with a bit of milk wil do for me! also the first one to report that machine doesn't work anymore

Little floppy, hoppy, bunnies!
I just got a nice dark hot cup of coffee from Starbucks! Yummy god bless coffee! I'm not a nice girl with out coffee in my body LOL!

From www. what the f*, I am pleased to give you some coffee flavored coffee. There's naughty words in this so buyer beware.

We are both the source of the problem and the solution, yet we do not see ourselves in this light...

\m/ Fade To Black \m/
My perfect coffee is in my massive cup very strong milk and 2 sugars lol just like my sig.

I have coffee all the time, in the past when I cannot sleep I do go and have a cup of the good stuff then maybe chuck a film in or do a few chapters in what ever book im going thro at the time lol

Projecting the image of success
I love coffee. There is a local roaster in Akron I always buy coffee off of. His name is Carter and his co. is K.C. Coffee Co. Fantastic stuff. Needs to be consumed black nothing to tarnish to rich bold flavor of the coffee. My personal fav. way to have coffee is black and scolding hot, I've actually started to burn the feeling out of my tongue. The hotter it is the more complex flavors I taste.
"Love the life you live."
All this porn ain't gonna watch itself.
"I'm gonna be alright, and you're gonna be alright, you ain't gotta hold my hand just walk with me tonight."

The totally awesome and soul consuming TFH One a Day Reviews.

Projecting the image of success
The proper temperature to serve coffee is 181 degrees farenheit.

Projecting the image of success
I can't stand cold coffee. It tastes like garbage. Iced coffee is even worse. The only way I can drink coffee cold is with ice cream. Kinda like a coffee float.