Quirky As Cuss: The Wes Anderson Fan Club


Life Aquatic and Darjeeling Limited are two of my favourite ever films. The latter particularly I find is quite underrated. Anderson is amazing.
I think both can be considered underrated if you feel that way, particularly Life Aquatic which i think i've seen mentioned as his weakest the most. Personally those two are my least favourite, but i still quite like them. Haven't seen Grand Budapest yet but i think this is how i'd rank him:

01.Fantastic Mr Fox (was 7th on my favourites since 2000 and 2nd on my Animated lists)
02.Rushmore (Bill and Jason give my joint favourite performances in a Wes film along with Gene Hackman in The Royal Tenenbaums)
03.Moonrise Kingdom (was 12th or something on my best since 2000 list. Not actually sure if i like this or Rushmore better, i've seen this twice and Rushmore three times so i gave Rushmore the benifit of the doubt since it has held up on more watches)
04.Bottle Rocket (maybe his funniest, close between this and Rushmore for me)
05.The Royal Tenenbaums (despised this the first time i watched it. Think this is one of the few times my opinion has changed drastically on a rewatch, the only other one i can think of is Rear Window the opposite way.)
06.The Darjeeling Limited (pretty good but far off the top five for me personally)
07.The Life Aquatic With Steve Zissou (same as Darjeeling)

It’s A Classic Rope-A-Dope
So , I am planning on watching all the Wes Anderson movies in anticipation of his next film in March. I will start with Bottle Rocket next week and make a new thread for the next movie every two weeks like I did for PTA. Hope a couple people will join.

2022 Mofo Fantasy Football Champ
So , I am planning on watching all the Wes Anderson movies in anticipation of his next film in March. I will start with Bottle Rocket next week and make a new thread for the next movie every two weeks like I did for PTA. Hope a couple people will join.
I'll watch the good ones!

So , I am planning on watching all the Wes Anderson movies in anticipation of his next film in March. I will start with Bottle Rocket next week and make a new thread for the next movie every two weeks like I did for PTA. Hope a couple people will join.
I'll watch the good ones!

So you're gonna watch all of them?

I'm looking forward to reading your opinions on his filmography, @seanc. He's one of those special directors of which I can't say for sure what my favorite film of his truly is. They're all of such a similar high quality. It's probably Moonrise Kingdom, but that could change in a heartbeat if I'd rewatch one of his others.

I can't emphasize this enough, by the way, but his upcoming film looks freaking amazing to me. It feels like it's going to be Fantastic Mr. Fox but on an even crazier level. Can't wait to see it!
Cobpyth's Movie Log ~ 2019

@seanc Seeing as there's only 2 months until Isle of Dogs comes out, when do you reckon we should start rewatching all the previous Wes Andersons?

It’s A Classic Rope-A-Dope
@seanc Seeing as there's only 2 months until Isle of Dogs comes out, when do you reckon we should start rewatching all the previous Wes Andersons?
Yeah man. Honestly I got so busy with women directors and getting back into the HOF this slipped my mind. We can move a little quicker. I will try and watch Bottle Rocket in the next couple days. If you watch it and want to create the thread I will tag it. Good reminder.

Wanted to mention that I've never seen Rushmore, The Royal Tenenbaums, The Life Aquatic with Steve Zissou, The Darjeeling Limited, Fantastic Mr. Fox, and Moonrise Kingdom before, but I'm looking forward to when I eventually watch all of them.

Do you wanna party? Its party time!
I loved Isle of Dogs btw. Funny, delightful and very well made Wes Anderson movie. I saw it on the big screen in a showing with only two other people present, although it was an 11:30 PM showing on a winter Saturday night.
Down The Rabbit Hole
Down A Dark Alley

Latest Movie Viewing: Wings (1927)
Latest Album Listened To: Honky Château, Elton John (1972)
Latest TV Show Viewed: Doctor Who

Excited to see the newest additions to the Wes Anderson stable of actors including Matt Dillon, Steve Carell, Margot Robbie, and Tom Hanks.

Coming in June 2023!

"Film is a disease. When it infects your bloodstream it takes over as the number one hormone. It bosses the enzymes, directs the pineal gland, plays Iago to your psyche. As with heroin, the antidote to Film is more Film." - Frank Capra


Luke Wilson
Owen Wilson
Robert Musgrave
James Caan

" What a lemon! One minute it's running like a top, and the next it's broken down on the side of the road. And I can't fix a car like this, because I don't have the tools! And even if I did have the tools I don't know if I could fix a car like this!"

"He's out. And you're out, too. And I dont think I'm in, either. No gang!"

" Hey, hey, shh, shh, shh. Come on. Be sensitive to the fact that other people are not comfortable talking about emotional disturbances. Um, you know, I am, I'm fine with that, but... other people."

I really liked Bottle Rocket...the onscreen charisma between the Wilson brothers really kept me invested.

Luke Wilson
Gwyneth Paltrow
Ben Stiller
Gene Hackman
Owen Wilson

"Anybody interested in grabbing a couple of burgers and hittin' the cemetery?"

"Well, everyone knows Custer died at Little Bighorn. What this book presupposes is... maybe he didn't."

" Hell of a damn grave. Wish it were mine."

"All memory of the brilliance of the young Tenenbaums had been erased by two decades of betrayal, failure and disaster."

Hackman makes The Royal Tannenbaums worth watching all by himself...spectacular performance.

It’s A Classic Rope-A-Dope
I couldn’t be more excited. Tom, Steve, and Scarlett all look perfectly suited to Wes’s style. Please keep making movies till I die Wes Anderson.

Love it. This is encouraging on a few fronts.

It's possible I'm just theorycrafting, but my best guess as to why The French Dispatch didn't work for me was because it was so sprawling and didn't contain much of a narrative throughline. This looks way more focused. And the subject matter seems ideal for Anderson: a weird mix of quirky and poignant that reached its height, for my money, in The Life Aquatic. I'm getting jaguar shark flashbacks just watching this, thinking about the ways in which it might culminate.

Obviously, too, Anderson has reached the Coen tier in that any time they cast someone they have full benefit of the doubt that they'll be perfect for the role. Even without that track record, Hanks seems like an ideal fit. Partially because he gets that same benefit of the doubt, but also because the last time I thought he was doing something a little unusual it was The Ladykillers, and he was pretty excellent in that (otherwise meh) film.

The French Dispatch wasn’t suppose to have a narrative through line. It’s Anderson paying homage to The New Yorker magazine, so the movie is laid out like a magazine.