The MoFo Top 100 of the 2010s Countdown

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I now must see "A Late Quartet", solely because of the pic Thief posted.
You must.

Check out my podcast: The Movie Loot!

(2017, Sourya)

A couple of pages back, @pahaK brought up the surge of Indonesian horror lately, but the surge seems to be in Indonesian cinema in general; or at least that's what I can get from this gorgeously shot, meditative film. It follows the struggles of a woman in trying to find justice after being robbed and assaulted by a gang. Directed by Moulin Surya, the film puts forward the impotence of the character in handling her situation, as well as the differences in gender politics in the country and within law enforcement, while also playing as a bit of a road film/revenge thriller. The film is a hell of a slow burn, but it works damn well since the film has been stuck with me since I saw it a couple of years ago.
I watched this for one of your April challenges back on Corrie ("Watch a film with the number 4 in its title") years ago. It is very powerful, as you say. It didn't make my ballot, but I love seeing it mentioned.

The Social Network had a generally great biopic story, but it didn't always hit me emotionally. My least favorite 2010's Fincher on this list got first, and my favorite got last.

haven't checked in on this thread in a while, i've missed a lot of good movies. the hateful eight, the master, and the wolf of wall street are all masterpieces by three of the great american filmmakers and they were all on my list.

can't believe lady bird didn't make it, i thought it'd be a lock for top 50. i had it at #15. also disappointed frances ha didn't quite make the cut, but it was also one of the last films i cut from my list so i have nobody to blame but myself.

my top 200 revealed so far:
2. spring breakers
3. before midnight
5. uncut gems
6. moonrise kingdom
10. boyhood
11. the hateful eight
13. certified copy
14. the shape of water
15. lady bird
16. holy motors
18. toy story 3
20. the master
22. inside out
23. the wolf of wall street
24. anomalisa

26. moonlight
28. manchester by the sea
30. frances ha
29. the act of killing
42. birdman
43. blade runner 2049
48. a separation
53. the revenant
61. drive
66. silence
67. call me by your name
75. gone girl
76. john wick
78. avengers: endgame
85. inside llewyn davis
89. logan
91. arrival
93. the irishman
97. once upon a time... in hollywood
100. star wars: the force awakens

101. the florida project
109. edge of tomorrow
118. ida
121. the nice guys
122. hereditary
130. django unchained
131. under the skin
138. her
139. black swan
140. uncle boonmee who can recall his past lives
142. paddleton
149. the babadook
158. the handmaiden
163. shutter island
166. ex machina
173. knives out
175. 1917
192. american hustle
Most Biblical movies were long If I Recall.
seen A Clockwork Orange. In all honesty, the movie was weird and silly

Trouble with a capital "T"
I'll wait till the end to reveal my full ballot.
Good for you. So will I.

According to your prediction for the top five there will be one movie that I really like, probably not hard to guess which.

You can't make a rainbow without a little rain.
I saw The Social Network a few years ago, and I thought it was okay. I don't use any of the social media sites, like Facebook, Twitter, etc., so that might be why I didn't seem to like it as much as everyone else did.

I rewatched it for this countdown, and I liked it more than I did the first time I saw it. I still don't use any of those sites, but I've read a bit about them over the years, so I probably understand them a little bit now, so maybe that's why I liked the movie more this time than I did before. I liked it enough this time that I even considered it for my list, but it was one of the earlier cuts from my long list.
If I answer a game thread correctly, just skip my turn and continue with the game.

I really liked The Social Network but I never considered it for this list. Just picked stuff that had high re-watch value for me and this wasn't one of them.

List so far:
#2. Moonrise Kingdom #37
#4. Silver Linings Playbook #24
#5. Three Billboards Outside Ebbing, Missouri #44
#6. True Grit #40
#7. Arrival #12
#9. Brooklyn No chance for it.
#10. Hell or High Water #73
#11. Zero Dark Thirty #58
#13. The Nice Guys DNP #103
#15. Edge of Tomorrow #68
#24. Gone Girl #65
#25. Heaven Is For Real Will not place.
"Miss Jean Louise, Mr. Arthur Radley."

(2013, Batra)

This is one I think I brought up in a previous countdown, but it has become a personal favorite and one that I often recommend, based in just how touching and lovely it is. The film follows two people (Irrfan Khan and Nimrat Kaur) that get involved in an endearing note exchange through a mistake with Mumbai's lunch delivery system. I love how, even though its kinda marketed as a romcom, it takes a more introspective look into relationships and age. Both leads are wonderful, and the film is just one that makes me smile.

Yep it's a brilliant movie. It's a tragedy Irrfan died few years ago. Such a massive loss. He was an amazing actor & wonderful person.

I forgot the opening line.
6. The Social Network - Oh what difference a recent rewatch can make. I saw The Social Network again at some stage last year, and it cemented itself amongst the movies of last decade that I thought were really important. Before that I didn't really have a firm opinion yet, and as such there are probably some films I'll see in the future that might mean they squeeze into a revised list of 25. The movie has within it Jesse Eisenberg's best performance (by a long way) so far in his career - and really hits home many of the things plaguing today's society that are commonly accepted, or even promoted as good. Being bigoted, sexist, racist or an all-around sociopath has simply changed forums and become acceptable in other realities - as has larceny and unethical business practices. When the internet arrived all anyone could see was the good, but underneath are the likes of Mark Zuckerberg, ready to make a name for themselves in all the wrong ways possible. However, if you make a lot of money, that makes so many things acceptable in today's society. This Fincher film really caught all of that and zipped it up into a really great feature, relying on the likes of The Accidental Billionaires by Ben Mezrich. A great film - one of the best of the decade - and it managed to snag #17 on my ballot.

My #18 was We Need to Talk About Kevin

I enjoyed just about every aspect there was to We Need to Talk About Kevin. I enjoyed the non-linear storytelling. I enjoyed the first-rate performances from Tilda Swinton, John C. Reilly and Ezra Miller. I enjoyed the great adapted screenplay, and thought Lynne Ramsay delivered a film that could easily have been some kind of exploitative and titillating "mass murder" horror show instead of focusing on Swinton's Eva and her helpless fall from hapless parent to being responsible for a monster and grief. I thought it all came off so well that this film was very much vying for a place on my list.

Seen 87/95

Films on my radar : 3
Films I've never even heard about : 5

Films from my list : 14

#6 - My #17 - The Social Network (2010)
#13 - My #10 - The Master (2012)
#14 - My #7 - The Florida Project (2017)
#15 - My #6 - Phantom Thread (2017)
#19 - My #21 - Get Out (2017)
#21 - My #3 - Inside Llewyn Davis (2013)
#25 - My #20 - Portrait of a Lady on Fire (2019)
#41 - My #16 - Melancholia (2011)
#54 - My #11 - Under the Skin (2013)
#60 - My #4 - Joker (2019)
#64 - My #8 - Manchester by the Sea (2016)
#71 - My #12 - Ida (2013)
#93 - My #15 - It Follows (2014)
#96 - My #1 - Hereditary (2018)
Remember - everything has an ending except hope, and sausages - they have two.

Latest Review : Aftersun (2022)

Society ennobler, last seen in Medici's Florence
OK, following the trend, I start revealing some of my entrants...

My #23. All Is Lost (2013)

Written and Directed by J. C. Chandor
Starring Robert Redford

Very symbolic movie. I'd like to praise here the great idea of the film and the superb directing by J. C. Chandor. In addition, it was nice to see Robert Redford again, in the latest portion of his long beautiful career.
Curious if someone else considered this title... I've had the impression that the film is well accepted among the general audience, that's why, I've chosen it for one of the slots.
"Population don't imitate art, population imitate bad television." W.A.
"You can't depend on your eyes when your imagination is out of focus." M.T.

It’s A Classic Rope-A-Dope
Despite the fact that I would never be attracted to websites where like minded people can get together and post whatever pops into their pea brains at each other, I still managed to somehow enjoy Social Network and had it at number 3. I am kidding of course, and mofos much smarter than me have already more than adequately explained why it is way more than the Facebook movie. It is easily one of the most well written and entertaining movies of the last decade. Super pumped it finished so high.

Another highly entertaining movie, Once Upon A Time In Hollywood, was my 16. Perfectly written and casted, as per usual for the polarizing Tarantino.

Welcome to the human race...
I had The Social Network at #8. As someone who was used to the more tangible thrills of Fincher's earlier films, this tale of boardroom intrigue and vacuous tech-bro experiences really didn't impress me on an initial viewing. However, I can't deny that it got under my skin in a big bad way and subsequent viewings have revealed it to be a film that is not necessarily my favourite film of the decade but the one that arguably defines the decade. The Facebook story has taken all kinds of warped turns in the years since this film's release that it's fascinating to return to this sharply-captured dramatisation of its betrayal-riddled origins that only seem more portentous in hindsight (despite Sorkin winning the Oscar for writing the adaptation, I still credit Fincher with actually managing to make this material cinematically compelling). Contrary to what a good cross-section of the people responding here seem to think, you don't need much in the way of familiarity with Facebook to be able to appreciate this - at the very least, you just have to grasp the central irony of an immensely popular means of maintaining friendships and communication originating through feuds between embittered loners and entitled entrepreneurs. Also, it has one of the best scores of the 21st century.

And I still think The Conjuring (2013) may be a big surprise reveal. Top Five seems insane to me, but the Horror fans are a big voting block in these lists and for it to have placed as the highest movie from this decade on the recent Horror reboot just in 2019 and then fall so far down that it isn't even in the Top 130 seems suspicious to me. I understand the parade of sequels may have tarnished some of its luster, but I will not be completely shocked if it pops up tomorrow. Disappointed, but not shocked. The lists don't often change THAT drastically over just a few years.

But all will be revealed shortly.
Eh, I'm pretty confident in the final five being a mix of Fury Road, Parasite, La La Land, Grand Budapest Hotel, and Whiplash - it's hard to imagine any of those missing the countdown for The Conjuring of all things, I don't care how popular it is.
I really just want you all angry and confused the whole time.
Iro's Top 100 Movies v3.0

Yes, popularity rarely figures into popularity contests.
"Film is a disease. When it infects your bloodstream it takes over as the number one hormone. It bosses the enzymes, directs the pineal gland, plays Iago to your psyche. As with heroin, the antidote to Film is more Film." - Frank Capra