What was the last DVD you bought and why?


This was one of my favorite movies when I was a kid. No idea what I'd think of it now.

The last one I bought was Puss In Boots: The Last Wish. I got it because I've heard really good things about it, but haven't managed to convince myself to actually watch it yet. I did not like the first one.
Do it. I was shocked how good Puss and Boots 2 was. It's one of the best movies of the decade to me. Everything worked. I didn't think much of Puss in the Shrek franchise, never saw the first Puss and Boots. Man. They make him so damn cool and actually heroic. But that's because the villain is one of the coolest villains I've ever seen. Even the animation is cool and unique. I have no clue why they went so hard on that movie but I am glad they did.

As far as me I bought The Searchers, Dunkirk (didn't own it) and Casablanca on blu ray at Barnes and Noble. Found them for cheap.
I came here to do two things, drink some beer and kick some ass, looks like we are almost outta beer - Dazed and Confused

101 Favorite Movies (2019)

I realize it's been a few years since I bought some Criterions so I decided to go on a binge

Three of the films are all-time favorite comedies, Berlin Alexanderplatz because I really want to sit and watch that again and The New World for a possible future HOF selection

It's The Complete Sherlock Holmes Collection, or at least the ones with Basil Rathbone as Holmes. I recall seeing those a long time ago and they're really an enjoyable waste of time. There's a murder, Holmes is on the scene, Watson bumbles his way around being likable, and then Sherlock solves the crime, much to the chagrin of Scotland Yards, who, as always, is clueless.

The trick is not minding
I passed up a chance to buy the Box Set of all five The Fly franchise, and I’m now thinking o should go back this weekend and buy it before it’s gone.

mattiasflgrtll6's Avatar
The truth is in here
Go for it. It's a fun series of movies. The original and Cronenberg remake are great, while the other ones are pretty good too.

The Eureka/Masters of Cinema blu-ray collection of Zulawski's Polish Trilogy (loosely grouped):
The Devil
The Third Part of the Night
On the Silver Globe

It's the third one of a set (I had the first two) - the third installment of "Dark Film Mysteries", AKA Film Noir. These are the cheesy ones like The Limping Man, The Hoodlum, Jail Bait and Lady Gangster....3 disks, 13 movies.

I sold some movies that I had duplicates of or wasn’t going to watch again and got $208 store credit at the Beat Goes On. I then bought the Lars Von Trier Europe Criterion trilogy, Night of the Demon Severin blu ray, Beyond the Door Arrow blu ray, and the 2 disc Fistful of Dollars dvd.

I sold 10 movies at the Beat Goes On for store credit and picked up:

The Clint Eastwood Collection dvd (includes A Fistful of Dollars / For a Few Dollars More / The Good, the Bad, and the Ugly / Hang 'em High)

The Clint Eastwood Collection volume 5 dvd (includes Kelly's Heroes / Where Eagles Dare / The Outlaw Josey Wales / Pale Rider / Heartbreak Ridge / Unforgiven / Dirty Harry / City Heat / Gran Torino / American Sniper)

The John Wayne Western Collection dvd (includes Hondo / The Man Who Shot Liberty Valance / True Grit / The Shootist / McLintock! / The Sons of Katie Elder / Rio Lobo / Big Jake / El Dorado)

Trouble with a capital "T"
I sold 10 movies at the Beat Goes On for store credit and picked up:

The Clint Eastwood Collection dvd (includes A Fistful of Dollars / For a Few Dollars More / The Good, the Bad, and the Ugly / Hang 'em High)

The Clint Eastwood Collection volume 5 dvd (includes Kelly's Heroes / Where Eagles Dare / The Outlaw Josey Wales / Pale Rider / Heartbreak Ridge / Unforgiven / Dirty Harry / City Heat / Gran Torino / American Sniper)

The John Wayne Western Collection dvd (includes Hondo / The Man Who Shot Liberty Valance / True Grit / The Shootist / McLintock! / The Sons of Katie Elder / Rio Lobo / Big Jake / El Dorado)
Can I ask why you sold some of your movies? Were they duplicates or dvds that you upgraded to Bluray or Criterion?

Can I ask why you sold some of your movies? Were they duplicates or dvds that you upgraded to Bluray or Criterion?
I'm running out of space on my shelves, so I wanted to get rid of some. A few were duplicates that I had upgraded or had two copies of and some were ones that I knew I wasn't going to watch again.