Spam my WAR Countdown ballot! recommendations needed


A few suggestions that haven’t been (?) mentioned yet:

Battleship Potemkin (1925)
Went the day well? (1942)
Sands of Iwo Jima (1949)
Ballad of a Soldier (1959)
Le Petit Soldat (1960)
Taxi for Tobruk (1961)
Von Ryan’s Express (1965)
The Sand Pebbles (1966)
The Good, the Bad and the Ugly (1967)
In the Year of the Pig 1968)
Under the Flag of the Rising Sun (1971)
Baby blue Marine (1976)
Cross of Iron (1977)
Salvador (1986)
Black Rain (1986)
Life and nothing but (1989)
The Last of the Mohicans (1992)
Before the Rain (1996)
Little Dieter needs to fly (1997)
The Officers' Ward (2001)
Bloody Sunday (2002)
The Fog of War (2003)
Brødre (2004)
Tae Guk Gi: The Brotherhood of War (2004)
Atonement (2007)
Female Agents (2008)
Brothers (2009)
Incendies (2010)
From up on Poppy Hill (2011)
Lore (2012)
Timbuktu (2014)
Journey’s End (2017)

It’s A Classic Rope-A-Dope
So do you guys consider Casablanca to be a war film? I don't know if I can bring myself to see it that way.
I am on the fence about Hiroshima Mon Amour. You have any thoughts?

I am on the fence about Hiroshima Mon Amour. You have any thoughts?
I thought about that one and I'm on the side of yes, but not an easy yes.

I won't be voting for Stripes or Failsafe, which I see much more as comedy and thriller, and there are others.

Trouble with a capital "T"
So do you guys consider Casablanca to be a war film? I don't know if I can bring myself to see it that way.
A strong yes for me. It's not only tagged War at IMDB but it's all about the French Vichy government & the Nazi's puppet control of Casablanca during WWII.

It'll be interesting to see what the guidelines are for the countdown.

It'll be interesting to see what the guidelines are for the countdown.
This is key.

War is probably more diverse than the comedy countdown. Is gang war included ala "The Warriors" or "City of God". I mentioned earlier about " Testament" and the like. Also "Pan's Labyrinth" which covers a few genres.

A strong yes for me. It's not only tagged War at IMDB but it's all about the French Vichy government & the Nazi's puppet control of Casablanca during WWII.

It'll be interesting to see what the guidelines are for the countdown.
I get the argument for it, but I have certain criteria when deciding for myself. If you were going to show Casablanca to someone for the first time, could you tell them going in that it was a war film without them feeling like they were misled? I don't think so. If you told them it was going to be a classic romantic drama, I don't think there's any way they'd say, hey you didn't tell me it was a war film. Of course it has something to do with war, but for me it's about a nightclub owner who runs into an old flame, and it just happens to be set during wartime. Just my pov though. Obviously many films touch multiple genres, but also obvious is that not every film with humor is a comedy. In the case of Casablanca, it's not a case where I feel strongly enough to really debate it though. If I did consider it a war film, it would be my #1.

This is key.

War is probably more diverse than the comedy countdown. Is gang war included ala "The Warriors" or "City of God". I mentioned earlier about " Testament" and the like. Also "Pan's Labyrinth" which covers a few genres.
The way I see it, The Warriors and City of God are obvious nos. It's just that the term "gang war" exists, but they are no closer to being war films than The War of the Roses.

Pan's Labyrinth is a no for me but I get it. I personally see it as a fantasy that just happens to be set during war.

I haven't seen Testament but I'd say Threads is a definite yes.

I am on the fence about Hiroshima Mon Amour. You have any thoughts?

I'm currently leaning, "no," for my own ballot due to genre categorization being a little too far for me, but there's also some threads there, that I could see the argument for.

It'll probably end up being dependent on if I can think up 25 other films I really like (also, I suspect I'd be going Night and Fog first. Arguably Muriel as well).

Trouble with a capital "T"
I get the argument for it, but I have certain criteria when deciding for myself....
Of course as do I, that's why I said
A strong yes for me.
Though I do hope people will vote for it.

I'm leaning yes, for genre-categorization, for Pan's Labyrinth and The Devil's Backbone (though I'd be more inclined for the latter), just because the Spanish Civil War seemed very central for a good chunk of the conflict in those movies.
I'd say it's akin to a war resistance movie, such as Army of Shadows, but not as much so, since there's other stuff going on.

I mean things get a little muddled with, "life in occupied territory" and "prisoner of war" subgenres. The latter can sometime feel very similar to a prison break movie, which has nothing to do with war.
Doesn't mean I won't be considering some of them for my ballot.

Of course as do I, that's why I said Though I do hope people will vote for it.
Would you consider Raiders of the Lost Ark to be a war film? If not, what would you say is the difference between that and Casablanca counting?

Trouble with a capital "T"
Would you consider Raiders of the Lost Ark to be a war film? If not, what would you say is the difference between that and Casablanca counting?
I wouldn't consider it a war film. For me it needs to be tagged War at IMDB. Of course up to the host.

My early watchlist. I have ? after Soldier of Orange because I think I've already seen it. Rome, Open City I've seen but need to watch again. Think I may have seen Twelve O'clock High but need to check my records.

The Burmese Harp
Kelly's Heroes
Rome, Open City
Catch 22
Twelve O'clock High
Von Ryan's Express
The Duellists
Run Silent Run Deep
Kingdom of heaven
Sands of Iwo Jima
All Quiet on the Western Front (2022)
Master and Commander
Empire of the Sun
Wind that Shakes the Barley
Little Dieter Needs to Fly
Cold War
Imitation Game
Greatest Beer Run Ever
War Horse
Bridge too Far
Longest Day
Soldier of orange?

I wouldn't consider it a war film. For me it needs to be tagged War at IMDB. Of course up to the host.
Being tagged at IMDb is a good way to make an official criteria for submitting a ballot, but I don't for a second believe that's any way to come to an actual conclusion. You wouldn't feel differently if Casablanca wasn't tagged and Raiders was I assume, so I'm just asking you personally why one is war and the other isn't.

A lot of what I'm asking you is simply to help make up my own mind on some films.