The MoFo Top 100 of the 2010s Countdown

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1. The Descendants (2011)
3. Manchester by the Sea (2016)
4. Lady Bird (2017)
5. American Hustle (2013)
6. Frances Ha (2013)
7. Gravity (2013)
9. The Florida Project (2017)
10. Phantom Thread (2017)
11. Moonrise Kingdom (2012)
12. Take Shelter (2011)
13. Melancholia (2011)
14. Her (2013)
15. The Avengers (2012)
16. Star Wars: Episode VII - The Force Awakens (2015)
17. Arrival (2016)
18. 1917 (2019)
20. Inception (2010)
24. Shoplifters (2018)

Two more to show.....

#94. Captain America: Civil War
#85. Deadpool
#79. Avengers: Endgame
#60. Joker
#46. Logan
#39. Guardians of the Galaxy
#28. The Avengers
#26. Spider-Man: Into the Spider-Verse

Eight, but although I see your point, I think that's a small amount compared with the massive amount of superhero output that has been released just in the past decade (20 eligible MCU films, 8 eligible DCEU films, plus anything miscellaneous) By law of proportion, there were bound to be a few, and I think 8 is a fairly low percentage out of the 30+ superhero films that were eligible.

I still reserve the right to be ticked off.

I still reserve the right to be ticked off.
Oh by all means
Check out my podcast: The Movie Loot!

I forgot the opening line.
Okay, first of all to the reveal :

10. The Tree of Life - This film is okay, but for some reason it's my least favourite Terrence Malick film, and I'm surprised it's cracked the top 10 of this Countdown. The mysterious enigma of life and existence itself seems to be Malick's usual theme in his films, but The Tree of Life is the first time he tackles that question directly. In doing so he makes what feels like a Malick film without a real story, because all of the familiar elements are there, but the supporting structure has been stripped back to it's bare essentials - an interesting way to try and ask the most elemental questions about the meaning of life. As usual, the score and visual quality of the film are magnificent, and it's worth watching this film for those aspects alone. But for all of that, The Tree of Life never really sticks with me after I watch it like his other films. I love The Thin Red Line, A Hidden Life and The New World a lot more, and I think this film suffers a little in comparison. If The Tree of Life had of come from any other filmmaker, I'd probably see it differently, and like it a lot more. I recognize it's amazing qualities, but it was never going to get close to making my ballot.

Now, those that just missed making it that I voted for :

119. A Ghost Story - Only needed a few more people to give it some serious point-boosting. I love this low-key, minimalist film about the presence or soul of some guy just existing in the one place - where space and time mean nothing, and his love lingers on. Many people were seriously upset when they saw this, because they were expecting some kind of horror movie, and instead got an arthouse picture. It was that venom and anger that attracted my attention to this, and I damn well loved it. A shame it couldn't quite make it. It was my #22, only getting 4 points from me when it needed more.

121. I, Daniel Blake - I am absolutely amazed that I, Daniel Blake didn't crack the 100. Definitely one of the films of the decade - an unforgettable look at a forgotten man in conservative Britain, having to follow ridiculous rules - eventually becoming a number instead of a person. If film has a responsibility to try and draw attention to injustice and raise awareness, then this was indeed an important one. Daniel Blake (Dave Johns) is forbidden from working by his doctor, but required to look for work by the government. While he deals with people who work for the local welfare agency, he witnesses the humiliation and degradation other people are put through. In the meantime, corporate criminals rob their nations and get away with it. I had this film at #19, and I'm surprised more people didn't vote for it.


Seen 81/91

Films on my radar : 5
Films I've never even heard about : 5

Films from my list : 13 (+2)

#13 - My #10 - The Master (2012)
#14 - My #7 - The Florida Project (2017)
#15 - My #6 - Phantom Thread (2017)
#19 - My #21 - Get Out (2017)
#21 - My #3 - Inside Llewyn Davis (2013)
#25 - My #20 - Portrait of a Lady on Fire (2019)
#41 - My #16 - Melancholia (2011)
#54 - My #11 - Under the Skin (2013)
#60 - My #4 - Joker (2019)
#64 - My #8 - Manchester by the Sea (2016)
#71 - My #12 - Ida (2013)
#93 - My #15 - It Follows (2014)
#96 - My #1 - Hereditary (2018)
#119 - My #22 - A Ghost Story (2017)
#121 - My #19 - I, Daniel Blake (2016)
Remember - everything has an ending except hope, and sausages - they have two.

Latest Review : Aftersun (2022)

I forgot the opening line.
Theater Watches - 16/90

Own on DVD 22/90
Theater Watches - Only around 8 to 10

Own on DVD/Blu-Ray - 73/91

Looks like I will have five in the top ten, which of course makes me feel like a populist fraud. All you mofos with lamenting that you only have ten movies on the countdown, I’m jealous of that kind of individuality.
That mirrors how I feel exactly. I wish I knew about and loved more hidden treasures.

You can't make a rainbow without a little rain.
I watched The Tree of Life for this countdown, and while some of the visuals were incredible, I thought the rest of the movie was boring.
If I answer a game thread correctly, just skip my turn and continue with the game.

I've now seen every movie on the countdown but Incendies. I quite liked Shoplifters. Before Midnight I at least preferred to its predecessors. I think I liked Shutter Island, though I'm sure it would have been a much different experience if I didn't know where it was going before watching.

Barring a major upset in the top ten:

44/100 theater watches

29/100 owned

Trouble with a capital "T"
Looks like I will have five in the top ten, which of course makes me feel like a populist fraud. All you mofos with lamenting that you only have ten movies on the countdown, I’m jealous of that kind of individuality.
Ten? I only have four in the countdown and 0 in the top 10. I wish that made me cool but it just means I'm behind the times...and I like it that way

The Tree of Life wasn't on my list but I should have included it, another accidental omission.

It's a great film but I opted for including Knight of Cups which I watched more recently. A tremendous, awe-inspiring film worthy of a place in the decade's top ten.

76/91 seen.

Society ennobler, last seen in Medici's Florence
Ten? I only have four in the countdown and 0 in the top 10. I wish that made me cool but it just means I'm behind the times...and I like it that way
You're not behind the times. It is probably because you possess a higher index of freedom...
"Population don't imitate art, population imitate bad television." W.A.
"You can't depend on your eyes when your imagination is out of focus." M.T.

It’s A Classic Rope-A-Dope
Ten? I only have four in the countdown and 0 in the top 10. I wish that made me cool but it just means I'm behind the times...and I like it that way
Have to count again but I believe I will get 16 total.

Also, Speling, I could have sworn I got a fifth point for Florida Project?

Okay, first of all to the reveal :

10. The Tree of Life - This film is okay, but for some reason it's my least favourite Terrence Malick film
You preferred 'Song to Song' over 'The Tree of Life' ?

I Am Not Your Negro This is on my list.
Mine too. First other than Gravity to be on my list to show up and it only does so in the near misses. Sounds about right. The thing I remember most about this was how gripped I was right from the start and throughout and how my emotions and thoughts would wildly switch between 'things have gotten better' to 'this shit is still happening 50 years later?' With occasional stops at, '... And it feels like it's going back to that.' and 'we haven't progressed as much as we like to think.' It's eloquent yet brutal, funny yet tragic, hopeful yet despairing. Something you might feel you 'should watch' and yet, once you have, you'll be glad you did because it gave you something.

126. Scream 4 - 62 points
Another from my list. As with much of my list, I remember liking it enough to think it was ok and remember it, but I don't really remember much/anything about it.

I Am Not Your Negro is an excellent film. A bit disappointed we didn't have more documentaries. I had five on my list.
I had 8, but in truth, had I been able to remember all the documentaries I watched (as well as considered as films) it probably would've been my entire list.

Ten? I only have four in the countdown and 0 in the top 10. I wish that made me cool but it just means I'm behind the times...and I like it that way

I did see Skyfall. It wasn't very good and became boring quite quickly. The villain is stupidly annoying. I also saw the Star Wars film. It was ok but I prefered the 70's version but that's because the 70's were better than the last decade. Which is something I can say for most things.

Florida Project looks lovely, so it's something I'm of a mind to watch but had no idea what it was about. Now I know and Willem Dafoe is in it, I'm of even more of a mind to. Doesn't mean I will, of course.

The Wolf Of Wall Street is something I'd probably enjoy, but seeing Donna naked just feels wrong. Plus it's three hours of a film I've not seen before.

Of course I've not seen Tree of Life. I'll trot out the Michael Winner quote one more time, if you want art, go to a gallery.
5-time MoFo Award winner.

Sometimes, when there's a lot of similar films (like the LOTR films), one of them comes to act (even with no coordination) as a stand-in for the whole. I guess in this case it was too hard to decide if that should be Infinity War or Endgame, so it becomes The Avengers by default. That's my guess, at least.

How did Avengers: Infinity War miss the list? That doesn't even make any sense. Isn't it the most praised of the Avengers films???
Infinity War is my favorite of the four, but it makes sense for the first one and/or the last one to be the ones that make it.

If nothing else catching up on this thread has at the very least reminded me that we are nearly out of Bacofoil and supposedly having a roast chicken this weekend. Off to the shops for me

How did Avengers: Infinity War miss the list? That doesn't even make any sense. Isn't it the most praised of the Avengers films???
Wait...are you telling me this isn't just some monolithic exercise replicating other lists and accepted norms but is in fact a unique collection of diverse tastes?

No wonder we keep doing them.
"Film is a disease. When it infects your bloodstream it takes over as the number one hormone. It bosses the enzymes, directs the pineal gland, plays Iago to your psyche. As with heroin, the antidote to Film is more Film." - Frank Capra