The Criterion


Also answers to Jabba

I figured since there are some of us that subscribe to the Criterion Channel and given that their collection frequently includes lesser-known films, we may need a small hub to share films we loved and want to discuss with others.

This can also be a good place to talk about what will be leaving the collection at the end of each month and incentivize each other to watch films while they are available.

Also answers to Jabba
February 2022

February seems to be Black History Month like last year, but contrary to features from the Caribbean that they offered in 2022, this year it seems to be mostly independent American cinema.

Most notable films leaving at the end of the month  

I would love to catch before the end of the month  

Also answers to Jabba
Wish I could get this channel in the UK. I'll have to make do with my discs.

Just use a VPN once to register and then you can use it from anywhere in the world. It works.

Luckily I've seen most of the big stuff leaving this month. I've never seen Woodstock though, so I might try to catch that.

Anyway, anything that encourages Criterion love I'm all for. A service that has Doris Wishman and Fellini is a service to be cherished.

By connecting your laptop to your TV.
I assume you mean for him to stream it through a browser interface to the TV.

I'm just wondering if anyone's tried that?
I have htpc, and it's been a long time since I tried any type of browser based video on the TV. I think it might have been slightly under 10 years ago, was Netflix, and to my recollection is it looked horrible.
Looks fine a computer screen, but blown up to a full sized TV (or some quality), quite bad. (Ftr. I used the htpc for playing stuff with something like either Plex or MPC, and those are mostly fine).

So I'm just wondering if browser-based videos have improved that significantly.

The trick is not minding
Films leaving I aim to watch before the end of the month:

The Awful Truth
The Lady Eve
The Palm Beach Story
The Servant
Day of the Outlaw
La Chinoise
The Miracle of Morgan’s Creek
Woodstock (perhaps, long investment)

Also answers to Jabba
I assume you mean for him to stream it through a browser interface to the TV.

I'm just wondering if anyone's tried that?
I have htpc, and it's been a long time since I tried any type of browser based video on the TV. I think it might have been slightly under 10 years ago, was Netflix, and to my recollection is it looked horrible.
Looks fine a computer screen, but blown up to a full sized TV (or some quality), quite bad. (Ftr. I used the htpc for playing stuff with something like either Plex or MPC, and those are mostly fine).

So I'm just wondering if browser-based videos have improved that significantly.
I don't really use it myself like that but last time I tried it looked fine. Of course it was an older film and image quality wasn't my primary concern to begin with.

Trouble with a capital "T"
of Wyldesyde movies I've seen these and consider them a
or better and would call them must watches.

The Awful Truth
The Lady Eve
The Palm Beach Story
Day of the Outlaw
The Miracle of Morgan’s Creek

I haven't seen the rest on his list only those above.

The trick is not minding
Also, it seems Criterion will remove films not listed among those scheduled to be. Both Incendies and Run Lola Run were removed recently and neither appeared on their list, as far as I can tell.

Traveling Players seems to have vanished as well, it seems. All were saved on my to watch list and are gone now.

Also answers to Jabba
Also, it seems Criterion will remove films not listed among those scheduled to be. Both Incendies and Run Lola Run were removed recently and neither appeared on their list, as far as I can tell.

Traveling Players seems to have vanished as well, it seems. All were saved on my to watch list and are gone now.
I didn't even notice those were in their collection. Incendies and Traveling Players are both excellent films.

Please Quote/Tag Or I'll Miss Your Responses
I don't have the channel and won't pay $11/month but have access to most of the movies, and have seen a ton of them. Here's an IMDB list of all of them.. I'm arranging mine in terms of my rating, but there's too many to even list..

A good way to arrange movies you have/have not seen.. I just looked at the 50 most popular movies I haven't seen, and the only one that interest me are so long. 931 minutes of Berlin Alexanderplatz... Mark rated that pretty highly and I like a few of Fassbinder's movies, but the first episode went so slow, I just couldn't get into it. Same with period pieces, musicals, silent movies.

Not too excited by this month’s features —feels like the first time in a year I haven’t been excited for something.

Criterion Collection got me into all kinds of foreign films and some independents. I subscribed to the channel from day one. To be honest, I probably don't watch it enough each month to pay for itself, but I love the company enough that I will sub nevertheless. I prefer physical media, so I have a hundred+ Criterion Collection films.I will always sing their praises.

The last Criterion I watched wasn't exactly a Criterion, it was Daisies from the Eclipse box set "Pearls of the Czech New Wave".