Favorite Decade For Cinema?


Favorite Decade for Movies
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2020s so far
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So the objective of this poll is to name your favorite decade for all cinema and probably name one of your favorite movies from each decade. I will go for the 70s.

Favorites from each decade:
1930s - Gone with The Wind perhaps
1940s - Its A Wonderful Life and Citizen Kane
1950s - Rear Window
1960s - Cleo From 5 to 7
1970s - Tie up between Celine and Julie Go Boating, Monty Python and the Holy Grail, and The Holy Mountain
1980s - Indiana Jones the Last Crusade i suppose
1990s - Goodfellas I will go with
2000s - The Dark Knight or Kill Bill
2010s - Whiplash after the decade was over, Toy Story 3 during childhood, and probably anything Marvel towards the end of it, but I lost interest.
2020s - Wait wait, the decade is not over yet. I have not really watched every movie from every decade anyway so for now I will say I liked that Sonic movie a lot. Nothing seems to be out yet this decade around.

Lets hope we have a future generation to make the art, and not one that makes some money. Who is with me?!

The trick is not minding
In all honestly, it’s a tough cal between 60’s (several great film movements from several countries) 70’s (dark and grimy and the age of exploitation) and 80’s (fun and more lighthearted in general).

Although I'm an old guy I tend to like the newer movies more than the older movies. Movies that I thought were great back in the 50s, 60s and 70s are now embarrassing to watch. I'm not saying that I don't like older movies -- I still like quite a few -- I just like the newer movies more. But I do realize that cinema, like all art forms, obeys Sturgeon's Law, so the percentage of crap movies today is probably about the same as it always has been.


1910s - The Cameraman's Revenge
1920s - The Cabinet of Dr. Caligari
1930s - Freaks
1940s - Bambi
1950s - The Hanging Tree
1960s - How the Grinch Stole Christmas
1970s - Charlotte's Web
1980s - Indiana Jones and the Temple of Doom
1990s - Being John Malkovich
2000s - Quills
2010s - Her
2020s - Ron's Gone Wrong

2000s is my favorite decade.

Someone's gonna be frustrated they can't vote for 1890s.

1950s for me.

1910s - Intolerance
1920s - The General
1930s - Little Caesar
1940s - The Bells of St. Mary's
1950s - Viaggio in Italia
1960s - Boccaccio '70
1970s - Tora! Tora! Tora!
1980s - Das Boot
1990s - Happy Gilmore
2000s - Gladiator
2010s - Midnight in Paris
2020s - Haven't seen any yet.

Bright light. Bright light. Uh oh.
1910s - The Cameraman's Revenge
1920s - Entr'acte
1930s - Pygmalion
1940s - Casablanca
1950s - The Quiet Man
1960s - Elmer Gantry
1970s - Jaws
1980s - Raiders of the Lost Ark
1990s - Schindler's List
2000s - The Incredibles
2010s - La La Land
2020s - Summer of Soul (...Or, When the Revolution Could Not Be Televised)

Favorite Decade - 1960s just ahead of 1970s
It's what you learn after you know it all that counts. - John Wooden
My IMDb page

1930s - Wizard Of Oz
1940s - Casablanca
1950s - North By Northwest
1960s - The Apartment
1970s - The Jerk
1980s - Back to the Future
1990s - Shawshank Redemption
2000s - O Brother Where Art Thou
2010s - Silver Linings Playbook
2020s - Everything, Everywhere, All At Once

90s is by far my favorite. It's when I grew it up so a bunch of movies mean a lot to me. Plus I just think it was the perfect timing in cinema history. It's the bridge between modern movies and old movies. It was a great mix of blockbusters and some of the best original flicks were made. Studios weren't afraid to take chances. The artform itself reached it's full maturity in the 90s I thought. I think the decade has the most amount of timeless flicks. Plus comedies exploded in the 90s. Just my 2 cents, but I am bias growing up then.
I came here to do two things, drink some beer and kick some ass, looks like we are almost outta beer - Dazed and Confused

101 Favorite Movies (2019)

1900s - Le voyage dans la lune [A Trip To The Moon]
1910s - Intolerance: Love's Struggle Throughout the Ages
1920s - La passion de Jeanne d'Arc [The Passion Of Joan Of Arc]
1930s - M - Eine Stadt sucht einen Mörder [M]
1940s - Casablanca
1950s - 12 Angry Men
1960s - 2001: A Space Odyssey
1970s - Alien
1980s - Blade Runner
1990s - Trois couleurs: Rouge [Three Colours: Red]
2000s - WALL-E
2010s - Serbuan maut [The Raid: Redemption]
2020s - Possessor

Probably 1970s for my favourite decade but it's not really something I've ever cared to consider tbh so take that with a pinch of salt and I'll not add a vote. Not seen too much from either 1900s or 2020s.

The 1960s. By a long, long way too. The 60s really pushed cinema on.

Woman in the Dunes
Soy Cuba
The Virgin Spring
La Jetee
Marketa Lazarova
Funeral Parade of Roses
The adventures of Baron Munchausen
The Good, The Bad and The Ugly
High and Low
The Innocents
The Color of Pomegranates
The Battle of Algiers
The Face of Another
A Fistful of Dollars
Jules et Jim
Branded to Kill
Vivre Sa Vie
Rosemary's Baby
Cleo from 5 to 7
La Dolce Vita
La Bonheur
Easy Rider
Eyes without a face
The wild bunch
sword of doom
Tokyo Drifter
The Birds

And on and on and on and on

1900s: A Trip to the Moon
1910s: Intolerance
1920s: Man With a Movie Camera
1930s: It Happened One Night
1940s: Late Spring
1950s: Vertigo
1960s: 2001: A Space Odyssey
1970s: Stalker
1980s: Wings of Desire
1990s: A Moment of Innocence
2000s: The Death of Mr. Lazarescu
2010s: The Tree of Life
2020s: Titane

Also, as for my favorite decade, I'd probably say the 1960s. That decade is also home to my favorite year for film ever.

Clearly the 190’s
Trog's New Stick will never be topped.
But seriously, it's the '80s for me. Words fails me, so I'll put it into numbers: two Star Wars movies, three Indiana Jones movies, four (of my favorite) Miyazaki movies, four Star Trek movies (well, the less about the fifth one in the series, the better), eight John Carpenter movies and the several other standouts in three of my favorite genres: fantasy, sci-fi and horror.

1920s - Nosferatu
1930s - M
1940s - The Best Years of our Lives
1950s - 12 Angry Men
1960s - Andrei Rublev
1970s - The Godfather
1980s - Amadeus
1990s - Fargo
2000s - Spirited Away
2010s - Mad Max: Fury Road
2020s - Mad God

1930s - Wizard Of Oz
1940s - Casablanca
1950s - North By Northwest
1960s - The Apartment
1970s - The Jerk
1980s - Back to the Future
1990s - Shawshank Redemption
2000s - O Brother Where Art Thou
2010s - Silver Linings Playbook
2020s - Everything, Everywhere, All At Once

90s is by far my favorite. It's when I grew it up so a bunch of movies mean a lot to me. Plus I just think it was the perfect timing in cinema history. It's the bridge between modern movies and old movies. It was a great mix of blockbusters and some of the best original flicks were made. Studios weren't afraid to take chances. The artform itself reached it's full maturity in the 90s I thought. I think the decade has the most amount of timeless flicks. Plus comedies exploded in the 90s. Just my 2 cents, but I am bias growing up then.

Just from 1999 alone:

American Beauty, The Green Mile, Galaxy Quest, Cider House Rules, The Sixth Sense, Office Space, Magnolia, Eyes Wide Shut, The Virgin Suicides, Election, Man on the Moon, Austin Powers: The Spy That Shagged Me, American Pie, Girl, Interrupted, Fight Club, The Boondock Saints, The Insider, Brokedown Palace, Being John Malkovich,

It's the Forties for me. Bette Davis, Joan Crawford, Humphrey Bogart, Maureen O'Hara, John Wayne, Gary Cooper etc.
I like the Thirties too. 1939, what a great year. Wizard of Oz , Gone with the Wind, the Hunchback of Notre Dame, Wuthering Heights etc.
Women's pictures was the thing back then.probably because they were the ones going to the movies the most or they wanted to draw them in.
Since the Nineties most movies in American cinema seems to be made for a teenage boy.

Thursday Next's Avatar
I never could get the hang of Thursdays.
1910s - The Camera Man's Revenge
1920s - The Adventures of Prince Achmed
1930s - It Happened One Night
1940s - Brief Encounter
1950s - Sweet Smell of Success
1960s - A Taste of Honey
1970s - Cabaret
1980s - The Empire Strikes Back
1990s - The Matrix
2000s - Lost in Translation
2010s - Portrait of a Lady on Fire
2020s - Hiacynt

The 90s has always been my favourite decade.

Trouble with a capital "T"
It's the Forties for me. Bette Davis, Joan Crawford, Humphrey Bogart, Maureen O'Hara, John Wayne, Gary Cooper etc.
I like the Thirties too. 1939, what a great year. Wizard of Oz , Gone with the Wind, the Hunchback of Notre Dame, Wuthering Heights etc.
Women's pictures was the thing back then.probably because they were the ones going to the movies the most or they wanted to draw them in.
Since the Nineties most movies in American cinema seems to be made for a teenage boy.
I love the 40s, 50s, 30s and 60s. Right now I'm working my way through all of Bogart's films staring at the first one. Before that I watched all of John Wayne's films from Stagecoach on. I've been meaning to watch all of the films from Bette Davis and Joan Crawford when I get the chance. Some of those stars really had a lot of movies to their credit, especially Bette Davis.

I love the 40s, 50s, 30s and 60s. Right now I'm working my way through all of Bogart's films staring at the first one. Before that I watched all of John Wayne's films from Stagecoach on. I've been meaning to watch all of the films from Bette Davis and Joan Crawford when I get the chance. Some of those stars really had a lot of movies to their credit, especially Bette Davis.
Sounds like fun! What were your favorite John Wayne movies?
I think my favorite is The Quiet Man.