24th Hall of Fame


Also, I just watched Aniara. Proper review in few days. Not bad, not particularly good either for short.

Yeah I have zero idea of where I am going to rank that one, nihilistic science fiction is definitely my jam it's one of those quality vs enjoyment sort of things

The Day of the Jackal (1973) - 8/10

While I'm not huge on police procedurals normally, I enjoyed my time with this film quite a bit. Maybe not as much as I thought I would, but it certainly offers a decent bit to like.

This film does a fine job at showing how the two main characters, the Jackal and Lebel, work to opposite purposes. The former works at carrying out the assassination, while the latter works at trying to stop him. As the films rolls along, the Jackal gets closer and closer to the president as bodies keep piling up around him. This is set against the procedural elements of Lebel trying to track him down throughout the film. This element persists all throughout the film and grows in intensity the further you get into the film, specifically during the last act once Lebel begins running out of time to stop the Jackal. Both the Jackal and Lebel were smart, competent characters, which made them an enjoyable pair to watch.

Though you'll probably side with Lebel, both characters can be hypnotic to watch. With the Jackal, I found myself drawn to the sense of solitude he displayed throughout the film. When he had to kill people, for instance, he went about these acts with a sense of tranquility. He'd calmly move to them and murder them fairly quickly, without them being able to scream, fight back, or resist. It's clear he's had enough experience with his profession to the point he knows exactly how to handle any situation which arises. The occasional slip up will come off as a huge surprise. Not only to the viewer, but also to the Jackal since it's implied he almost never runs into them. Overall, I found it interesting to watch the Jackal go about his task and deal with the various problems which arose along the way.

I don't have much to offer in the way of flaws, except I did feel the film's runtime at certain points, especially during the middle. However, I imagine it will flow smoother with another viewing. As it stands, this film currently stands at a low 8/10 for me, but I may enjoy it more if I watch it again.

Next up: Hard Times (holding off on The Deer Hunter for now since AgrippinaX might've dropped out)

Yeah I have zero idea of where I am going to rank that one, nihilistic science fiction is definitely my jam it's one of those quality vs enjoyment sort of things
For me, it's all about enjoyment. I'll need a little time to see if my brains want to consider it hardcore SciFi or not (which is kind of important here, concerning some massive logical issues in the script that are at the moment bothering me quite bad). I certainly value nihilism, though.

Doesn anyone have the link to The Man from Nowhere in the original language? So far only found the dubbed version, which I won't watch.
According to JustWatch.com, it's on Prime and Tubi. I don't know about the latter, but I saw it in the former in its original language.
Check out my podcast: The Movie Loot!

Next up: Hard Times (holding off on The Deer Hunter for now since AgrippinaX might've dropped out)

Yeah I don't know if I will rewatch that or just post an old review.

I forgot to reply to this earlier. Who Can Kill a Child? is a very good film.

Though anyone thinking about checking it out should be forewarned that some of the first images of the film include real photos from the Holocaust.

It also (in my brain's lateral thinking way) kind of makes me think of The Screwfly Solution.

Yeah I don't know if I will rewatch that or just post an old review.
I was looking forward to that film, in particular (I haven't seen it yet and it's been on my watchlist for some time), so I'll be sad if AgrippinaX does drop out.

What week are we? How behind am I? or is it everybody else that's way ahead?

I think Takoma is the only one who's falling behind.
Yeah. C'mon, Tak! Pick up the slack!

Yeah. C'mon, Tak! Pick up the slack!
For what it's worth, this is the first review which was posted:


I think if you aim for one review each week, you should be good. I'm trying to go at a slightly higher rate than that as so I don't fall behind.

I think if you aim for one review each week, you should be good. I'm trying to go at a slightly higher rate than that as so I don't fall behind.
I'm pretty sure that some of us are keeping a faster pace to be ready for future HoFs. In addition to that, I like to keep a little ahead of the required pace in case there's a time I don't want to watch movies (or at least the ones in HoF) for a while.

Trouble with a capital "T"
I'm pretty sure that some of us are keeping a faster pace to be ready for future HoFs. In addition to that, I like to keep a little ahead of the required pace in case there's a time I don't want to watch movies (or at least the ones in HoF) for a while.
I do that too. I watch when I can, because then there's times I'm too busy to watch a movie. I found that at the start of any HoF excitement is high so it's easy to jump in and start blazing through the movies. That way when I get feeling slogged down as the HoF progressives I don't have too many more movies to work my way through.

What week are we? How behind am I? or is it everybody else that's way ahead?
I'm fine with where I'm at, but I also worry about getting everything in before the deadline. Are there rules against outsourcing some of our reviews?

I'm pretty sure that some of us are keeping a faster pace to be ready for future HoFs. In addition to that, I like to keep a little ahead of the required pace in case there's a time I don't want to watch movies (or at least the ones in HoF) for a while.
For me it's binges and purges...I'm way behind in the Personal Rec but I'm going to finish this one first because of the rewatches and the time I need to budget out. When you have to do a ranking of 15-16 films I want it to be accurate

The Whisperers(English)
Barry Lyndon (English)
Hard Times(English)
Antwoine Fisher (English)
Beasts of the Southern Wild (English)

In a Glass Cage (Foreign)
The Secret in Their Eyes (Foreign)

Arthur (1981)
Dinner at Eight (1933)
Starman (1984)

Angst (1983)
The Dark Valley (2014)
The Eel (1997)
La Collectionneusse (1967)
Spring, Summer, Fall, Winter...and Spring (2003)

Re: the schedule, my question was a bit tongue-in-cheek and more in terms of how fast things are moving here, which is great. I'm trying to juggle this and my own challenge, but I definitely agree in trying to jump ahead to have some slack in the end, if necessary.

2022 Mofo Fantasy Football Champ
Re: the schedule, my question was a bit tongue-in-cheek and more in terms of how fast things are moving here, which is great. I'm trying to juggle this and my own challenge, but I definitely agree in trying to jump ahead to have some slack in the end, if necessary.
If you have about 3-4 reviews in, you are definitely in pace. I'll probably post a proper end date here soon, bit it's looking like it won't be till Mid-April anyways. Seems that gives everyone ample time.

2022 Mofo Fantasy Football Champ
And if anyone is behind, it's me trying to catch up with these reviews. Since I watched some tough football and didn't feel like doing anything afterwards yesterday, I'll try to play catch up tonight.

The trick is not minding
I too need to catch up, so to speak. Starting this week. I’ll hit up the three film I currently have available.
Rudderless and The Whisperers via Amazon, and Barry Lyndon because I own it.