The Personal Recommendation Hall of Fame


The trick is not minding
If I was in this I would nominate musicals just for you Miss Vicky. I’m thinking Popeye. Just because when I read your review, I can imagine you seething with rage at having to have watched it in the first place. 😆

If it helps, my top 50 or so not in any order:

Trouble with a capital "T"
If it helps, my top 50 or so not in any order:
I had looked to see if you had any kind of favorite movie list on MoFo, but I didn't see one. Did you just make that list?

There’s my Letterboxd profile, so if anyone wants to choose a movie that’s not on a list just look here, it has everything I’ve seen!

Unless of course we’re making the rule that it has to be on a MoFo list.

There’s my Letterboxd profile, so if anyone wants to choose a movie that’s not on a list just look here, it has everything I’ve seen!

Unless of course we’re making the rule that it has to be on a MoFo list.
That's the rule, but fortunately for you there's a crapload of great selections.

Are we waiting till the 15th no matter what? I’m just so excited to get this thing going!!

Are we waiting till the 15th no matter what? I’m just so excited to get this thing going!!
If I have all the noms I will have time to post them Saturday
Oh we can send them now? Gosh I gotta start looking, I haven’t even glanced at lists yet.

Should we send you the actual nominations as soon as we've decided on them or wait until closer to the deadline?
At your leisure and change your mind anytime you like before I post them.

Honestly I'll be surprised if anyone can predict a movie Miss Vicky will like. This will be interesting.

To be fair, though, the only one of my recommendations that I'm confident about is the one for edarsenal and that's only because he so rarely dislikes movies that I like.