Shows where you like every season


mattiasflgrtll6's Avatar
The truth is in here
It's rare for a show to go without a weaker season. Even with ones I love there's at least one where I go "Yeah, that wasn't really the best year...", or worse, they go downhill. But with a few there is just such consistent quality for me that I can't say that one is really bad or anything. Some of these examples for me include...

Aqua Teen Hunger Force: Out of the ones they made my least favorite is probably Aqua Unit Patrol Squad. It doesn't feel quite as random and goofy as other seasons, but it's definitely still fun to watch.

24: I know a lot of people hate season 6, and even the cast and crew don't think it's the most inventive when they look back at it. But you know what? I think it's still good. Sure, there are some repeated plot elements and at times the drama gets very soapy, but most of the time it gives me that thrill I'm looking for when I watch the show, and Jack Bauer is still as fascinating of a character as ever. The finale sees him making one of the toughest decisions of his life. It's truly heartwrenching.

Oz: Can't even rank them. Love each and every last one of these seasons.

Moral Orel: On the contrary, it only gets better and better.

The Ren & Stimpy Show: While season 5 is not the funniest one of the bunch, I think it's good in its own right. John Kricfalusi is a legend, but the Games Animation era is better than people give it credit for.

Metalocalypse: Fantastic dark comedy series throughout (even if the last year had some rushed episode endings)

Twin Peaks: I haven't seen the revival yet, but the second season had some people feeling mixed on its quality. I thought it was great all the way through, with only a few slightly fillery episodes. The last three episodes alone are worth the entire ride.

Oh my god. They're trying to claim another young victim with the foreign films.

You ready? You look ready.
The Expanse
Battlestar Galatic (the reboot)
Marco Polo
The Shield
Sons of Anarchy
"This is that human freedom, which all boast that they possess, and which consists solely in the fact, that men are conscious of their own desire, but are ignorant of the causes whereby that desire has been determined." -Baruch Spinoza

That elusive hide-and-seek cow is at it again
Breaking Bad
Hell on Wheels
Star Trek: TNG
Battlestar Galactica reboot
The Wire

It's rare for a show to go without a weaker season. Even with ones I love there's at least one where I go "Yeah, that wasn't really the best year...", or worse, they go downhill. But with a few there is just such consistent quality for me that I can't say that one is really bad or anything. Some of these examples for me include...
Secret Army was fantastic all the way through.

I never can analyze different seasons of a show. They all tend to blur together for me. If I love a show (The Sopranos, e.g.), I usually remember the seasons as all being good.
I’m here only on Mondays, Wednesdays & Fridays. That’s why I’m here now.

Good topic. M.

I also can't analyze or remember every season of shows I've liked, but those that I have an overall good feeling about are the ones I 'll list. And I sure do remember some shows that ' jumped the shark'. Like The Practice when they pushed Dylan McDermott out. Grey's Anatomy was another one that, despite its long run, just got boring and outlandish to me.

But there's lots of good ones. A few of these I've only seen in reruns, but these
are the shows I remember as having a total quality run:

Mary Tyler Moore show
Dick Van Dyke show
The Honeymooners
Star Trek ( the original)
Murder She Wrote ( a guilty pleasure)
Cagney and Lacey
Doc Martin
Peep and the Big Wide World ( another guilty pleasure ; a kids show I like as an adult)
Judging Amy
Johnny Carson (The Tonight Show)
David Letterman (Late Night & Late Show)

Who will stop the burgle?
Awesome to see ATHF, I wish Carl was my neighbor in real life

Ren & Stimpy may never get the appreciation it's due. Simply put, those episodes are work of art. Absurd, maybe I could ramble all day about that show, but it was truly made in a different time. Nickelodeon.

Breaking Bad is the only show that floats to the top of my brain. DARK is currently living in the neighborhood. Carnivale would be there if it got cancelled after 1 season. Pretty sure Firefly never suffered from bloat.

Great topic!
Star Trek all versions that aired on FREE TV!
M*A*S*H (the big finale was a bit too serious, yet I still liked it)
The Dick Van Dyke Show
The Andy Griffith Show
The Twilight Zone
Battlestar Galactica (reboot)
Hill Street Blues
The Wild, Wild West
All In the Family
Sanford and Son
Monty Python's Flying Circus
Fawlty Towers
"Miss Jean Louise, Mr. Arthur Radley."

mattiasflgrtll6's Avatar
The truth is in here
After finishing it recently, I gotta give a shoutout to Californication. Sure it wasn't quite as great throughout, but still great. Just like 24 season 6 is the weakest, but it still gives me what I'm looking for with Californication. The characters alone save the occasionally ridiculous scenarios. I also loved the way the show ended.

After finishing it recently, I gotta give a shoutout to Californication. Sure it wasn't quite as great throughout, but still great. Just like 24 season 6 is the weakest, but it still gives me what I'm looking for with Californication. The characters alone save the occasionally ridiculous scenarios. I also loved the way the show ended.

Nah Season 7 was worse cause that Levon guy was annoying as hell. Ending was pretty good tho.

Originally Posted by Iroquois
To be fair, you have to have a fairly high IQ to understand

IMO all 5 seasons (so far) of Bosch have been fairly consistently well done. If one has read Michael Connelly's novels, it takes getting used to how they've made some PC cast changes. But overall they're pretty well produced.

Titus Welliver as Harry Bosch is a near exact representation of the mental image one gets of Bosch from the novels. He does play it a little too dourly, but the character absorbs it.

Connelly is arguably the best police procedural crime novelist in the past 10 years or so, so there is plenty of material for the screenwriters; and Connelly is not slowing down. Most of the seasons are compendiums of several of his novels blended into one multi-faceted story.

The 5th season was a little weak for my taste, simply because the Harry Bosch character doesn't seem to lend itself to an undercover ringer story. Happily they toned down that portion from the novel, so the other parts kept it at a more believable level. A 6th season is in the works.


mattiasflgrtll6's Avatar
The truth is in here
I have a new entry now: Six Feet Under. Even in season 3 where the Lisa character starts getting boring and unlikable, there are still many things to love about it. It's got one hell of an impactful season finale too, not to mention the fascinating first 20 minutes of the premiere
WARNING: spoilers below
where Nate floats between life and death