Rank How Important Rep Is


What rating do you give receiving rep for your posts?
6 votes
8 votes
7 votes
3 votes
3 votes
27 votes. You may not vote on this poll

I'm kind of rep happy sometimes and mostly give reps to show affection, agreement, support, or even just as a hey, I see you.../read your thing.... The receiver usually knows which of all those it is. I tend to not rep people who seem to hold their own like captive princesses in towers, though. It's like anything in life - Give and ye shall receive.
You're an enigma, cat_sidhe.

I tend to not rep people who seem to hold their own like captive princesses in towers, though.
Now there’s a simile.
I’m here only on Mondays, Wednesdays & Fridays. That’s why I’m here now.

Who the fck gives a sht aboyt meanungless intermet pounts
Everyone. I don't know if you've ever heard of Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram, but they're sorta popular.

Trouble with a capital "T"
I'm kind of rep happy sometimes and mostly give reps to show affection, agreement, support, or even just as a hey, I see you.../read your thing.... The receiver usually knows which of all those it is. I tend to not rep people who seem to hold their own like captive princesses in towers, though. It's like anything in life - Give and ye shall receive.
Amen to all that and I repped it too

Also, one needs to take into account that a rep can give someone who's having a rough day but hasn't mentioned it a smile. Sometimes it's the small, seemingly insignificant things we do that keep one anothers' spirits up that makes the difference for that day.

I don't really think reps should be put under the microscope...they're a really social thing. There's often warmth behind a rep. It's only cold when it's the hardcore political talk (unless the user made a great joke and people are repping that, which, really, can be irresistable). At least that's what I've noticed.

Amen to all that and I repped it too
...and you received.

I will also say that I noticed in shout that a few members are sad their review threads aren't being given attention. I am the type to most probably rep as I go so you know I read your review. I may not always agree with what was said in the review, but my rep then goes to ASDHJASDH YAAAS YOU WATCHED THAT MOVIE!!!! and if I have anything more to say/question, I'll ask.

I did make a note to myself to try and read more review threads. I'll be honest and say that I look to people like @Captain Spaulding first because his "speak" gets to me instantly, I get visuals from what he types. I also notice Matti because he's from here, and I will support the Swede! Except if he starts telling me how GREAT Bruce Springsteen is.

Then I'll pretty much have this face and R-U-N-N-O-F-T.

I should break out of my little "speak" bubble, as it were. I sometimes feel like I'm so...on the outskirts that only maybe 5 MoFos would really get my taste and me theirs.

Anyway...so the individual review threads I'll pay more attention to from now on. The reps on those will be weither OMDAHSMDGJ YOU SAW THAT MOVIE or YEP, PRETTY MUCH MY THOUGHTS.

If you get enough rep, you win a new car!
We are both the source of the problem and the solution, yet we do not see ourselves in this light...

Wish there was a
option, because I'm pretty indifferent towards it.

Also, one needs to take into account that a rep can give someone who's having a rough day but hasn't mentioned it a smile. Sometimes it's the small, seemingly insignificant things we do that keep one anothers' spirits up that makes the difference for that day.
If only life were that simple.

Except if he starts telling me how GREAT Bruce Springsteen is.
You leave our Bruce out of this.

I tend to not rep people who seem to hold their own like captive princesses in towers, though. It's like anything in life - Give and ye shall receive.

I was chained up in the f*cking basement held captive!

I tend to not rep people who seem to hold their own like captive princesses in towers, though. It's like anything in life - Give and ye shall receive.

I was chained up in the f*cking basement held captive!

See, that got you a rep. Because you MADE A JOKE and ypu kinda hate comedy. GOTCHAAAAA!

28 days...6 hours...42 minutes...12 seconds
I know you can see how many rep points you have in total, is there a way to figure out how many you've given other people???
"A laugh can be a very powerful thing. Why, sometimes in life, it's the only weapon we have."

Suspect's Reviews

This little kitten I posted this week is upset because his photo didn’t get one single rep.

Wish there was a
option, because I'm pretty indifferent towards it.
On a whole number scale, 3 can be your personal 2.5