Are these female lead remakes are getting out of hand now?


Welcome to the human race...
Hence why I elaborated on the context in the post after that one. As for the recent films, there was the part in Skyfall where he surmises that the woman from the casino is a former sex slave (and she is visibly uncomfortable when he recounts this to her face), yet a few minutes of screen-time later they're having sex in a shower. It's that explicit level of vulnerability that makes it a rather questionable development (especially when, as tends to be the case with bad-girls-gone-good in these movies, she's ultimately punished by the villain).
I really just want you all angry and confused the whole time.
Iro's Top 100 Movies v3.0

Hence why I elaborated on the context in the post after that one. As for the recent films, there was the part in Skyfall where he surmises that the woman from the casino is a former sex slave (and she is visibly uncomfortable when he recounts this to her face), yet a few minutes of screen-time later they're having sex in a shower. It's that explicit level of vulnerability that makes it a rather questionable development (especially when, as tends to be the case with bad-girls-gone-good in these movies, she's ultimately punished by the villain).

As previously I would say the film does focus on Bond's own culpability in her death more than was the case pre Craig. I mean I wouldn't call these films the most sensitive political commentary ever made but then again you could say the same for a hell of a lot of recent rather tokenistic releases such as The Last "follow your superiors orders without question" Jedi.

Welcome to the human race...
Maybe? It's been a while since I've watched it, so I can't swear to every detail. I'd also argue that's over-simplifying The Last Jedi a bit, but I'm too tired to get back into that again.

Maybe? It's been a while since I've watched it, so I can't swear to every detail. I'd also argue that's over-simplifying The Last Jedi a bit, but I'm too tired to get back into that again.
I'm not sure whether it was directly intensional or a kind of Freudian slip coming out though confused writing but the message to me seemed almost a reflection of the recent history of the democratic party, that your superior representing a relatively disadvantaged group gave them automatic moral authority.

Honestly I do tend to view that there is definitely a cynical side to a lot of what were seeing. Generally not politics themselves but rather a desire to use them in order to try and maximise profit.

Welcome to the human race...
And here I was thinking it was a deserved indictment of the kind of self-absorbed attempts at heroics that ultimately end up undermining the greater good rather than helping it - "there is no 'i' in team" and all that.

As for whether or not this deserves cynicism, yeah, well, them's the breaks. It's almost like capitalism itself is the problem.

It's more like like everything inherent to human nature gets blamed on capitalism because it's the predominant system.

But I'm guessing you didn't actually want a serious discussions about economics.

How would a system where you have to talk to everyone the same amount be different from a system where you could choose who to talk to, and how often?


Welcome to the human race...
"What", indeed. All this because I didn't want to put up with one more post about how Hollywood cynically panders to liberals or whatever.

I think after one pithy rejoinder you basically stop caring if they make sense.

All this because I didn't want to put up with one more post about how Hollywood cynically panders to liberals or whatever.
"All this" = one person briefly and succinctly disputes your casual indictment of an entire economic system.

A system of cells interlinked
Let's just skip to the part where someone posts that real communism has never been tried.

“It takes considerable knowledge just to realize the extent of your own ignorance.” ― Thomas Sowell

Welcome to the human race...
Which involves telling a user who already argues with everyone "what if you had to argue with everyone but more" and then continuing to argue with them - and I'm still not getting paid.

Which involves telling a user who already argues with everyone
My definition of "argue" doesn't include merely registering the existence of a contrary opinion.

"what if you had to argue with everyone but more" and then continuing to argue with them - and I'm still not getting paid.
I feel silly having to explain the analogy, but it's "what if you actually had to argue," as opposed to now, where you retain the agency to stop whenever you like.

Welcome to the human race...
As opposed to having to argue a minimum of 40 hours a week or run the risk of losing your house and starving while thinking that not having to work all 168 hours means you technically retain the agency to stop whenever you like.

Should I actually bother to pick through the erroneous presuppositions in there, or is this just gonna get unceremoniously dropped when I do?

You ready? You look ready.
It's more like like everything inherent to human nature gets blamed on capitalism because it's the predominant system.

But I'm guessing you didn't actually want a serious discussions about economics.
But that's because IT is to blame.

And if you don't believe me just ask my closet full of useless things that I HAD to buy.
"This is that human freedom, which all boast that they possess, and which consists solely in the fact, that men are conscious of their own desire, but are ignorant of the causes whereby that desire has been determined." -Baruch Spinoza