Do You Like the New Look?


Yes, @Yoda, I like your new look. Now you're skinnier than you used to be and that's some sexy beard you got.
Preserving the sanctity of cinema. Subtitles preferred, mainstream dismissed, and always in search of yet another film you have never heard of. I speak fluent French New Wave.

This is about a month into the site's history. Note the aforementioned popcorn buckets:

This is a little over a year into the site's history, after our first major redesign:

And this is a little under two years into the site's history. Updated the popcorn buckets, but stuck with the same general concept. We kept this general layout for something like 11-12 years.

I remember the "old" design. Say old, the newer of the 3
Haven't been around long enough to have seen the other two.

MoFo has always been pretty slick, even when it was the standard forum layout/design that's seen on every other forum.

Took a bit of getting used to on the changeover, especially the aesthetic of the white pages for posts, but definitely prefer the design it is now.
Not seen another forum like this at all. Every other forum is the same, using the 3rd style ^^ that MoFo used to have or they use something that looks like a blog with everyone posting on the same page for everything.

Trouble with a capital "T"
Not sure where to post this, but this seemed to be the most apt thread.... @Yoda did you just make a change in the way the post look? I just noticed today that every post has a little < on the white background that points at the person who wrote the post. Please tell me that is a brand new feature, and that I haven't failed to notice that all these years

Not sure where to post this, but this seemed to be the most apt thread.... @Yoda did you just make a change in the way the post look? I just noticed today that every post has a little < on the white background that points at the person who wrote the post. Please tell me that is a brand new feature, and that I haven't failed to notice that all these years
Sorry, that was part of the redesign a few years ago.

In your (possible) defense, that's done with some stylesheet trickery that could plausibly not show up, or look different, in other browsers. I'm pretty sure it's basic enough (and that the browsers you've used are modern enough) that this probably isn't why, but it's technically possible.

I actually wondered whether to use it at all, since the "talk bubble" thing is a little turn-of-the-millennium, but I decided it was understated enough to be charming and that it helped "connect" elements that were otherwise sort of just floating near each other.

I'd like to add to the above by also pointing out that it's also technically possible that a very surreptitious penguin happened to be obscuring those parts of the screen all the time for the past few years (whilst leaving the rest of the page perfectly visible of course) - so please don't be too hard on yourself CR

Not sure where else to put this...

I had an idea... on the favourites on a person's profile, you can click each entry, and see who else has that movie in their faves.
I just thought of something:

A page on MoFo, that shows a list of the Top 10 Favourited Movies (is favourited a word?).
As in, the 10 movies that have the most entries on MoFo profiles. Maybe even include something that takes into account the placement on the individual lists (1, 2, 7, 10 etc).

Just an idea

I had an idea... on the favourites on a person's profile, you can click each entry, and see who else has that movie in their faves.
You can! If you click on each movie it'll take you to that movie's page, on the bottom right it lists everyone who has favorited it.

A page on MoFo, that shows a list of the Top 10 Favourited Movies (is favourited a word?).
As in, the 10 movies that have the most entries on MoFo profiles. Maybe even include something that takes into account the placement on the individual lists (1, 2, 7, 10 etc).
Yeah, so I've had some version of this 95% done for, like, a couple of years. I appreciate the kick in the butt. I should try to launch this and several other mostly-done features this summer.

Woop, sorry, I know about the movies pages that show who has faved the movie you're looking at that first sentence was me iterating what is already available on MoFo

Nice though that there might be something coming soon that shows a MoFo top 10 by popular choice

Ha, sorry, maybe I misread it. I was pretty sure you must've known that but now and then someone notices something that's been here for years, so I never assume that any more.

But yeah, definitely need to get the top favorites and other stuff up. It's just sitting there, mostly just need to decide how to format it.

Trouble with a capital "T"
Yoda, do you have any plans to do something like Letterboxd? Where we could log and organize the movies we've seen? That would probably be a popular feature.

Yup. I think you may have asked me that before. I know lots have, regardless. Technically it's already logging that when you:

1) Click Seen on a movie page.
2) Have a review accepted for a movie.
3) Check a movie off of a list.

I've got like 5-6 cool things I really want to launch this year, I'm just finnicky about making sure they look good and work intuitively right away.

I've had another idea, might be cool.

When looking at a movie's page on MoFo... would it be difficult to add an Alphabetical button?

Like, example:

This RoboCop page, have a button that takes you to the next movie, and a button for the previous movie, in the system, alphabetically?

Whoops, I forgot to reply to this!

So, whether or not this is difficult is a tricky question. It's pretty easy, I think, to add a button to just take you to the next our database. But our database is linked up with TMDB's, and getting the next one in theirs is different. Right now, we store data from their side on ours, but theirs is being updated constantly. Ours gets updated on the fly when people try to load the page for that movie. So, if we don't have a movie in the database, and you search for it and load the page, it quickly grabs it, copies it to our side, then shows you the page. It also does all this if someone adds a favorite or we tag a review, or when we update box office information, and other stuff like that. But it won't have the ones on either "side" just from loading the page, so the links would probably be wrong in that they wouldn't reflect all possible movies, just the ones we've happened to copy.

There probably is a way to figure all that out, but the little data pipeline process setup here just happens to transform an otherwise easy addition into a weirdly hard one.

How hard would it be to have multiple themes for the site? Meaning like you could press a button and choose between like three or four different themes. The one right now kind of reminds me of Bioshock the video game.

There's a completely integrated system for allowing people to switch styles. The hard part is creating and applying them, usually.

It probably wouldn't be a ton of work to create a stylesheet with some general color or image changes if everything otherwise stayed roughly where it was. Anything beyond that would be a lot of effort, though.

You can! If you click on each movie it'll take you to that movie's page, on the bottom right it lists everyone who has favorited it.
I never knew that. Cool. Also shows who reviewed the movie.
I’m here only on Mondays, Wednesdays & Fridays. That’s why I’m here now.


Just wanted to say how much I appreciate everything you do on this site. I didn't think I took all your hard work for granted, but I did, I really did. And I just had my eyes opened about it this morning.

I used to be really active on a different (non-movie related) forum, but for various reasons I left that forum back in 2011. This morning I logged in and posted for the first time since then - and the layout and function of that forum had not been updated or changed at all. The forum is ugly. Navigation is clunky. The text is small and not so easy to read. There are no notifications. No profile comments. No post comments. No rep.

We are so spoiled here!

Thanks. That means a lot.

And I don't think of it as being taken for granted, because good design, they say, is invisible: the better it is, the less you think about it or notice it. It's just easier. So not necessarily noticing that stuff is actually a good thing.