nat's Movie Log

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Hey sorry about that had a mad hour or so. I'll post more tomorrow if people wanna see me continue this of course

Hey sorry about that had a mad hour or so. I'll post more tomorrow if people wanna see me continue this of course

Planet Earth

This is an amazing documentary series. You get a close up and a lot of information about the animals and the ecosystem. The camera work is extraordinary.

The project took 40 camera teams shooting at over 200 different locations all over the world for more than five years

Trouble with a capital "T"
Planet Earth

This is an amazing documentary series. You get a close up and a lot of information about the animals and the ecosystem. The camera work is extraordinary.

The project took 40 camera teams shooting at over 200 different locations all over the world for more than five years

Planet Earth was such an amazing show! Though it breaks my heart to think of how much damage has been done to the environment lately.

I didn't get banned for that at all. He banned me because of that fight last night but whatever I'll always be known as the person who causes trouble around here and gets blamed for stuff that I didn't do..whatever I'm out.. enjoy

For anyone who don't believe me :

You have been banned for the following reason:
Dirk may have started it, but you blew it up by respond w/paranoid defensiveness, like all liars

There's his reason in black and white

Nope. Literally didn't even know about the fight until you brought it up. You were banned for plagiarism. First reviews, then photos, and you lied when confronted both times.

The reason in the ban message was a response to something said earlier, not the rationale for the ban, which was made clear and explicit via PM beforehand.

For anyone who don't believe me :

You have been banned for the following reason:
Dirk may have started it, but you blew it up by respond w/paranoid defensiveness, like all liars

There's his reason in black and white
Lol Yoda doesn't talk like that at all.

Come on Nat, get your crap together if you're ever back!

28 days...6 hours...42 minutes...12 seconds
I find it funny that there is plagiarism in a one or two sentence review.
"A laugh can be a very powerful thing. Why, sometimes in life, it's the only weapon we have."

Suspect's Reviews

Nope. Literally didn't even know about the fight until you brought it up. You were banned for plagiarism. First reviews, then photos, and you lied when confronted both times.
Didn't this happen like 2 years ago and she was allowed back in and stopped doing that? Where was the recent plagiarism? Seems pretty sh!tty banning people for backdated offences.

Didn't this happen like 2 years ago and she was allowed back in and stopped doing that? Where was the recent plagiarism? Seems pretty sh!tty banning people for backdated offences.
Yes, there were recent offenses.

I think i've got a few million images to report for plagiarism here too, if you have the time.
Hotlinking images is not plagiarism. But passing them off as your own is.