Do you think DVD/Blu Ray will soon become obsolete?


My question is based on an hypothesis which, I think, is quite realistic.

My hypothesis is that in the near future there will exist a sort of platform similar to netflix on which we will be able to watch pretty much any movie we want in the best visual/sound quality available at the time in exchange for a mensual fee (like Netflix). So if the best at the time is 4k the films will be shown in 4k, but it will constantly adapt to technological advances.

If such a platform come to exist (which I think is really likely) then pretty much all the films we own on DVD/Blu Ray will be available on this platform and considering it will have the best visual/sound conditions for us to watch films then it will always be preferable for us to watch a film on this platform then to watch our DVD/Blu Ray.

Obviously, my argument for the uselessnes of DVD/Blu Ray relies on the future existence of such a platform, so the question is: Do you think such a platform will exist?

Or in general, without talking about my hypothesis you can share your views upon the question of the relevance of DVD/Blu Ray.

I'm asking that here because I'm considering to stop buying physical copy of films because I think that my hypothesis will very likely happen in a near future and that if so it would be a total loss of money to buy physical copies of film (considering I don't really care for collecting, I just buy films so I can watch them any time).
I do not speak english perfectly so expect some mistakes here and there in my messages

Trouble with a capital "T"
I hope not, I can't stream movies as my internet connection is too slow. As long as people like to collect things, they will collect DVD/Blu Ray movies, so I expect they are here for awhile longer.

My question is based on an hypothesis which, I think, is quite realistic.

My hypothesis is that in the near future there will exist a sort of platform similar to netflix on which we will be able to watch pretty much any movie we want in the best visual/sound quality available at the time in exchange for a mensual fee (like Netflix). So if the best at the time is 4k the films will be shown in 4k, but it will constantly adapt to technological advances.

If such a platform come to exist (which I think is really likely) then pretty much all the films we own on DVD/Blu Ray will be available on this platform and considering it will have the best visual/sound conditions for us to watch films then it will always be preferable for us to watch a film on this platform then to watch our DVD/Blu Ray.

Obviously, my argument for the uselessnes of DVD/Blu Ray relies on the future existence of such a platform, so the question is: Do you think such a platform will exist?

Or in general, without talking about my hypothesis you can share your views upon the question of the relevance of DVD/Blu Ray.

I'm asking that here because I'm considering to stop buying physical copy of films because I think that my hypothesis will very likely happen in a near future and that if so it would be a total loss of money to buy physical copies of film (considering I don't really care for collecting, I just buy films so I can watch them any time).
I'd say just stick with your own plan of not collecting, and ditch physical media. Those who are into physical media for special features, ease of indexing, artwork and the highest quality mbps will never run out of stuff to collect, even if Best Buy goes belly up.

I'm watching a movie on VHS tonight, in light of being able to watch it digital. Oh, don't worry. I'm still a snob.
It's w i d e s c r e e n.

Nostalgia will always move units.

Keep your station clean - OR I WILL KILL YOU
I really hope not, I love collecting Blu-Rays. I just love feeling a physical project. I agree with Citizen Rules, there's always going to be people who collect these kind of things, so they will continue to make them. I mean, they still cell physical CDs, and we all know those sell way less than DVDs and Blu-Rays

Depends what your definition of "soon" is. Eventually technology will allow us to stream any bit of recorded material we want right out of the air and directly into our cerebellum. No screens. No discs. No annoying VR glasses. No nothing. Just pure data translated right into our audio/visual nerve endings. Me? Im going to keep buying physical media if for no other reason then to annoy my kids with a lot of bad/obscure movies to deal with when I die.
Farewell and adieu to you fair Spanish ladies...

Not trying to troll here, but isn't it already obsolete? DVD's took over so fast from VHS that we didn't even notice that we don't need DVD's anymore. Take it from a guy that used to catalogue hundreds and hundreds of movies. I still have over a thousand of them from that last time I moved. A word of caution to all you would be collectors out there. It took me longer to box up and move my considerable DVD collection than it was worth. I still have a bunch of it left even after selling a bunch of it off. And once you buy a DVD its virtually worthless. At least if you take it out of the package, which ya kind of gotta do if ya want to watch the damn thing.

So yeah, I wouldn't say soon, I'd say its already here. @Citizen Rules Have you tried a VPN? If your internet company is already squeezing you, you may have to use it for a month or two before they leave you alone. You have to scramble your signal if you want to stream or download these days. There's free ones available.
We are both the source of the problem and the solution, yet we do not see ourselves in this light...

Trouble with a capital "T"
...@Citizen Rules Have you tried a VPN? If your internet company is already squeezing you, you may have to use it for a month or two before they leave you alone. You have to scramble your signal if you want to stream or download these days. There's free ones available.
Thanks for the tip. No I haven't used a VPN before. I don't think my ISP is slowing down my movie streaming due to the end of Net Neutrality, it was also slow. I have a cheaper DSL broadband connection. Works great for MoFo and the internet, but forget streaming with it.

"Luck don't live out here."
While I do think that there will be a service (or services) where you can build an entire online movie collection (regardless of studio, publisher, etc.) in the future, I don't think Blu-Rays will ever be fully replaced. They may not produce as many as they do these days, but there will always be people, like myself, who prefer to collect physical versions of films.

Thanks for the tip. No I haven't used a VPN before. I don't think my ISP is slowing down my movie streaming due to the end of Net Neutrality, it was also slow. I have a cheaper DSL broadband connection. Works great for MoFo and the internet, but forget streaming with it.
You'd be surprised how good even the cheapest internet is. There's a few good free vpn's out there. Its worth it. I bet after a few months you'll see a difference in signal. The thing is... movie companies and entertainment businesses monitor a lot of the web looking for their content and they can literally see what you search for and where you're searching for it. A VPN just scrambles that. All they see is the traffic but can't tell what you're actually looking at. I'm still not sure about net neutrality but I sure don't like people spying on my search history in my mastabatorium.

I'm not old, you're just 12.
I actually don't care for streaming, I'd much rather own my favorite films on DVD or Blu Ray. Streaming can't offer deleted scenes or director's commentary tracks, and I just enjoy owning things. Netflix or whatever aren't going to add EVERY movie ever, a lot of them will just disappear without people who want them on physical media. If anything, I'd like a return of video stores instead of Netflix or Redbox. Sure, those are easier, but I miss being able to get older films that Redbox doesn't have or that Netflix isn't streaming due to rights issues. Also, studios need to stop trying to ram digital downloads down our throats, it's never going to replace actually owning movies.
"You, me, everyone...we are all made of star stuff." - Neil Degrasse Tyson

My question is based on an hypothesis which, I think, is quite realistic.

My hypothesis is that in the near future there will exist a sort of platform similar to netflix on which we will be able to watch pretty much any movie we want in the best visual/sound quality available at the time in exchange for a mensual fee (like Netflix). So if the best at the time is 4k the films will be shown in 4k, but it will constantly adapt to technological advances.
There already are if you combine all titles on Netflix, Mubi (for arthouse), Amazon streaming, Hulu and Crunchyroll (for anime) you can get more diversity in content than you would get from the DVD collection available for sale in Amazon.

DVDs have been obsolete since 2008-2009 taking in consideration illegal downloading: the last time I rented out a DVD was in 2008. Never brought one since around 2005-2006.

Thanks for the answers, I see that the most popular reason for most of you to keep collecting movies of movies is collecting or ''liking to have a physical copy of the film'' which I can understand.

My fear is that in 3,4,5 years my DVD/Blu Ray will only be a decoration because even though the picture quality/sound is pretty good, it's less good then what digital medias can offer, so I would never watch them, they would just stay there for me to watch them occasionally.

Guap, if it stays like that I would continue to buy physical copies because I don't want to have 5 mensual fees to pay haha.

Maybe but it's cheaper than buying physical copies. I have 3 services: Amazon, Netflix and Crunchyroll and I pay for the 3 combined 17 dollars. Much less than cable used to cost. The reason I pay so little is that I have Netflix and Amazon in Brazilian reais so converting to dollars is less and crunchyroll is 5 dollars a month.

That elusive hide-and-seek cow is at it again
I'm not sure cost is limited to just streaming subs. I've got base ISP connection at $50+/mo. With my OLD rear projection, quality is reasonable between low streaming quality and low screen resolution. If I had a better T.V., I can't imagine I'd be satisfied with my current price bracket streaming quality. So up it would go, bumping cost too.

I personally prefer the potential quality of DVD/Bluray when compared to my service. I also like knowing the movie is in hand rather than combing through providers that probably do not offer what I might want to see.

That's not to dismiss the convenience of streaming. I'm just speaking to why I like my hard copies in hand.

I hope they stick around for a good while.

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The truth is in here

And I especially disagree they would have become obsolete already. Movies still come out of theaters on DVD, and collecting is still a huge thing. And streaming services still have incomplete movie selections. There are movies they wouldn't even dream of importing, and I won't do with "good enough". With DVD you also get at least acceptable quality, whereas streaming links can vary very wildly in not only picture quality, but sound quality as well.

And I just love owning movies and TV shows. Watching on a TV screen is always more comfortable than watching on a computer screen. Few things I love more than popping on some X-Files when I'm in the mood.

DVDs own. May them never go away.

Weird is relative.
I still have a couple of movie rental stores nearby where I live. I last rented DVDs a few months ago. There's also a local store that sells DVDs for $5, $10, or more for the new releases, as well as the Wal-Mart locations which do the same thing. That was helpful when I went Christmas shopping in December.
The public libraries offer a selection of new, older, and classic films on DVD, which I can borrow free for a week at a time.

I certainly hope DVDs/Blu-rays won't stop being produced, because not everything is available online/with good quality, and streaming online can cost you a lot of money if you pay for a plan with plentiful GBs.

With so luck, Blu-ray may be the final frontier format. I don't know of the next format, or even if one could get widespread enough to thrive. If that's the case, it may continue to be successful for a while.

It's nice to not have variables (internet, streaming service) affect whether or not you are going to watch what you want.