Game of Thrones Season 7


That was kind of a goofy episode...
We are both the source of the problem and the solution, yet we do not see ourselves in this light...

This might just do nobody any good.
It's been a goofy season but I'll take it.

Seriously, what the f**k were they going for here?

WARNING: spoilers below
great battles tonight!
Cersei vs Tyrion
Theon vs Jon
Jorah vs Jon
Were the highlights

You can't win an argument just by being right!
How is this a spoiler? Get outta the thread and don't come until you've seen the episode before you make assumptions.

Oh wait, coming from a guy with 9k posts in 6 months, I'm assuming you just have to reply to every thread
Wow, thanks for confirming you have zero manners. Confirmation wasnt required but thanks anyway.

We've gone on holiday by mistake
Wow, thanks for confirming you have zero manners. Confirmation wasnt required but thanks anyway.
It's a fair point that has been brought up many times before, but don't blame others for your lack of self control. I would never enter a GOT thread if a new ep had dropped and I hadn't seen it.

Well played Sansa, gg LF. Loved the look on his face, surprised as I was, I totally thought Arya was gonna have a trial and it would turn around in the end though.

Guess that answers the question about whether the Dragon will shoot Ice or Fire.

Too much time wasted on Theon, I'm thinking cmon get to the good ****.

Thought in general it's been a good season, hit and miss though. A full rewatch needed though.

You can't win an argument just by being right!
It's a fair point that has been brought up many times before, but don't blame others for your lack of self control. I would never enter a GOT thread if a new ep had dropped and I hadn't seen it.
How many time zones are there in the world? How soon after it finished airing in the east coast did he post it? No one else on here has done that. It;s just plain rude, and so ws his response.

We've gone on holiday by mistake

You can't win an argument just by being right!
Dont yell at me. THANKS IN ADVANCE. Gee is there something in the water bringing out the inner macho comacho? Far out. Screamers have no bloody manners.

We've gone on holiday by mistake
Is it wrong to hope for a car accident where you will be in a Coma for 18 months but when you wake up GOT will have dropped.

You won't be able to use your legs but you will know everything.....just like Brann.

You can't win an argument just by being right!
Is it wrong to hope for a car accident where you will be in a Coma for 18 months but when you wake up GOT will have dropped.

You won't be able to use your legs but you will know everything.....just like Brann.
Stop being a tool. This is about dropping a spoiler seconds after it screened in east coast of Murica, not 18 months later. And your cripple comment is pretty disgusting. Calm yourself.


Why would you even want to be in this thread at all before you've seen the episode? It seems to me that reading this thread before you've watched the season finale is just asking for spoilers.

You can't win an argument just by being right!
Hilarious. First time you've ever tagged me, and why?

The ironing.

We've gone on holiday by mistake
Stop being a tool. This is about dropping a spoiler seconds after it screened in east coast of Murica, not 18 months later. And your cripple comment is pretty disgusting. Calm yourself.
So let me get this straight, you expect the forum to wait until you have seen the episode (which will be what UK time 1030pm tonight) before they discuss the show in the DESIGNATED thread for doing so. It's everyone else's fault for talking about it and not yours because you cant stay away for a few hours.


Who will stop the burgle?
Get this Theon mess outta here.

Everything else was great. Bran finally spilled the beans. I just don't see how they are gonna deal with that dragon...

28 days...6 hours...42 minutes...12 seconds
A lot of what we knew (or at least I knew) happened in the finale.


Littlefinger - Great acting in this episode, he should have GTFO'd when Bran threw his Chaos is a ladder line back at him. He's a schemer, the show is not about scheming anymore, it's about the Great War and he's not a fighter. Thus, he's not needed. He tried his best, but he couldn't deal with someone who could see all his lies (Bran).

Cleaganbowl - More hype....more nothing. At least the line the Hound gives The Mountain might lead to it later on....

Jon/Danny - Everyone saw this one coming...poor Jorah. They're part of the High Seas Club now.

Theon - Going to be a weird and short side plot with his family rescue. I called it, just as the fight started, that he would be kicked in the groin and feel nothing. Laughed when it happened.

Lannisters - Oh man, I actually feared for Jaime's life for a second. When she nodded....but thankfully he walked away. Still not sure if she is pregnant or not and if she is, won't live to deliver the baby.

Winter - Finally came

Bran/Sam - I get having to spell it out for certain people, but it felt a little like overkill this episode.

The Wall - So we all knew this was how it happened, right? The Night King a greenseer? Maybe that's why they are taking so long to get to the wall because they needed the dragon and they were basically waiting. Who knows....

So despite knowing that all these things would happen (Littlefinger, Wall, Jonny) it was still a good episode. Maybe a tad (just a tad) underwhelming, but good.
"A laugh can be a very powerful thing. Why, sometimes in life, it's the only weapon we have."

Suspect's Reviews

The thing isolated becomes incomprehensible
Just watched it...

Spoilers below!!!

For a moment I thought Cersei was going to keep her promise, but then she revealed her true thougts to Jaime and I was like: "ohhh, of course you stupid!". This just means she is going to die soon, hopefully by the hands of Jaime!

Littlefinger death was one of the moments I was most looking forward to. I hated the guy so it felt amazing!

All the revelations of Jon Snow were kind of obvious again, the Sam and Bran dialogue is probably to anounce he's about to know the truth. It will be weird to see his relationship with Dany after it, cause know he's a legitimate heir to the throne and I don't think she'll like that very much!

Finally, when I thought this would end with all the "Winter has come" vibe, it comes the wall scene! That was incredible! I'm just curious to see what happened to to Beric and the wildling. I don't think they died on the fall. Maybe we hear from them again...

2 years to wait now, it just means i'll have to rewatch this thing twice...

Welcome to the human race...
Hilarious. First time you've ever tagged me, and why?

The ironing.
You want to talk irony, just check your usertitle.

Episode was OK, I guess.
I really just want you all angry and confused the whole time.
Iro's Top 100 Movies v3.0

@Dani8 No spoiler was dropped there. Unless I misread, you're new to GoT right? Some fandom nods to each other happen that are even a thing in the books, so the references have been dropping for years. It's not spoiler, it's just knowing the characters like you know the BB characters.

Have you had a chance to watch all the seasons? I feel like a marathon of it soon.

We've gone on holiday by mistake
Predictions for how **** will go down;

WARNING: "speculation" spoilers below
Episode 1- Another meet up episode, Jon learn truth. Jamie turns up and tells of Cersei betrayal. Problem is Enemy to North NK and army, and Cersei behind. Euron off to hire GK, Melissandre will intercede here I Think.
Episode 2- Team Arya/Hound (perhaps others)head off to takedown Cersei + Mountain, I mean why else have we had seasons worth of Arya training.
Episode 3- Some kind of defeat/retreat from the North
Episode 4- Team Arya takes down Cersei, Westeros/GK will unite to fight the Great War under Jon/Dany.
Episode 5- Preparations conclude for the BIG ONE
Episode 6- Big Battle, victory/death/bittersweet and a nice little epilogue/montage.

Azor Ahai though?? What will Brann do to stop NK??


stop arguing people, you're both right and wrong, spoilers would be polite but I wouldn't visit the board from the moment it airs anywhere (legitimately) until I'd seen it

I don't get the Theon hate, I thought Alfie Allen was really good this episode
this might be my favourite episode yet, will watch again tonight probably

WARNING: "Stark spoilers" spoilers below
liked the execution of how the LF stuff played out, that his plan to pit the Starks against one another failed miserably, was worried that the Stark sisters would look like idiots for a while
can i have one of those buttons?