250 Of Camo's Favourites

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To be fair I think it is a boys film tho.
"Boy's film"? You clearly don't know me at all.

I hated Paul Dano's performance and didn't find any of the characters particularly interesting. I do like the ending though.

You posted about it a week ago here - http://www.movieforums.com/community...66#post1651966

You must have repped it then.

But it allowed me to rep it today, so I couldn't have repped it last week, or I'm tripping and it didn't rep today, but I'm sure it did.

Oh right, you must have quoted it to make your post then forgot to rep it i guess. I misunderstood you there, thought you were saying that you didn't know you had repped it already.

28 days...6 hours...42 minutes...12 seconds
Did you just thumb down There Will Be Blood ???

Does it star Joaquin Phoenix? No.

Is it an animated? No.

Why would she?
"A laugh can be a very powerful thing. Why, sometimes in life, it's the only weapon we have."

Suspect's Reviews

221.Hiroshima Mon Amour (Alain Resnais, 1959)

222.The Descent (Neil Marshall, 2005)

223.Shame (Steve McQueen, 2011)

224.Double Indemnity (Billy Wilder, 1944)

225.Sense And Sensibility (Ang Lee, 1995)

I didn't care for Hiroshima. Haven't seen the rest though I'm a little surprised by the inclusion of Sense and Sensibility. Period romances just don't strike me as your kind of thing.

I didn't care for Hiroshima. Haven't seen the rest though I'm a little surprised by the inclusion of Sense and Sensibility. Period romances just don't strike me as your kind of thing.
They aren't at all. No idea why that one worked for me so much. Caught it on tv once and expected myself to turn it off early out of boredom and/or annoyance but i got completely into it. It's the only Ang Lee film anywhere near this list too.

Trouble with a capital "T"
I like period piece romance-dramas, especially the Jane Austen ones with their social hierarchy, glad to see Sense & Sensibility. Same with Double Indemnity Barbara Stanwyck is one of my favorite classic period actresses, great noir.

My favorites of that set are Shame and The Descent.

I know Hiroshima is good, but after 2 viewings I'm still not sure how I feel about it.

I've only seen Double Indemnity once. I liked it but that's about it.

I didn't like Sense and Sensibility.