2016 Mofo Film Awards - The Nominations


Watching all of the Best Picture Nominees just made me not want to watch movies at all. Watching The Camerman yesterday reminded me why i'm a movie fan in the first place.

Welcome to the human race...
I haven't much felt like playing last-minute catch-up either. At this rate I figure I'll get in the remaining BP nominees and Silence at the very least, but other than that...who knows.
I really just want you all angry and confused the whole time.
Iro's Top 100 Movies v3.0

What did you think, hopefully, at the very least, you liked both of them.
I really liked Swiss Army Man.

Sing Street I liked the first 2/3 of, but I wasn't interested in the last part. The switch occurred during the song they were making an American prom video to. I didn't like that song, or any song that came after it, which kind of killed it for me because I really enjoyed all the music up until then. I didn't particularly care about the romance or whether they'd end up together or not. It was still better than many of the movies I saw from 2016 though.

28 days...6 hours...42 minutes...12 seconds
I really liked Swiss Army Man.

Sing Street I liked the first 2/3 of, but I wasn't interested in the last part. The switch occurred during the song they were making an American prom video to. I didn't like that song, or any song that came after it, which kind of killed it for me because I really enjoyed all the music up until then. I didn't particularly care about the romance or whether they'd end up together or not. It was still better than many of the movies I saw from 2016 though.

Aw man, that fantasy dance sequence was one of my favourite parts!!!! All the music they play at the concert was great!!!! Oh well.
"A laugh can be a very powerful thing. Why, sometimes in life, it's the only weapon we have."

Suspect's Reviews

28 days...6 hours...42 minutes...12 seconds
I've completely given up. I'd much rather take part in Raul, Cob and Sean's Chaplin/Keaton thread than know whatever the Oscars are talking about.
This ain't no Oscar thread!!!!

I just find it funny that a lot of people are trying to get the Oscar films in, as if we have to conform to their ideas as to what a best film of the year entails.

None of my top 4 films were nominated for anything. I spit on the Oscars.

I would love to see more genre films be nominated than the go to Oscar fodder. Let's get films like The Witch or 10 Cloverfield Lane in there, but I'm not going to try and convince people. They watch what they watch.

Welcome to the human race...
Even the 2015/2016 movies I've got shortlisted on Netflix aren't feeling too intriguing right now. I figure that Under the Shadow is a must (Kermode's #1 has to be worth checking out), but otherwise they look middle-of-the-road at best. I'll see if I get around to them.

"I smell sex and candy here" - Marcy Playground
I spit on the Oscars.
I don't even waste my spit anymore. They're all "FAKE NOMINATIONS".
"I may be rancid butter, but I'm on your side of the bread."
E. K. Hornbeck

Submitted my ballot. Yee-haw?
"Film is a disease. When it infects your bloodstream it takes over as the number one hormone. It bosses the enzymes, directs the pineal gland, plays Iago to your psyche. As with heroin, the antidote to Film is more Film." - Frank Capra

While looking back at my list of what I've seen from last year, I realized that I forgot to mark Assassin's Creed off after I saw it.

I assume my brain wanted me to forget I had even seen it.

28 days...6 hours...42 minutes...12 seconds
Holden Pike has sent in his list!!!!

Don't feel rushed if you still need to squeeze in a few more films. March 1st is the deadline, 11 days away.

It’s A Classic Rope-A-Dope
We have a front runner. Sounds good. 80 minutes as well. Nice, should be able to get The Cameraman in too with that run time.

Hmmm, never heard of that. Look pretty interesting.
Seriously? I've been mentioning it constantly hoping some of you guys would try it. I love it but it's very weird the way it's made potentially annoying to some. I even spoke to one of the guys who made it here - http://www.movieforums.com/community...13#post1627413

@seanc Hope you like it man

Trouble with a capital "T"
We have a front runner. Sounds good. 80 minutes as well. Nice, should be able to get The Cameraman in too with that run time.
I just read about Krisha that sounds interesting to me.I will see what you think of it as I can't get it right now, it's not available for DVD at Netflix...it figures. I swear I've added a dozen 2016 movies to my queue and they all say, not available at this time, ugh!