The Top MoFos Countdown 4ever - The List


Women will be your undoing, Pépé
I gotta go take care all!!!!
What I actually said to win MovieGal's heart:
- I might not be a real King of Kinkiness, but I make good pancakes
~Mr Minio

You can't win an argument just by being right!
And great job, DungeonMistressV *thumbsup*

Trouble with a capital "T"
I didn't vote for Daniel as I hardly know him...but damn he is one smart film guy. For such a young person who is well watched in all genres and years. I respect him for that.

I don't see CosmicRunaway yet. She's certainly high for a quasi-newbie.

You can't win an argument just by being right!
I don't see CosmicRunaway yet. She's certainly high for a quasi-newbie.
I concur.

I don't see CosmicRunaway yet. She's certainly high for a quasi-newbie.
I expected to be rather low on the list. There's been so many great members show up now that I really don't believe more people voted for me than them, so I'm just going to assume I'm not on the list at all haha.

I expected to be rather low on the list. There's been so many great members show up now that I really don't believe more people voted for me than them, so I'm just going to assume I'm not on the list at all haha.
No, you're here because you're my #8.

One Pointers List

For those new to the MoFo countdown experience, the One Pointers List consists of those who received only 1 point. This means that only one person voted for them and had them placed at #25 on their ballot.


The Duchess


Thursday Next


Trouble with a capital "T"
I expected to be rather low on the list. There's been so many great members show up now that I really don't believe more people voted for me than them, so I'm just going to assume I'm not on the list at all haha.
You're so wrong about that

90sAce and The Duchess got mentioned.

Now THIS is a Top MoFos Countdown.

The one from last year was kinda lame. Sorry, Suspect.

I expected to be rather low on the list. There's been so many great members show up now that I really don't believe more people voted for me than them, so I'm just going to assume I'm not on the list at all haha.
I'll say this you are one of the people in my top 10 so.....

And as if she really thinks she's not on the list. Stop that!
Well, I also thought I'd be one of the first people voted out in Survivor VI. Apparently I'm bad at predicting things haha.

Well, I also thought I'd be one of the first people voted out in Survivor VI.
You should have been.

When I was a player - before I somehow turned into the host - I had a strong hunch you would be dangerous and should be taken out early.