The Resident Bitch's New Top 100 Favorite Films

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Far and Away
(Ron Howard, 1992)
Previous Rankings: 2010 - N/A, 2013 - 62

This film doesn't seem to get a lot of love from others, but it'll always get it from me. I doubt there's much historical accuracy to this tale, but I really don't care. I really like the performances of both Cruise and Kidman, I love the imagery, and of course there's Ron Howard's skill at manipulating my emotions.

(James Algar, Samuel Armstrong, et al., 1942)
Previous Rankings: NEW TO THE LIST

This has been a favorite of mine since I was very young and I really have no idea how it got overlooked for my previous lists. It features one of my absolute favorite animated characters, Flower, and it's the only classic Disney movie that I truly love. It still gets me twitterpated every time.

I certainly didn't expect to see Far and Away here, not that I've seen it. I wouldn't have thought it your type.
I first saw it when I was 11 or 12 and I was much more into romantic movies back then. There are a couple of others that I fell in love with at about that same age that will also be showing up.

I've heard of Far and Away but i don't really know anything about it. Bambi is perfect. Glad it was included this time, #1 Disney and top five Animated Film for me.

Miss Vicky's Loyal and Willing Slave
Another little catch-up required. While I would certainly rank Cars amongst the lesser Pixar films I do still find it to be really quite entertaining. I actually just watched the sequel a week or two ago but didn't particularly care for it. I think that could largely be attributed to the film putting Mater front and center and I find the character really quite annoying. I loved the Land Before Time films as a kid but when I rewatched the first film a couple of years back I found that the magic was gone for me. Point Break and Who Framed Roger Rabbit are two of my own favourites as well.

Then we come to the Tarantino dilemma. I really didn't like Inglorious Basterds the one time I watched it. Like really, really didn't like it. Django Unchained however I did rather enjoy, certainly more than the large majority of his films. Though that being said I've felt no desire to revisit it since then. And as I said in Camo's thread I believe, Bambi is one of the few classic Disney films that I've revisited in recent years and which still worked for me.

It’s A Classic Rope-A-Dope
Two movies I haven't seen in many years. I remember both being fine. Especially surprised to see Far And Away so high on any list but it definitely seems like something you would hate.

Especially surprised to see Far And Away so high on any list but it definitely seems like something you would hate.
Why would you think I'd hate it?

2022 Mofo Fantasy Football Champ
If Raul hates it, Miss Vicky loves it.
If Miss Vicky hates it, Raul loves it.
If just Raul has seen it, Miss Vicky has no interest in seeing it.
If Miss Vicky has seen a film Raul hasn't and she likes it, Raul will watch and think it's "OK"

(David Fincher, 2007)
Previous Rankings: 2010 - 26, 2013 - 32

Full of atmosphere and great performances, this gripping drama is made all the more creepy by its basis in real events and by the locations where the murder took place - not far from where I live.

The Libertine
(Laurence Dunmore, 2004)
Previous Rankings: 2010 - 50, 2013 - 27

Possibly my favorite Johnny Depp performance in a film that is almost reminiscent of a certain Joaquin Phoenix movie. It is irreverent, raunchy, and tragic. Definitely not a film for the prudish or easily offended.

The Nightmare Before Christmas
(Henry Selick, 1993)
Previous Rankings: 2010 - 39, 2013 - 48

A perfect melding of the two most fun holidays, with wonderfully whimsical animation, memorable characters and great songs.

Zodiac is great; second favourite Fincher. Kinda like i was saying earlier with Roger Rabbit i'm never really sure how much i like A Nightmare Before Christmas, i did last time but that's not always the case. Not seen The Libertine.

The Libertine looks interesting; I may have to check it out.

I was impressed with Nightmare but didn't enjoy it.

I need to see Zodiac again to know how much I like it.

Over the Hedge
(Tim Johnson and Karey Kirkpatrick, 2006)
Previous Rankings: 2010 - N/A, 2013 - 50

A hilarious and adorable send-up of our food obsessed, consumerist culture with great vocal performances from Bruce Willis, Gary Shandling, Steve Carell, William Shatner, Nicke Nolte, and others.