Donald Trump for President?


All of this makes me think about something Citizen Rules said in another thread, how the Donald Trump for President? thread brings out the worst in everybody. That's how our culture is these days really. It's all about casting your opponent in the worst light possible. Making them look as bad as they can, dump horsecrap on them, misrepresent them, which can be achieved as easily as clever word choice. Instead of people bringing out the best in each other, seems like that'd be a much better model although it does go against the internet law of the point is to always come out on top
Accusing me of misrepresenting you with "clever word choice" in the same paragraph you talk about how we need to stop dumping on each other makes it seem disingenuous. But I'll take it at face value anyway, and ask: can you think of any method of "bringing out the best in each other" that doesn't involve us both being open, honest, and meaningfully responding to what the other says? Because I can't, and that's all I've been asking for.

(Note that I included my funny video as an addendum to a serious response, and not instead of one. Important distinction, that.)

Also the whole idea of saying someone doesn't care is twisted up. I've never said that.
I wasn't responding to you, or even thinking of you, when I said that.

But I do see the tactic. When a person likes to have fun, has a sense of humor, and likes to be entertaining, their opponents cast them as NOT SERIOUS. Which doesn't make it true they just manipulate it that way.
See above. And if you really believe in what you just said about not "casting your opponent in the worst light possible," I think not assuming everything they say is a "tactic" or a "manipulation" would be a pretty good start.

Anyone who took the time to watch my video I posted in the It's time to start a terrorist attack thread and make it sticky thread should realize genuine sincerity can be behind a more fun exterior.
I took the time to watch it when you sent it to me privately awhile back. I told you what I liked about it, and even hazarded a guess as to what it meant and how it fit into your support of Trump. My reply didn't contain the slightest bit of hostility or judgment, and you still said nothing in response.

In fact, if you look back over virtually every interaction we've had, you'll find I've consistently matched your tone: any time you show even the slightest hint of compromise or congeniality, I immediately do the same. But it never makes a difference. It's either met with more silence, or more hostility/accusations.

Maybe people forget that if Trump is a successful president, brings back jobs to our country, increases the GDP to a better rate- in the 1980s under Reagan we got it as high as 11.39% in 1983, and on average in the 1980s our GDP was at like 7.78% which is awesome, it hasn't even been that high in one year since my 80s decade- right now it's 2.81% which is pretty terrible, if we can protect our borders so that less Americans are killed in terrorist attacks, lower taxes for companies and get America working again then we all win win win. Which is the point.
Sure, and if all that happens, I'll be very pleased. The question is why you think it will, because there doesn't seem to be any evidence for it. Heck, even in this wish list, you mention Reagan and growth during the 80s. But Trump's core economic position, protectionism, is anathema to Reagan's! Reagan believed in free markets. So do I, and so do most conservatives. Do you? Did you before Trump came along?

Those are the kinds of questions that are going to be involved in any discussion about Trump and his Presidency. They're simple and fair. There is no malice or manipulation in them. They are (if I can be forgiven a "clever word choice" without being accused of more manipulation) the RINO in the room. And if you're willing to address this kind of stuff honestly, I'll match your tone, with no hostility or gloating. Whaddya say?

Damn you TONGO . Just got rep for that last post and i realized you deleted yours making me look insane. Thanks
Sorry Homie I 86'd that post cause Yoda hasnt had a chance to get a response yet.

I watched Trevor Noah grill Tomi Lahren last night on his show. I watched it in black and white though, because I don't see color.

One of Trumps Senior advisors.

As an aside, why is Kellyanne Conway a regular on CNN? Do they pay her? Then what about the cheeeball Trump guy with the lame goatee? And some other blond supporter of Trump's? Yet, I can't recall one advisor, supporter, or campaign worker of Hillary's being a regular on CNN. While it might be fair to criticize Hillary for not having had more dynamic, attention hungry people to campaign for her, it was ultimately CNN's decision to make their network the unofficial Trump Channel. And yet Trump supporters will bash CNN all day long, even though CNN did everything they could to drown out every other candidate in their chasing of ratings.

I can't stand CNN, for these very decisions. Anybody remember how they spent three months of continuous coverage on the missing Malaysian airplane, before finally realizing the mystery wasn't going to be solved? They're run by some pretty special types over there.
I may go back to hating you. It was more fun.

Please Quote/Tag Or I'll Miss Your Responses
As an aside, why is Kellyanne Conway a regular on CNN? Do they pay her? Then what about the cheeeball Trump guy with the lame goatee? And some other blond supporter of Trump's? Yet, I can't recall one advisor, supporter, or campaign worker of Hillary's being a regular on CNN. While it might be fair to criticize Hillary for not having had more dynamic, attention hungry people to campaign for her, it was ultimately CNN's decision to make their network the unofficial Trump Channel. And yet Trump supporters will bash CNN all day long, even though CNN did everything they could to drown out every other candidate in their chasing of ratings.

I can't stand CNN, for these very decisions. Anybody remember how they spent three months of continuous coverage on the missing Malaysian airplane, before finally realizing the mystery wasn't going to be solved? They're run by some pretty special types over there.
Lame goatee guy, LOL... He is such an a$$-kisser.. CNN is awful, but so are all the others.

As an aside, why is Kellyanne Conway a regular on CNN? Do they pay her? Then what about the cheeeball Trump guy with the lame goatee? And some other blond supporter of Trump's? Yet, I can't recall one advisor, supporter, or campaign worker of Hillary's being a regular on CNN. While it might be fair to criticize Hillary for not having had more dynamic, attention hungry people to campaign for her, it was ultimately CNN's decision to make their network the unofficial Trump Channel. And yet Trump supporters will bash CNN all day long, even though CNN did everything they could to drown out every other candidate in their chasing of ratings.

I can't stand CNN, for these very decisions. Anybody remember how they spent three months of continuous coverage on the missing Malaysian airplane, before finally realizing the mystery wasn't going to be solved? They're run by some pretty special types over there.
Whereas a politician will handle the media waringly, Donald Trump has been an outright camera whore long before deciding to run for office. He must be extending this behavior thru his staff. To say he is accessible is an understatement, and it worked wonders. Trump had ALOT more airtime and exposure than Hillary, and she spent more. Remember how they said bad press is better than no press? That even counts for elections too I guess.

On a lighter note...

President-elect Donald Trump suits himself by not dressing up for extravagant Long Island costume party

Trump dressed up as himself while campaign manager Kellyanne Conway wore a Supergirl costume.

President-elect Donald Trump played the role of party pooper-in-chief at a swanky Saturday night costume soirée in Long Island themed “Villains and Heroes.”

Trump showed up at the ultra-exclusive fiesta thrown by hedge fund manager Robert Mercer in a staid dark suit and checked tie.

On his way into Mercer’s lavish Suffolk County estate, Trump was asked who he was dressed up as.

The Republican hero pointed to himself and mouthed “me.”

Joining Trump was his campaign manager Kellyanne Conway, who was dressed as Supergirl.

The staff and security on hand were dressed as Hells Angels and retro Salvation Army members.

Trump’s motorcade left the grounds about 10:30 p.m., roughly two hours after he arrived.

In an interview last week, Conway described the invitation-only party as “the hottest ticket in town.”

Whereas a politician will handle the media waringly, Donald Trump has been an outright camera whore long before deciding to run for office. He must be extending this behavior thru his staff. To say he is accessible is an understatement, and it worked wonders. Trump had ALOT more airtime and exposure than Hillary, and she spent more. Remember how they said bad press is better than no press? That even counts for elections too I guess.
Could totally see Trumps accessibility being a major selling point for some people. Even him continuing to be so vocal on Twitter which he is surely being advised against; cause people will think this means he'll be a more open and truthful president. Obviously he won't be, and that's not even a knock against Trump there's just certain things he can't say. Plus i imagine even he will seriously tone this down when he actually takes office. It's gonna be amazing if he doesn't though, imagine Obama, Bush, whoever responding to all of the criticism they recieved during their presidencies regularly. Jesus.

And yeah you are definitely right on the Hilary thing. The only times when she was in the media more than Trump (if even then) was during the health stuff or about the FBI investigation.

Could totally see Trumps accessibility being a major selling point for some people. Even him continuing to be so vocal on Twitter which he is surely being advised against; cause people will think this means he'll be a more open and truthful president. Obviously he won't be, and that's not even a knock against Trump there's just certain things he can't say. Plus i imagine even he will seriously tone this down when he actually takes office. It's gonna be amazing if he doesn't though, imagine Obama, Bush, whoever responding to all of the criticism they recieved during their presidencies regularly. Jesus.

And yeah you are definitely right on the Hilary thing. The only times when she was in the media more than Trump (if even then) was during the health stuff or about the FBI investigation.
Yeah, if I ever get elected to a major political position, I probably would spend too much time writing stoic essays debunking criticism towards me versus actually doing stuff.

Trouble with a capital "T"

That photo is a plus for Trump. It's good publicity. And it gives an image of a active, non-stuffy guy, who's the life of the party. If he keeps working the media like that, his popularity will go many Americans judge their Presidents heavy on the personality side and light on the issues side. I mean can you picture Hillary in that photo Or even Obama.

Yeah, if I ever get elected to a major political position, I probably would spend too much time writing stoic essays debunking criticism towards me versus actually doing stuff.
I'd vote for you Mushroom