Animation Hall of Fame


I finished watching all the movies, and if I counted correctly, I only have two more write-ups to do, Waltz with Bashir and Wall-E (my nom).
You hated Waltz With Bashir, right?

Also, i don't have your Castle Of Cagliostro review in my post. Did i miss it?

You can't make a rainbow without a little rain.
You hated Waltz With Bashir, right?

After watching the first few minutes, (the part with the dogs), I thought I was going to hate it, but then it took a turn into a real thought-provoking movie, and I kind of liked it. It's not my favorite movie in this HoF, but it was a lot better than I expected.
If I answer a game thread correctly, just skip my turn and continue with the game.

You can't make a rainbow without a little rain.
Also, i don't have your Castle Of Cagliostro review in my post. Did i miss it?

It's one page back. I started with a comment about subtitled vs. dubbed because I was replying to Cosmic's comments, but then I just kept typing and it ended up being my write-up.

Here's the link:

So the next day, I watched the dubbed version, and while the story was the same, it almost felt like a different movie. It was much better being able to just sit back, relax, and enjoy the movie.
I didn't have the same problem you did with the subtitles, so I think the only thing the dub might change for me would be my opinion of Lupin, if he even comes across any differently in the other versions.

Do you know if you watched the 1992 Streamline dub with Bob Bergen, or the 2000 Animaze one with David Hayter? My room mates thought Lupin was great, but they only saw the Animaze version.

Waltz with Bashir
(2008)/ואלס עם באשיר
Dir. Ari Folman
Starring: Ari Folman, Miki Leon, Yehezkel Lazarov

Going into Waltz with Bashir, I didn't know very much about the Lebanon war, but an intimate understand of the events that took place is certainly not necessary to understand the film. I think my lack of information may actually have helped the film, because I was discovering these tragedies with the film maker, as his repressed past was constructed piece by piece.

While watching the film, I thought the animation looked like a strange (but effective) mix of rotoscoping and Flash, but apparently no rotoscoping was involved, and it was instead composed of Flash, traditional animation, and cut-outs. It was a very imaginative look, and I really liked how the more simplistic design of the humans in the war scenes allowed for colours to really stand out.

If the audio was not lifted directly from personal interviews, then they did a good job making all the dialogue sound authentic. It really was a wholly well-produced film, and I'm glad I got the chance to see it. It's definitely something that will stick with me for awhile, particularly because the ending scenes (both animated and the footage that follows) were pretty devastating.

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are you really that scared of spiders?? what do you do when you see one in real life?

** gee i dont know what happened here,i was responding to gbg who had the last post and then suddenely there a whole page inbetween
Britney is my favorite

My room mate, who I am going to dub the "Backseat MoFo", wanted to point out that he thought the film looked really beautiful. Coming from him that's really a huge compliment, because he never mentions the aesthetics of any film.

You can't make a rainbow without a little rain.
I didn't have the same problem you did with the subtitles, so I think the only thing the dub might change for me would be my opinion of Lupin, if he even comes across any differently in the other versions.

Do you know if you watched the 1992 Streamline dub with Bob Bergen, or the 2000 Animaze one with David Hayter? My room mates thought Lupin was great, but they only saw the Animaze version.

I didn't know that there was more than one dubbed version. I checked, and the end credits listed "Animaze ".

You can't make a rainbow without a little rain.
are you really that scared of spiders?? what do you do when you see one in real life?

** gee i dont know what happened here,i was responding to gbg who had the last post and then suddenely there a whole page inbetween

I'm terrified of spiders. I have several phobias, and it's my worst one.

It's Hubby's job to kill spiders, even if he's sleeping and I have to wake him to do it. If he's not home, I use the vacuum with a very long hose to vacuum up the spider, and then I vacuum the rug for at least 10 minutes after it's sucked up, just to make sure that it's dead.

I'm terrified of spiders. I have several phobias, and it's my worst one.

It's Hubby's job to kill spiders, even if he's sleeping and I have to wake him to do it. If he's not home, I use the vacuum with a very long hose to vacuum up the spider, and then I vacuum the rug for at least 10 minutes after it's sucked up, just to make sure that it's dead.
You do know that spiders can easily live weeks inside a vacuum cleaner, right? They don't die just by being sucked up. A vacuum cleaner is a very ideal habitat for a spider.

Nothing good comes from staying with normal people
Oh that's just mean, man!
Why not just kill them? I'll do it! I'll run up to Paris - bam, bam, bam, bam. I'm back before week's end. We spend the treasure. How is this a bad plan?

2022 Mofo Fantasy Football Champ

Tokyo Godfathers SPOILERS

This was my first Satoshi Kon film and from what I can tell he is a very artistic filmmaker. The animation in this film was really stunning to look at and the set pieces that were created were extremely well done.

The three main characters which are all homeless find a baby in a heap of trash and our determined to find the baby's family roots. I couldn't necessarily connect with any of these characters because to me, they all seemed a bit extreme. One of them constantly calling themselves a homo just didn't seem realistic to me. There wasn't anything unbelievable about the teenager or the old geezer but I did at times find their scenarios hard to connect with. The teenager was for sure the one of the three that I empathized with most.

The storytelling was pretty solid most of the time, but I did have trouble with the ending on the rooftop. Really, the lady was going to jump off with the baby? And how crazy did it seem when Hana saved the kid? She surely would have died and the kid would have as well.

I liked when the geezer met his kid but then it seemed ruined by Hana's temper tantrum. And I liked when the teenager met her father.

It's a good movie but I wouldn't necessarily rush to watch it again or call it a favorite. There were just things that would throw me off from truly 100% enjoying it.


Check out Perfect Blue when you get the chance, Raul. It's my favourite Kon film and i have a feeling it would be the one to work best for you. Maybe Millennium Actress if not.

2022 Mofo Fantasy Football Champ
I take it you haven't spent much time around flamboyant LGBT people.
Nope, so maybe it just seemed weird to me, especially since usually using that word is offensive to most of them I know.

2022 Mofo Fantasy Football Champ
Check out Perfect Blue when you get the chance, Raul. It's my favourite Kon film and i have a feeling it would be the one to work best for you. Maybe Millennium Actress if not.
Yeah, I want to see his other big 3 yet. I'm sure the animation is equally as great.