The 9th Mofo Movie Hall of Fame


The thing isolated becomes incomprehensible
The only thing I wasn't expecting was Time Lapse ranking lower than Death Race. From my Top 3, only one film wasn't disqualified and that film was the winner so I'm pretty happy with The Best Years of Our Lives taking this!

Oh, and I got a 3rd place, not bad...

  1. Beasts of the Southern Wild
  2. The Best Years of Our Lives
  3. La Regle du Jeu
  4. Lives of Others
  5. Adaptation
  6. Dead Man Walking
  7. Time Lapse
  8. No Man's Land
  9. The Descendants
  10. Leave Her to Heaven
  11. The Magnificent Ambersons
  12. Mickey and Nicky
  13. Brief Encounter
  14. Death Race

2022 Mofo Fantasy Football Champ
my list! including where the dropouts would have been

1 Descendants
2 best Years of Our Lives
3 Leave Her to Heaven
***Dead Man Walking***
4 Death Race 2000
5 Brief Encounter
6 Magnificent Ambersons
7 Mikey and Nicky
8 The Lives of Others
9 Time Lapse
***Beasts of the Southern Wild
***The Piano***
***The Rules of the Game***
10 No Mans Land

I'll be honest, it was the weakest HOF for me in quite sometime overall. I really only loved my top 3.

It’s A Classic Rope-A-Dope
Seeing where Death Race ranks on some lists brings home the point that there is like <5% objectivety in art. Which is cool, but makes so much of what we talk about here useless.

Congrats Vamp . Haven't seen The Best Years of our Lives, planning to soon. Good to see The Descendants do well, i love that film, my second favourite Payne after About Schmidt.

I actually haven't seen most of these, the one i'm looking forward to most is Brief Encounter.

Save the Texas Prairie Chicken
First, thanks to Raul for running a very good HoF.

Second, thanks to anyone who liked my film enough to place it high enough on their lists for it to end up as high as it did in the end. I love "The Best Years of Our Lives". So I really love seeing that it did very well in this HoF.
I became insane, with long intervals of horrible sanity - Edgar Allan Poe

It's sad that it's over, it was a really fun experience! as it was my first Hall of Fame , I really had a good time, hope I participate in the next one and thank you Rauld!

Thursday Next's Avatar
I never could get the hang of Thursdays.
My list:

1. Brief Encounter
2. The Rules of the Game
3. The Lives of Others
4. Leave Her to Heaven
5. The Best Years of Our Lives
6. No Man’s Land
7. Adaptation
8. The Piano
9. Dead Man Walking
10. Mikey and Nicky
11. The Descendants
12. Time Lapse
13. The Magnificent Ambersons
14. Death Race 2000
15. Beasts of the Southern Wilds

I thought Leave Her to Heaven would finish higher.

Was it just me or were there more dropouts than usual?

As promised I will finish each and every nominee from those who stayed in and send in a list. They watched my film and I will watch theirs.

After all, the whole list-thing is the main purpose of these HoFs, but the real reason we do it is to share favorites, discover new ones and discuss cinema, which we all love. So even though I might not have send in a list in time, I will finish this HoF in respect of those who joined and finished, and I will post my thoughts no matter the fact that I'm all alone on this one now.

... But you already knew all this, right? Didn't you see my notes in the window?

Haha, yes, I watched Time Lapse and I'm simply a sucker for these time travel/dimension/future/past type of films, so this was right up my alley. All movies like these have flaws and especially the low budget indie ones may not only suffer from typical flaws, but also those that come with indie films; the acting may not always be up to par, the technical stuff may not always be on point, but I respect it anyhow and they did a fine job with this one.

And as a critic stated, the good films from this time-travel genre may be flawed, but they often make you overlook the obvious. I didn't always like how this progressed, but for the most part it had me hooked. The concept pretty much came pre-packed with tension and this is one of those movies where the idea itself is interesting enough to carry the film. That said, I think this was better than just an idea; there is also more to it than that. It said a lot about people and how they think and react, which may have been cliché at first but then transformed into something deeper and stronger. I liked that. The soundtrack was great too; it brought me back to the simplicity of an 80s Carpenter score or along those lines. Simple, but effective.

A HoF winning contestant? Maybe not, but a great risk on nominating this and I'm glad I got to watch it. It kept me hooked and I had a great viewing experience. That's all I ask for.


Mickey and Nicky was a mixed experience for me. The two performances was great and their screen presence kept the thing going. But the rest around it was pretty bland and the story was a little too hollow and thin. But I did like how it was a smaller story over shorter time and how we just dropped in the middle of it. I actually did dig the ending too. A worthy nom and I'm glad I watched it.

Now it's only the big one left... Best Years of Our Lives