Rate The Last Movie You Saw


New Rose Hotel

An enigma I'm too stupid to figure out.


Need to revisit this one day.
I think you're giving this film too much credit. If this was by a director you didn't rate, I think you'd write it off.

HK suggested this? What the hell?
I would've recommended this to him because he's left this world. It's a horrifically dull, boring film. It's perfect for him now.
5-time MoFo Award winner.

Please Quote/Tag Or I'll Miss Your Responses
Superstar: The Karen Carpenter Story

It's different. I don't usually grade documentaries - it's either a "Watch" or "Don't Watch" and I'd watch it. It's only 43 minutes long, and available for free on youtube.

Registered User
Just watched Brooklyn and it had everything to be such a good movie, but they just had to turn the previously very decent woman into a sociopath whore. What a let down, the movie was just so freaking good before she started cucking her husband.


Welcome to the human race...
Runaway Train -

Still can't believe Cannon actually made a genuinely good movie.
I really just want you all angry and confused the whole time.
Iro's Top 100 Movies v3.0


refreshing joke at comic book movies as well as nailing being one. humor, real talk, hand grenades, guns, explosions, women. ryan reynolds looking like the inside of other people's azzholes, or like freddy krueger face-f*ked a topographical map of Utah, or like an avacado that had sex with an older avacado. this will be the second movie of the 2010s decade that i buy, the other of course being Scream 4. Better than the last movie i saw in theaters, Blah Wars 7: The Schwartz Awakens

8.0 / 10

Careless Whisper

Welcome to the human race...
The New World -

After a while, commenting on how Emmanuel Lubezki's cinematography is aesthetically pleasing and technically accomplished starts to become redundant.

The Number 23 (2007) - Joel Schumacher

- Far from being a perfect movie but it entertain me all way through and the movie has so many details that it's very nice scene after scene. Joel Schumacher is a director that I like a lot and he, yet again, convinced and impressed me. Jim Carrey in more serious role is pretty good and in this movie he give a solid performance and the rest of the cast is also pretty good as well. God knows how I love psychological thriller and the first time I watch this movie I didn't understand half of the movie (I was 13 years old back in the day so ) but with a rewatch 7 years later I can easily say that it's perfectly my kind of flick. I was on the edge of my seat during the entire second part of the movie and the ending is by far the greatest thing about it because it's simply brilliant. In conclusion, I dig it and I probably gonna buy it in blu-ray soon.
''Haters are my favourite. I've built an empire with the bricks they've thrown at me... Keep On Hating''
- CM Punk

Welcome to the human race...
To the Wonder -

What I said about The New World two posts up is especially applicable to one seriously meandering film.

the samoan lawyer's Avatar
Unregistered User

Touch of Evil (1958)

Sets the tone with an epic tracking shot opening, Touch of Evil is an extremelydark and gritty noir that really holds up well. I found Welles almost unrecognizable as the hard-nosed police captain, a part he plays quite brilliantly. I wasn't particularly sold on Heston's character but he put in a good shift. Meanwhile I thought Janet Leigh was absolutely superb. All in all, an excellent, atmospheric noir-thriller.


Tim Miller | 2016

The Finest Hours
Craig Gillespie | 2016

Hail, Caesar!
Ethan Coen, Joel Coen | 2016

La Jetée (short)
Chris Marker | 1962

Ride Along 2
Tim Story | 2016

World of Tomorrow (short)
Don Hertzfeldt | 2015

To the Wonder -

What I said about The New World two posts up is especially applicable to one seriously meandering film.
On a Malick marahton to lead up to Knight of Cups???

Playing By Heart (1998)

The dressmaker - 5/10. Average with tacky fashion.
My Favorite Films

Trouble with a capital "T"

Touch of Evil (1958)

Sets the tone with an epic tracking shot opening, Touch of Evil is an extremelydark and gritty noir that really holds up well. I found Welles almost unrecognizable as the hard-nosed police captain, a part he plays quite brilliantly. I wasn't particularly sold on Heston's character but he put in a good shift. Meanwhile I thought Janet Leigh was absolutely superb. All in all, an excellent, atmospheric noir-thriller.

...I picked up Touch of Evil a couple days ago at my library, after reading your write up I'm looking forward to it even more!