MoFo Lists


I hope, it's the right thread for this:

There are the different spellings of My Neighbour Totoro. With the "u" in 80's Top 100 and without the "u" in Roger Ebert's and the Top Animated list.

Similar with Bride of Frankenstein: Without "the" in Ebert's and the Top Sci-fi list and with "the" in the Top Horror list.
Thanks, this is fixed. Some of you guys might have to re-check the movies in question, though. Sorry about that.

And yeah, this thread is fine, though PM or profile comment is fine too.

The film Adaptation is featured on both Top 100 of the Millennium and Ebert's Great Movies, however it is displayed with a period on the Ebert list. This caused me to search and cross off the same film twice.

Same thing with the film Se7en being spelled with a "v" instead of the number 7 on different lists, again causing me to search and cross the same film off twice.
[ J ] - [ S ] - [ F ]

This is all a lot of work when all you've really got to do is copy/paste my top 10 for the correct answer.
5-time MoFo Award winner.

The film Adaptation is featured on both Top 100 of the Millennium and Ebert's Great Movies, however it is displayed with a period on the Ebert list. This caused me to search and cross off the same film twice.

Same thing with the film Se7en being spelled with a "v" instead of the number 7 on different lists, again causing me to search and cross the same film off twice.
Thanks, I'll fix both shortly. If you've checked them both off already then you should be fine once I've fixed it, but you might wanna double check later just to be safe.

Léon: The Professional is featured on two lists and is spelled differently which requires separate searches as well. The other title has "The Professional" in brackets.

Spotlight has been added to the Best Picture Oscar Winners list. I think this is the first year nobody had to remind me the next day, and even then, only because someone joked about it in the chat.

I don't know if this is bump worthy but i just updated the Cannes Award Winners list and i noticed you haven't added this years winner I, Daniel Blake yet. Just thought i'd mention it in case you had forgotten.

New one!

Movie Forums: Top 100 of the 1950s

Decent chance one or two of these are unintentional duplicates and/or linked to the wrong year/title/whatever, so lemme know ASAP if you guys notice anything.