Fear and Loathing in MoFo... The Gunslinger45's Top 50 Favorite Films.

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The Godfather and Goodfellas should be at least 20 spots higher.

Seriously though, this is so far one of my favorite lists to read. So many great films! I haven't seen Gran Torino though I know I really need to. It was awesome seeing Evil Dead 2 pop up! Night of the Living Dead and Eraserhead are amazing films also.

Really looking forward to seeing what else you got!

33. The Hunt for Red October (1990) (PG) USA
Thriller / Political

I love Cold War movies. I am fascinated by films where the two biggest kids on the block in global politics were at the same time at each other’s throats, but never actually traded blows. At least not directly. This film was a story about what could have happened had we had another crisis between the US and the USSR. Kinda like a Cuban Missile Crisis only with both sides trying desperately trying to stop one rogue Soviet Captain with a silent running sub, with a few hundred nuclear warheads. If did not crap yourself a little thinking about a situation like that, something is wrong with you. What follows is an intense political thriller filled with big names, excellent dialogue and writing, and a REALLY bitchin soundtrack. Including one of my all time favorite opening themes. This has been one of my favorite movies for years, and I still watch it when I can.

Ah, Hunt for Red October. I'd like to watch it again because there were elements in it that I liked, but I didn't enjoy it at all sadly. I much prefer Crimson Tide, but who knows on a rewatch I might dig the former more

Ah, Hunt for Red October. I'd like to watch it again because there were elements in it that I liked, but I didn't enjoy it at all sadly. I much prefer Crimson Tide, but who knows on a rewatch I might dig the former more
I am the opposite. Didn't really like Crimson Tide, but adore this film.

Trouble with a capital "T"
I like Cold War movies too, The Hunt for Red October is one of the greats. I just seen Crimson Tide a couple weeks ago. I didn't care much for it, but it was a fun thriller.

I've only seen Hunt for Red October once (a long time ago... wasn't that Alec Baldwin in it?).
Anyway, I've seen Crimson Tide a few times... because I like it so much. It's one I can watch again & again. One of my favorite Hackman films.
And aside from the main stars - what a background cast: James Gandolfini, Lillo Brancato (who James Ganolfini later kills in the Sopranos and who unfortunately goes to jail in real life!), Ricky Schroeder, Steve Zahn, Jason Robards, among others!

Trouble with a capital "T"
I was surprised that Ricky Schroeder had such a small part. I believe Crimson Tide was after Lonesome Dove so I found that odd that his role was tiny. I love submarine films of all types.

Have you seen Gray Lady Down? it's a pretty good sub flick, and I thought David Carradine was interesting as the rouge rescuer in his little mini sphere.

I was surprised that Ricky Schroeder had such a small part. I believe Crimson Tide was after Lonesome Dove so I found that odd that his role was tiny. I love submarine films of all types.

Have you seen Gray Lady Down? it's a pretty good sub flick, and I thought David Carradine was interesting as the rouge rescuer in his little mini sphere.
I share your love for submarine films, Rules. (In fact I seem to like a lot of sea-going / ship films a great deal). So I'll keep an eye out for Gray Lady Down.

Speaking of ship films, have you seen Master and Commander? (I love that film!)

Goodfellas was once my favourite film, still love it. Eraserhead is in my top ten and my fave Lynch. Also really like Night of the Living Dead and Evil Dead 2. Haven't seen the rest.

32. Zombieland (2009) (R) USA
Horror / Comedy
Theater (Original Release)

I was REALLY big into zombie movies in my college days thanks to George Romero. So when I saw this was coming to theaters, I had to see it. What I got was a very original and VERY funny take on the zombie movie. Great cast, great sets, great gore, big laughs, easily one of the greatest cameos in any movie ever, and lots of fun. I saw it twice maybe three times in the theater. It was just so much fun to watch. It was also one of the very first movies I remember downloading to my then brand new i-Pod. It is my favorite horror comedy, and still one of the best time I had in the theater.

31. The Shining (1980) (R) USA

Speaking of awesome times in the theater, this was a FANTASTIC movie to see on the big screen. Seeing the movie on the TV screen at home is intense enough, but to see it at the cinema magnifies the intensity and the atmosphere of the film 10 fold. I wrote a full review on my theatrical experience with his movie here.


So I will not go into too much detail there. Just know this is what horror can achieve when it is in the hands of one of the all time greats.

30. Le Samourai (1967) (NR) France
Thriller / Neo Noir

This was a film I had been meaning to see for a long while. I liked the name, the look of the Criterion box cover, and the fact it was a neo-noir crime picture. Problem is Hulu does not stream it, so I had to get the DVD. And when I did I was very happy with my purchase. This film is the embodiment of “cool.” Some people will say with good reason that the likes of James Dean, Steve McQueen, or Paul Newman define cool for them; but for me I will take Alain Delon any day of the week. Delon plays a hitman named Jef Costello. A meticulous man who is very good at what he does. He gets the job done, has solid alibis, and goes home at the end of the night. But he has to change his target after he is double crossed on a job. Full of the night life of Paris, the criminal underworld, and one hitman who wears what I like to call, “the white gloves of death,” Le Samourai is an exceptional visual masterpiece of French crime movies.

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Not seen Vice Squad yet but more great picks GS. Red October was good but not really my thing. You get extra marks for Le Samourai, Evil Dead, The Shining and Eraserhead.
Too weird to live, and too rare to die.

3 great films! I can't remember a ton about Zombieland though—saw it only once right when it was released on DVD. The Shining is one of the GOATs in horror and Le Samourai was in my top 100.

Master of My Domain
Wow, you've posted so many films so I can't really write my thoughts about every single film but I have to say this is great diverse list. You have horror-comedy mixed in with personal guilty pleasure and just pure masterpieces. I think you did a good job of balancing the amount of those films to make things not too consistent and always have a little twist, because one day there would be Evil Dead 2 and the next day there would be 2001: A Space Odyssey. Very fun list to follow so far.

Night of the Living Dead & Eraserhead, turn em on when the lights go out. first watched Eraserhead on a cold evening around midnight in my old widescreen setup down in a dark unfinished basement. Nice picks Gun, ah, and nice to see your Top 50 Favorites *corrected*