Star Wars: The Force Awakens


I loved everything about the teaser. Not seeing any of the original characters, John Boyega in a Stormtroopers uniform, the little droid, Tattooine, X-Wings, the Millennium Falcon, the mysterious Sith with his badass looking lightsaber, and the fact that it looks and feels like an original trilogy Star Wars movie. Just... awesome.
TOP 100 | "Don't let the bastards grind you down!"

I'm glad I can have the discussion about the hilted lightsabers here not the YouTube comment section.

That place is horrifying.

Anyways my opinion I like the hilts because it gives more of a Jedi 'Knight' feel than before.
Because the YouTube comment section is full of trolls, BS philosophy, antagonizers and general idiots. Here we have mostly sensible human beings.

Master of My Domain
Yep, this is the most mature and sensible and friendly Internet forum I have ever posted on.

We've gone on holiday by mistake
I think having a smaller forum makes for a bit more community spirit. Being on a forum with thousands of members just degenerates into...well degeneracy.

I am here to poop all over your civility! I AM FROM FERGUSON!!!!!!

Also, this.


My name's Bobby Peru, like the country.
I like the theory of the Sith saber being set with an unstable crystal, could explain the peculiar beam and need for an exhaust. Though i wish they went in this direction regarding design.

These are too good.

Just like I thought it would, the black stormtrooper at the beginning of The Force Awakens trailer has caused controversy:

'Star Wars Episode VII' actor John Boyega takes aim at 'black Stormtrooper' racism

(CNN) -- Actor John Boyega has four words for anyone who's upset he's playing what appears to be a black Stormtrooper in the latest "Star Wars" film: "Get used to it."

The 22-year-old British actor posted the message on Instagram yesterday after his appearance in the new trailer for "Star Wars: The Force Awakens" aroused feverish discussion on social media. On YouTube, some questioned whether a black Stormtrooper made sense, while others reacted with racist remarks.

Supporters responded on Twitter with the hashtag #BlackStormtrooper.

"They'll accept an alien-filled galaxy powered by 'force' but they're not having a black man in uniform?" tweeted writer Iain Macintosh<&callback=load_tweet">/a>.

"Love how there's "controversy" over a #BlackStormtrooper. Even in a galaxy far far away black people exist and can be dynamic characters too," tweeted
Joseph Oteng<&callback=load_tweet">/a>.

"#BlackStormTrooper better not die first, or I am going to be pissed," quipped USC professor
Robert Hernandez<&callback=load_tweet">/a>.

Despite the diversity of human and nonhuman characters mingling together in the fictional Star Wars universe, there have been just a handful of prominent black characters. Samuel L. Jackson played Jedi Master Mace Windu in three films, while Billy Dee Williams played Cloud City administrator turned Rebel General Lando Calrissian in two films.

James Earl Jones also provided the legendary voice for Darth Vader, but the actor under the mask was white.

In the "Star Wars" series Stormtroopers were originally clones of Jango Fett, an ethnic "Mandalorian" played by New Zealand-born actor Temuera Derek Morrison, of partial Maori descent. Later in the storyline, when Boyega's "black Stormtrooper" character would've lived, Stormtroopers were recruited from general populations -- making a Stormtrooper of any race certainly feasible.

As fans continue to dissect the trailer, many have also pointed out Boyega may not even be a Stormtrooper -- he could be a rebel in a Stormtrooper uniform, like Han Solo and Luke Skywalker in "Star Wars Episode IV: A New Hope." Fans will have to wait a bit longer to find out more about Boyega's character.

Articles based on things random people say on Twitter might as well be titled "I couldn't come up with an actual story so I wrote this instead."

Registered User
I'm glad I can have the discussion about the hilted lightsabers here not the YouTube comment section.

That place is horrifying.

Anyways my opinion I like the hilts because it gives more of a Jedi 'Knight' feel than before.
Youtube comments are disproportinately overrun by OCD manchildren

Articles based on things random people say on Twitter might as well be titled "I couldn't come up with an actual story so I wrote this instead."
Does not matter. It's interesting. Twitter is what the world is saying.

Not currently on fire...
I like the challenge - could you say anything so stupid on a Youtube comment that people would know you were just taking the ****...?
@MondoEsoterica - an insight into my world of seriously obscure cinema.

It’s A Classic Rope-A-Dope
What exactly is interesting about it? I'm not trying to be Colbert here, but I never even thought about it till Sexy brought it up that day. What exactly are we trying to "figure out".