The Sopranos: An Ongoing Show Analysis by mrtylerdurden


An Introduction

I have been interested in this show for quite some time. I've heard great things about it, and over the years I've come to really respect James Gandolfini as an actor. And how could I NOT watch a show about the mafia? I LOVE mafia movies, so an entire series about the mafia will be great! Now, usually if I'm not totally hooked by the second or third episode, I give up on a show, but I'm not doing that with The Sopranos. It seems that this is a show that grows on you. So, I want to give it time to sink in and not just ditch it right away. So far, I am not completely entranced by the story and I'm not excitedly fumbling with the remote to get to the next episode, but that's ok, because I really like the show so far. I wouldn't call it perfect, but I'm only 3 episodes in, and every show has it's "first episodes flaws". I'm sure that the show will improve as I get into it. That being said, I'd like to discuss the pilot episode.

The pilot episode was pretty good. I wouldn't call it the best pilot I've seen but it was good enough. There was some choppy acting here and there, but I don't expect perfection in the first few episodes. Overall, I think it set up the story very well. It introduces you to the main characters very well, and throws in a few mafia movie references to please the "mafia movie crowd". I really like the exchanges between Tony Soprano and his therapist, not just in the first episode, but in all the episodes I've seen since. It's nice to take a break from all the chaos to hear a bit of conversation over all that's happened in Tony Soprano's life. The therapist scenes are definitely a plus so far.

I am also very much pleased with the camerawork. Low lighting in dark mafia scenes and bright lighting during the family scenes really helps make a contrast between the two worlds. I am certainly impressed by the camerawork and it will definitley have me coming back for more.

So far James Gandolfini is great. You can tell that he is such a complicated character and 3 episodes in I can see that we are going to be seeing so much from him. I'm very excited to learn about this character as the show goes on.

I really like the pacing of The Sopranos so far. They don't make too much happen in each episode leaving you confused, they let you know things bit by bit and let the story naturally unfold. It's like an excessively wrapped Christmas present. You keep tearing off the wrapping paper bit by bit, and when you're finally done, you're glad that you took the time to get to the final reveal. It's about the journey, not the destination. That's why I like the story of The Sopranos, it's very well paced.

As a mafia show, this has just about everything I was hoping for. 'Nuff said.

I really like The Sopranos so far. Everything fits together really well. The story, the characters, the acting, the camerawork, all of it comes together to make one helluva show. And I'm only three episodes in. I will try and continue an analysis of the show, maybe not episode by episode, but every few episodes or whenever I feel compelled to write about it.

Feel free to comment, just as long as you don't leave any spoilers. As I get into the show, if any of you would like to discuss it with me I would be more than happy to oblige.
Thank you if you took the time to read this, I hope you enjoyed it.
Through the darkness of future past
The magician longs to see
One chants out between two worlds:
Fire walk with me.

Have been wanting to watch this myself since all the praise it got by everyone around.

I finally decided to start on it a month ago or so, and I'm like you 2-3 episodes in and it hasn't really caught me yet. But yeah it does feel like it's a show that needs time to evolve into something much greater...

I'll jump into this thread again when I'm back at it! Right now I feel like there's a few shows I wanna finish first, so I can focus on The Sopranos a lot more.

The Sopranos
Season 1
Episode 4

WARNING: If you haven't made it this far in the show yet and plan on watching it, don't continue reading this post. There will be spoilers.

Episode 4 is by far my favorite episode so far. With the emotional death of Jackie, the current leader of the New Jersey Mafia we get to see that Junior is going to be taking over, which is a bad thing for Tony, but Tony, being the respectable guy that he is, accepts it and doesn't fight it. This really adds to his character. We see that he doesn't want a war. He is not a bloodthirsty animal, unlike his nephew Chris who is ready to go to war. Tony is a man of peace, for now.

Another thing that makes this episode great is when Anthony Soprano Jr finds out his dad is a part of the violent mafia. It's heartbreakingly sad and yet poetic. How can Tony expect to be in the mafia and not allow this darkness and violence to effect his family? It's inevitable. But the final scene of the episode is what really sets this apart from the others. The episode ends at the funeral of Jackie, with Tony's son in the distance realizing what his father is involved in. Tony smiles and winks at his son in the distance, showing a true and compassionate love for his child, and the final shot is Anthony Jr. looking back at his father, saddened and heartbroken at the reality of what his father really is. This all happens while a beautiful song plays in the background and we fade out into the credits. A great ending to the episode.

Now, if you'll excuse me, I need to watch episode 5.

If it wasn't for Twin Peaks this would probably be my favourite TV show, absolutely brilliant and glad your enjoying it so far. The family dynamics are what make it so interesting and effective. Episodes and seasons are a bit of a blur to me, as I watch them all pretty quickly, so it's interesting to see you going back over them and reminding me

It’s A Classic Rope-A-Dope
Amazing show. Along with The Shield my favorite ever. Glad your enjoying it.
I rewatched season 1 a few months ago but then got rid of my HBO. I will revisit it eventually though. I will say don't expect all those dangling threads to get tied up. Not that kind of show.

I'll add that when I watched the first few episodes I didn't fall completely in love either, but it's something you want to keep watching and you fall in love and realise its fantastic. I saw the first episode again last year I think, and I remember it made much more sense and I seemed to enjoy it more.

The Sopranos is fantastic. There are episodes where nothing really happens at all, but I never tired of it all through the series. I've watched the whole lot 3 times now and will probably watch it again soon. Glad you're enjoying it

We've gone on holiday by mistake
I love the Sopranos. The first 2 seasons are the weakest but still great in their own right.

I love the Sopranos. The first 2 seasons are the weakest but still great in their own right.
Really? Every critic I have ever read believes the first season is the best and I agree. For people new to the series it's not always appreciated because everyone is trying to figure things out, but on re-watching I found it the most entertaining. I WILL say that the Pine Barrens episode in season three is probably the best single episode. I will also say that unlike other TV shows I have watched and re-watched (The Office and Cheers), you don't get tired of the characters, you actually start to like them more. I threw things at the TV when they killed off Soprano characters and by the end of Cheers, I would have been happy if they had killed off half the characters.

I just loved the whole lot. I loved the way the writers were merciless in killing off even well loved characters. They made me gasp sometimes!

OK, I am currently on episode 11 of season 1 and I'm starting to understand the show more. I originally thought that this show was going to be a complicated story about a man in the mafia and it will have one basic storyline that every episode will be about. I was wrong about this, but that isn't necessarily a bad thing. In a way, The Sopranos is almost like a nonlinear comedy show, with new challenges to face in every episode. You could possibly watch an episode of The Sopranos season 1 and get a good idea of what the show is about if you know the characters. It isn't the same story for every episode. For example, there's one episode where Tony takes his daughter on a trip to look at colleges. But they never really talk about anything that happened during that episode afterward. It's almost like we're looking at Tony Soprano's life day by day, instead of just one long story episode by episode. I like that so far. It helps to build character development before the real serious stuff starts happening (and I'm sure it will).

This feels like one of those shows where they get the audience comfortable with the characters and their everyday lives and then throw in something dark or violent, throwing everyone for a loop. Or is it a show where things keep building up until they reach a breaking point and things start going wrong. I could be wrong about both of these things, but that's where I see the show going for now.

Finished season 1. Pretty good. A lot of buildup but that's ok because I like character development. I thought the season finale was great and the scene where Tony is yelling at his mother while she's on the gurney was just amazing. Looks like Tony's the boss now. On to season 2 episode 1!

Finished season 1. Pretty good. A lot of buildup but that's ok because I like character development. I thought the season finale was great and the scene where Tony is yelling at his mother while she's on the gurney was just amazing. Looks like Tony's the boss now. On to season 2 episode 1!
Tony was always the true boss, that's why Uncle Jun tried to kill him in the first place and also why Tony was yelling at his mother in that scene. Tony was secretly meeting the other captains (Larry,Jimmy,etc), at his mother old folks home to make Family decisions; Tony's mum told Junior because she was bitter about being put in the home.

The Sopranos is my favourite ever TV Show, i loved all Season but 1 was one of my favourites. One of my favourite scenes from the 1st Season -

Just finished episode 3 of season 2 and there's things i like and things I don't so far.
First of all, so far the in this season the focus has been less on Tony and more on other characters, which in a way is good because we get to meet new characters and get more development on other characters. But it also seems like Tony is just a bossy, unsympathetic character right now. I'm really hoping that the therapist scenes come back. Also, I love Richie so far. I know he's a jerk but what can I say? I think it's funny watching the grumpy and angry character. He's kind of a "guilty pleasure character" if you will. Anyway, on to episode 4!!!

Just finished episode 3 of season 2 and there's things i like and things I don't so far.
First of all, so far the in this season the focus has been less on Tony and more on other characters, which in a way is good because we get to meet new characters and get more development on other characters. But it also seems like Tony is just a bossy, unsympathetic character right now. I'm really hoping that the therapist scenes come back. Also, I love Richie so far. I know he's a jerk but what can I say? I think it's funny watching the grumpy and angry character. He's kind of a "guilty pleasure character" if you will. Anyway, on to episode 4!!!
In no way is Richie a "guilty pleasure", the guy is hilarious . It's daaaaa jacket

Damn you're quick! Anyways, just finished Hannibal today, and got a free gift certificate to HBO streaming today as well, so now I REALLY will be diving into the world of Tony Soprano! Haha