Quentin Tarantino's The Hateful Eight


You both make good points and I agree with a lot of them but I still think violence can serve to artificially enhance a drama. Would, for instance, The Sopranos have been as lauded and loved if it was about insurance salesman?
It annoys me when people say things like this, I don't think you can say if it would be better or worse, it would have been a totally different show. The Sopranos works because it is set within a closed enviroment, and all the characters inhabit the same world pretty much, it's a look at family, and life in general, deals with plenty of moral issues and in no way glorifies or promotes violence, even the opposite, and it's a very funny and touching show too.

Plus Mad Men is almost about an 'insurance salesman' and it's regarded as one of the best modern tv shows, so...

Winter Calls Thy Name
When I speak of violence I don't just mean its graphic representation, I also include its specter. Tony Soprano or the guys from Goodfellas weren't whacking everyone all the time but you knew it was coming at some point and that creates suspense, allure, etc. The violent nature of these characters work the same way: they're interesting, watchable, largely due to what we know they're capable of.

It's true, of course, that you don't need violence to make a great drama or that it's the only ingredient that makes a great drama with violence great. But I do think it's something that can enhance a drama simply by it's incorporation and enable it reach levels it might not otherwise reach. Movie after movie and TV show after TV show (in the US at least) includes violence on some level for a reason: violence sells. (I think it'd be interesting to see what women have to say about generally acclaimed violent dramas and how that compares to men. That may put things in clearer perspective.)

As I've stated before, this doesn't mean a director who uses violence isn't great but that his touch can never really transcend the violence he depicts, that it's inextricably tied to it.

Originally Posted by VFN
As I've stated before, this doesn't mean a director who uses violence isn't great but that his touch can never really transcend the violence he depicts, that it's inextricably tied to it.
I don't agree at all and I've already stated multiple times why I don't, so I'm not going further into it anymore.


PTA's Inherent Vice is premiering in October and there has litterally not been a single piece of promoting material distributed. The Hateful Eight has not even started filming yet and here's the first marketing poster already:

Tarantino is just a much better salesman or at least he surrounds himself with better marketing people (PTA is known for doing all the promoting material for his films himself).

It also seems like this film will be shot in 70mm, just like PTA's The Master.
Cobpyth's Movie Log ~ 2019

Gangster Rap is Shakespeare for the Future
Tarantino is just a much better salesman or at least he surrounds himself with better marketing people (PTA is known for doing all the promoting material for his films himself).
It's the latter, Tarantino is much more of a studio guy than PTA, he's got the resources. Though, his whole crybaby shenanigans about this movie was a pretty good marketing strategy, and I could see that being him coming up with it.

Apparently, there's a teaser trailer for Hateful Eight accompanying Sin City 2's release.
Here's the article.

Through the darkness of future past
The magician longs to see
One chants out between two worlds:
Fire walk with me.

Apparently, there's a teaser trailer for Hateful Eight accompanying Sin City 2's release.
Here's the article.


I was just about to cite this article myself.

Here is the teaser poster for the film that was included in the new edition of Empire Magazine.

That "teaser trailer" seems more like a promotional stunt for Sin City 2 to me. Tarantino is just helping out his friend, Rodriguez. He also was a "guest director" for the first Sin City.

I mean, there isn't even any actual footage yet, so what significance could this little teaser really have?

That "teaser trailer" seems more like a promotional stunt for Sin City 2 to me. Tarantino is just helping out his friend, Rodriguez. He also was a "guest director" for the first Sin City.

I mean, there isn't even any actual footage yet, so what significance could this little teaser really have?
Usually they just simultaneously release the trailer online as well, so I'm sure if they do reveal it this week, it'll be available to everyone for free. But yeah, even still, I'm sure that "trailer" should still bring a few extra people into the theater Maybe an official cast will be revealed alongside it, or something, I dunno. I'm still intrigued.

I really can't wait for this movie. Django is my second favorite of his movies (Pulp Fiction takes the cake for me,) so I'm definitely excited to see him venture back into the west again.

28 days...6 hours...42 minutes...12 seconds
At quick glance, the poster looks like a lightsaber.
"A laugh can be a very powerful thing. Why, sometimes in life, it's the only weapon we have."

Suspect's Reviews

So I just got even more excited for this movie because of this news. JLaw is flirting with the idea of being in this flick. My favorite actress working with one of the best directors. Win Win. If the role is big enough you might as well chalk up another nomination for her.

I came here to do two things, drink some beer and kick some ass, looks like we are almost outta beer - Dazed and Confused

101 Favorite Movies (2019)

Gangster Rap is Shakespeare for the Future
I've always said that Jennifer Lawrence's acting style is going to be some of the fastest to become dated. I think we're going to be wondering how she was so well regarded and laughing at her performances in ten years (if you're not already, that is...)

It’s A Classic Rope-A-Dope
I like Lawrence especially in Winter's Bone. Plus it is Tarantino who gets good performances almost no matter what. I have only liked Thurman twice in my life. It should not be hard to guess in what movies.

I've always said that Jennifer Lawrence's acting style is going to be some of the fastest to become dated. I think we're going to be wondering how she was so well regarded and laughing at her performances in ten years (if you're not already, that is...)
Literally every time I have watched her on a movie screen, I forget I am watching a movie. If that becomes dated I think movies are in trouble.