Justin's Avatar
Last Activity: 10-28-14


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2,676 POSTS



15¾ years HERE

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Showing Comments 9 to 12 of 23
  1. 10-05-11
    Love your avatar. I love "Everything Is Terrible!" videos.
  2. 04-16-11
    We can do that; you're sure you want it closed? Just want to confirm.
  3. 04-11-11
    Aye, sorry man, all filled up, season already started, etc. 14 teams, too! Yikes. But hang around! We'll need people next year; the league has grown more popular each year, and while we hit 10 and 12 fairly quickly, it took a lot longer to get the last couple, I think, so anyone who gets in anytime near the initial recruiting announcement should find plenty of room.

    Sorry; wish we could've gotten you in this year, as it's always the more the merrier. You're totally welcome next year, though, and in this year's football league, if we get a new CBA. Though you'll definitely have to get into football early; that sucker has gotten rabid.
Stoker   9/12/14
With his newest film, Stoker, he is constructing a different sort of film

The Sweeney   9/12/14
Director Nick Love struggles with balancing a gritty cop drama (that might be trying just a little too hard to

The Cabin in the Woods   5/11/12
We as the audience demand certain traits of our horror, yet we still see the same slasher films over and over,

The Secret World of Arrietty   5/05/12
I encourage everyone to see this film, as it’s one of the few pieces of pure, original animation left. It feel

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