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Last Activity: 38 minutes ago


2022 Mofo Fantasy Football Champ
34,635 POSTS



14¼ years HERE

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Showing Comments 841 to 844 of 851
  1. 06-26-10
    Yes my name is Bailey or some people call me by my middle name Taryn. I have really enjoyed the site here.
  2. 06-25-10
    Hey finally figured out how this whole comment thing worked. I didn't want to come off as a snob or anything. Thank You for the welcome and I enjoy chatting with you on the forums.
  3. 06-15-10
    I'll have to check with our Commisioner, he's in kentucky. I should mention there is a cash component to be had. $50 entry, which wont need to be paid til a week b4 the draft (mid-august)

    Also, the odds on you getten Aaron Rodgers is slim, he'll probably be a keeper..lol
  4. 06-15-10
    yeah, I'm in a FF league on Espn. 1 keeper allowed from existing team (last years edition), there may be an opening if you are interested.
Wedding Crashers   3/03/20
Obviously not a perfect movie but I usually rate movies based off of how entertaining they are and this is one

Finding Nemo   4/22/19
The great small characters are the icing on the cake, a great cast that voices all these sea creatures with Wi

Phantom Thread   1/24/18
The atmosphere created in the film gave the film a setup for a lot of tension in the second half of the film

The Florida Project   1/23/18
Despite what they've gone through Moonee and Halley have a great mother daughter bond as evidenced by those en

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