Best of 2013


Made the Best of 2010, 2011 and 2012 threads back in November mostly for recs for myself.

Starting it back up again so please recommend me stuff from 2013, emphasis on stuff i may have overlooked or not heard of that you think is good. This thread isn't just about me though people can rec each other stuff or talk about their favourites or whatever.

Here's my 2013 list, ranked but not definitive as i haven't seen loads of those films in ages:

Bright light. Bright light. Uh oh.
Here's my first half.

Tom at the Farm
The 100 Year-Old Man Who Climbed Out the Window and Disappeared
The Tale of the Princess Kaguya
Cheap Thrills
Jodorowsky's Dune
Phil Spector
20 Feet from Stardom
Why Don't You Play in Hell?
Coffee Town
The Crash Reel
About Time
Dallas Buyers Club
This Is the End
The World's End
Star Trek: Into Darkness
Blue Jasmine
Don Jon
Captain Phillips
Begin Again
The Croods
The Kings of Summer
Saving Mr. Banks
Lee Daniels' The Butler
The Call
The Double
The Wind Rises
Behind the Candleabra
The Immigrant
The Justice League: The Flashpoint Paradox
Mandela: Long Walk to Freedom
It's what you learn after you know it all that counts. - John Wooden
My IMDb page

It’s A Classic Rope-A-Dope
I think Blue Jasmine is great. Kings Of Suummer is very good, one of my top ten. Two crime films that I like and others don't give a damn about: The Counselor and Blood Ties.

I think Blue Jasmine is great. Kings Of Suummer is very good, one of my top ten. Two crime films that I like and others don't give a damn about: The Counselor and Blood Ties.
Good suggestions. The only one i've heard of there is Blue Jasmine. Have heard pretty much a 50/50 split between your opinion that it's one of Allen's best or at least one of his best since his prime, and people that say Blanchett is good and that's it. So should be interesting. Always forget about Ridley will look into that, and Kings of Summer sounds interesting always up for coming of age films even though they can be really hit or miss.

It’s A Classic Rope-A-Dope
Good suggestions. The only one i've heard of there is Blue Jasmine. Have heard pretty much a 50/50 split between your opinion that it's one of Allen's best or at least one of his best since his prime, and people that say Blanchett is good and that's it. So should be interesting. Always forget about Ridley will look into that, and Kings of Summer sounds interesting always up for coming of age films even though they can be really hit or miss.
I am hit or miss with them as well. I only saw it once so maybe I was in the right mood but I found it hilarious.

nice there the touch of sin, 've been longing to see jia zhangke's

my proposal will be,
The Story of Yonosuke
The tale of Iya
The tale of the Princess kaguya
The Great Passage
The Kingdom of Dreams and Madness
Like Father, Like Son
Tokyo Family
The Apology King
Dallas Buyers Club
Alan Patridge: Alpha Papa
"Фильм призван вызвать духовную волну, а не взращивать идолопоклонников."

nice there the touch of sin, 've been longing to see jia zhangke's
It's the only one i've seen from him. Have read that he's more of a slow arthouse director and A Touch of Sin is a complete departure from his usual work, at least the pacing. Wouldn't say there was any one thing that was remarkable it was all just well put together.

The Kingdom of Dreams and Madness
Have seen this, must have left it out by accident. Thanks a lot for those others, looks like there's some interesting stuff there.

Trouble with a capital "T"
I'd contribute to this thread but I can never remember which films I watched and liked from 2013? Going off of Mark's list I've seen and really liked these:

Jodorowsky's Dune
About Time
Captain Phillips

I didn't like, Blue Jasmine when I seen it, but I was just getting into Woody Allen movies and I really should see that again, because it's one of the few movies I feel I was wrong about.

Of those movies above, I'd say you would most like Philomena and Blue Jasmine.

Bright light. Bright light. Uh oh.
Second half:

Everybody Street
The Missing Picture
The German Doctor
Finding Vivian Maier
Big Bad Wolves
The Square
History of the Eagles
Lights Out
Run Boy Run [Escape from Warsaw]
The Kingdom of Dreams and Madness
The Unknown Known
Richard Pryor: Omit the Logic
David Bowie: Five Years
Get a Horse!
I Am Divine
The Blue Umbrella
Six by Sondheim
Schooled: The Price of College Sports
The Return to Homs
Pussy Riot: A Punk Prayer
Who Is Dayani Crystal?
Of Horses and Men
Life According to Sam
Birth of the Living Dead
TWA Flight 800
Miss You Can Do It
Moms Mabley: I Got Somethin' to Tell You
The Trials of Muhammad Ali
A Life in Dirty Movies
The Rolling Stones: Sweet Summer Sun - Hyde Park Live
How Strange to Be Named Federico
Don't Say No Until I Finish Talking: The Story of Richard D. Zanuck
Afternoon of a Faun: Tanaquil Le Clercq
The World According to Dick Cheyney
50 Children: The Rescue Mission of Mr. And Mrs. Kraus
Jim Norton: American Degenerate
The Birth of the Tramp
Who the F**K Is Arthur Fogel?
LT: The Life & Times
Tom Papa: Freaked Out
Ticket to Ride
The Numberlys
Being Mariano Rivera
Mel Brooks: Make a Noise

If you liked Shaun of the Dead and/or Hot Fuzz then check out The World's End.

Originally Posted by Iroquois
To be fair, you have to have a fairly high IQ to understand

Quite liked the first Department Q offering: The Keeper Of Lost Causes.
20 Feet From Stardom is a class documentary about backing singers if that interest you at all.

The Dirties
: One of the best of the year for me; It's very intense and disturbing with very memorable characters. Highly recommend this one.

World's End
: Not the best film in the Cornetto trilogy, but it's still pretty entertaining and funny.

An Adventure in Time and Space
: A very interesting biography film. I say people who aren't Doctor Who fanboys could still get a kick out of it.

Escape From Tomorrow
: I believe everyone should see this simply because of it's infamous history and it's (very tiny) achievement in cinema history. I loved the creepy imagery and the soundtrack, but the plot was structured like an ice cream statue in the Sahara.

Captain Phillips
: Get's very repetitive and tiring in the 3rd act, but it's still worth a watch.

Light's Out
: A very effective 3 minute horror short.

Quite liked the first Department Q offering: The Keeper Of Lost Causes.
20 Feet From Stardom is a class documentary about backing singers if that interest you at all.
I'm not interested in backing singers but that hasn't stopped me from enjoying documentaries before so i might check that out.

Might watch The World's End when i'm in the mood for a comedy. Held it off for so long because i don't love either Hot Fuzz or Shaun of the Dead, they are enjoyable but not favourites.

Will look into The Dirties.

My favourites of 2013:

Preserving the sanctity of cinema. Subtitles preferred, mainstream dismissed, and always in search of yet another film you have never heard of. I speak fluent French New Wave.

I'm not interested in backing singers but that hasn't stopped me from enjoying documentaries before so i might check that out.
I like how this reads as there being loads of documentaries out there where your enjoyment hinges on your interest in backing singers

Obviously i meant i've enjoyed documentaries when i've not been interested in the main subject.

My favourites of 2013:

Would you say Why Don't You Play In Hell is top tier Sono or just a solid one? I actually have that ready to watch, will do so soon but i want to see Suicide Club first as i watched Noriko's Dinner Table without realizing it was a prequel to that