Ghost In The Shell (2017)


Arriving March 31st 2017.

And there's been a massive backlash on social media already.

Scarlett Johnasson is in the lead as Motoko Kusanagi... and fans ain't happy one bit that Hollywood has "black-faced" (in this instance people are calling it "yellow-faced") yet another non-Caucasian character.

What's worse, in the past 24 hours it has been revealed that DreamWorks have been testing CGI technology to see if they can "Asian-up" Johansson to make her appear more oriental.


I think the original Ghost in the Shell and it's various adaptions could definitely be improved.

Originally Posted by The Rodent
What's worse, in the past 24 hours it has been revealed that DreamWorks have been testing CGI technology to see if they can "Asian-up" Johansson to make her appear more oriental.
That's a bad start.

I really think and this is what i think back in old hollywood not all worldly characters, indians and so on were all played by there same race. Most lead indians in John Fords movies were white men that could pass for Indians. I dont think purposely hollywood sets out t bycott asian people or actors its just easier too make films with faces and names people know. I personally think if the actor is good enough in the part and people had a fun time does it matter what race she is. No where does it say in anime on Adult Swim to which voices are redubbed in canada that hey if make an american movie you must be asian.
Actors are suppose too act and i would want scarjo which she looks amazing in the black wig gets the character down more so then the ethnics down.

What's worse, in the past 24 hours it has been revealed that DreamWorks have been testing CGI technology to see if they can "Asian-up" Johansson to make her appear more oriental.
This is testament as to how horribly Hollywood pisses away their money. Theyre paying a sizable chunk for Johanssons salary, and now add onto that the CGI to asian her up. mind numbing idiocy

So much for that great actress, that japanese star that would have taken a cut in pay to be featured in a western film. Who? Take your pick. The casting in Hollywood now is actually worse than any other time I can remember. Between BvsS, the FF movies, just keeps coming and coming

I think actress and actors ask fr big salaries cause to be able too deal with being insulted. I think it would be very embarrassing too Scarlett to ask her if they mind if they made her look more asian enough. I think In Ghost In The Shell She looks well enough for they part there mistake is to cast her in an asian name. And not call her major or something. They should have just americanized it and told it different. Like when they did the magnificant 7 as being inspired by the Seven Samurai.

I agree really. I would loved and been more excited if they did a new Dragonball movie the right way. Dont care what race is what cause Goku, Vegeta and Piccolo are Aliens. I much rather see this done right.

The problem with casting her with a different name, is that the movie would end up like Alice in Resident Evil.

Fans weren't happy with that either.

Hollywood just needs to learn to use the source material as it is, rather than change it all the time.

Man Of Steel with casting Lawrence Fishburn... Hunger Games casting Jennifer Lawrence... now this with Johansson in an Asian role.
The fact they've even tried to give her a CG makeover is just insult to injury. They may as well stick a conical hat on her and stick some fake buck teeth in her gob, get her to say things like "Flied Lice" and be done with it.

Directed by the guy that directed Snow White and the Huntsman. Yeah this will most likely be garbage, not the biggest fan of the original but i can't see this turning out good at all.

Hunger Games casting Jennifer Lawrence...
What was her character supposed to look like in the books? I didnt read them

Catniss Everdean is described as Olive Skinned.

So they cast a white, blue-eyed, blonde actress... and gave her some fake tan and hair dye.
This harkens back to the Indians in old Westerns played by white guys with brown makeup and black wigs saying "Me um an um Indian. Me um scalp um you if you not um careful"

As far as Hunger games Lawrence was why they were any good too start with. Not that i have seen them more then the first movie because the movies were like they were made by and written by people who took hard drugs.

Catniss Everdean is described as Olive Skinned.

So they cast a white, blue-eyed, blonde actress... and gave her some fake tan and hair dye.
This harkens back to the Indians in old Westerns played by white guys with brown makeup and black wigs saying "Me um an um Indian. Me um scalp um you if you not um careful"
Well JohN Ford was able too mix real indians with white indians if ask me.

Welcome to the human race...
Yeah, this looks like a no-win situation. Either they maintain the original's Japanese signifiers and get rightly lambasted over the whitewashing or they have to change them all to the point where it might as well not be Ghost in the Shell any more. Leaving all that aside, the players involved do not inspire confidence.
I really just want you all angry and confused the whole time.
Iro's Top 100 Movies v3.0

Live action adaptation of anime are notorious bombs. Just look at Dragonball Evolution, Speed Racer, and while not anime, The Last Airbender. Casting Johansson (who headlined the surprisingly profitable Lucy) is the smart choice. Then again, why waste big bucks on a live action adaptation of a niche medium? Get the powers that be to make a new ANIMATED movie. Been working pretty well for Dragonball Z so far.

Scartletts Look For The Characrer Still and its not bad but obviously not Japanese

Had me an idea Chloe Bennett Star In TV Series Shield She is half japanese. Put her in a black wig and you can say your well yes using an american actress but she also has asian roots.

I think bennett looks closer too the character then Scarjo.
I know bennett is obviously still more american. I just think she could make it work better