Seven Psychopaths


Smells mystical, doesn't it?
Anyone else wanna see this? I mean.. look at that cast.

Look at it!


Let's talk some jive.

28 days...6 hours...42 minutes...12 seconds
Love In Bruges and am trying to see this at TIFF.
"A laugh can be a very powerful thing. Why, sometimes in life, it's the only weapon we have."

Suspect's Reviews

Smells mystical, doesn't it?
I stopped reading when I saw the first name at the top of the first picture was Colin Farrell.

Really? REALLY? Sam Rockwell and Tom Waits... TOM WAITS!.. I'm not a huge fan of Collin Farrell but the sexiness in this cast is enough to over look it.

Sam Rockwell is one of my top 10 favourite actors of all time.

But... it's Colin Farrell.

No talent, no charisma, no personality.
He has got wonderful eyebrows though, as long as he keeps them from going all confused looking. Which isn't very often.

Looks absolutely stunning, even before the trailer was released. Looks absolutely hilarious
Yeah, there's no body mutilation in it

Smells mystical, doesn't it?
Sam Rockwell is one of my top 10 favourite actors of all time.

But... it's Colin Farrell.

No talent, no charisma, no personality.
He has got wonderful eyebrows though, as long as he keeps them from going all confused looking. Which isn't very often.
Sam Rockwell is my favourite living actor.. and Tom Waits is my favourite musician.. so this movie could be complete crap and I'd still enjoy it. Plus, Walken and Harrelson aren't bad either.

Sam Rockwell is such an amazing actor. Woody Harrelson and Christopher Walken are great too. I don't see the issue about Colin Farrell. He is a decent actor. He was good in Phone Booth and the Minority report. I thought he was funny last year in Horrible bosses. I hope this movie gets a wide release.
Going 18600 miles per second.

An Aussie Sheila is playing a part..

This looks a bit like The Dream Team (1989) meets Tarantino...

Shame Michael Keaton isn't involved he'd be perfect in this.

Great cast though. I'm tipping Harrelson to steal the movie, but Farrel should find his form again in this one...I'm in.

It's a film I've been waiting for, been looking forwards to it a lot and was very happy with the trailer. Looks fantastic. Loved In Bruges so hopefully will not be disappointed. I'm a fan of Olga Kurylenko too:

The whole cast is brilliant.

I am the Watcher in the Night
That's one heck of a cast!!! And enough with the Colin Farrell hate, the man has done some pretty good movies. In Bruges, Phone Booth, Fright Night and his role in Horrible Bosses was one of the redeeming features of an otherwise barren movie. Heck, The Way Back was an above average film too and I was sure some of you arty snobs would love Terrence Malick's The New World.

I don't understand the Colin Farrell hate, either. I think the guy's ****ing awesome.

This looks like a pretty fun film. It kind of has that surrealist Smokin' Aces vibe, at least it appears to from the trailer. Can't wait for this to come out.