On Board with Blu-ray, I guess. . .


Okay, I'm taking the plunge. I'm typically not an early adopter, I rented VHS up until 2003, but to just get over the hassle I am going to try and start buying Blu-ray. This is just my opinion, and I don't mean to stereotype a group, but from my experience most Blu-ray uber-supporters seem to smack of arrogance and entitlement, i.e. that if someone doesn't see Blu-ray as the technological second coming that you are a mis-informed dolt, and that people should just scrap their dvd collection at once. For me, it was this attitude that put me off to Blu-ray, I really don't remember dvd supporters being so sensitive about detractors. Anyway, neither of this is here nor there, as I said I am going to try to ignore the $5.00 dvd bargain bin, and pony out the dough for BD. So far, I want to get Hellraiser, The Robocop trilogy, and T2.

...uh the post is up there...

Good luck with it, FF. I'm not a believer myself and I'm more than happy with dvd. Besides, there's no bloody way I'm buying my collection again. I've still not managed to upgrade the VHS collection I had.

Good to see you around here again, too.

Good luck with it, FF. I'm not a believer myself and I'm more than happy with dvd. Besides, there's no bloody way I'm buying my collection again. I've still not managed to upgrade the VHS collection I had.

Good to see you around here again, too.
I'm only buying movies I don't already own.

People Need To Re-Read **** Twice on Here
i wouldnt permanitly swap over to blu ray. its a waste of money, and its really not worth it. dont get me wrong blu rays are good. im still on dvds and buy blu rays rarely..

"There's No F***ing Ice Cream In Your F***ing Future"

I only purchase movies on blue-ray if they have been filmed in the last few years, unless they were actually filmed with a high def camera i dont believe they look any different to a dvd.

Until I can find used Blu Ray films on Amazon Marketplace for 3 bucks a pop, then I will hold out.
If I had a dollar for every existential crisis I've ever had, does money really even matter?

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Blue Ray DL's are WAY to large to transport by my flashdrive, but they look grrrrrrreat!
"Loves them? They need them, like they need the air."

Registered User
I've had a blue ray player since 09 but I only have a handful of blu-rays. Too many titles that I'm interested are still DVD only, especially since I watch a lot of documentaries and foreign films.

28 days...6 hours...42 minutes...12 seconds
Make sure you get a good transfer copy of T2.

The important thing about blu rays is to do a bit of research. Some transfers aren't worth a damn.
"A laugh can be a very powerful thing. Why, sometimes in life, it's the only weapon we have."

Suspect's Reviews

The People's Republic of Clogher
Dunno if he found that transfer in the past year or not.

I've got the Skynet Edition, personally, but originally bought the other vanilla one. Doesn't the vanilla copy have slightly better PQ? If T2 was one of my favourite films I'd probably buy both but the extras won me over in the end and the first disc got sold.

Incidentally, I originally typed 'Skybet' instead of Skynet. Shows where my head's at now the football season has started.
"Critics are like eunuchs in a harem; they know how the Tatty 100 is done, they've seen it done every day, but they're unable to do it themselves." - Brendan Behan

I've got the Skynet Edition, personally, but originally bought the other vanilla one. Doesn't the vanilla copy have slightly better PQ? If T2 was one of my favourite films I'd probably buy both but the extras won me over in the end and the first disc got sold.
According to Blu-ray.com's reviews, it's a matter of opinion on which is better. They make it sound like the Skynet Edition is better, though. That's the only one I've seen. I like it - it impressed me.

The People's Republic of Clogher
One thing that bugs me are the bloody THX set-up options.

Now, I've taken time to make sure my TV is calibrated as accurately as I'm able to but when I run one of those THX calibrations it almost always throws up weird results - T2 with my standard TV settings seems 3 or 4 clicks too bright but I'm damned if I'm gonna muck about with my set-up for the sake of a handful of films.

If George Lucas could see me know he'll notice that I'm shaking my fist. That fist is shaking at you, Georgie Boy!

Still holding out here. Viva la resistance!
I got rep for this the other day, so I felt it only fair to add that I did cave late last year. Simply because I bought a new TV. Add to that the fact that Blu-ray players have gotten pretty cheap, I received a Blu-ray as a gift, the new Anchorman bonus content only comes on Blu-ray, and I wanted to get some Internet capability on my new TV, anyway. Given all that, $130 seemed worthwhile.

Some films I really dig on it (Up looks fantastic), but some I could take or leave. The Dark Knight looks a tad odd on it; something to do with the lighting in some of the scenes, I think. And the sound is insane. You simply cannot watch some of the films with the sound low, or in the background. They veer from very quiet during basic dialogue to insanely loud during action sequences/gunfire. I imagine this is actually a feature, not a bug, and that it sounds awesome when you're willing to blast it, but it can be a bit jarring.

I like the format fine, but I don't at all regret waiting to upgrade and I wouldn't strongly encourage anyone else who's been holding out to do so, unless they've got a nice, new HD television, or really care about sound quality.

The extra, more interactive content and the clever menus are kinda cool. Not the kind of thing worth upgrading for on their own, but they're a lot sleeker and more responsive than those on DVD.

The People's Republic of Clogher
What kind of sound set-up do you have? I mentioned this in another thread recently but films with DTSHD or Dubly TrueHD tracks often don't sound the best if you've not got the hardware to decode them. You might find a big difference if the movie has separate DD or DTS (or even 2.0 stereo) tracks and you select those instead of the default stream.

They don't tell you that on the tin.