New Individual Movie Pages


Master of My Domain
Man, this site gets cooler and cooler every year. Great job Yods.
Letterboxd Profile:

Great set up.

My Split review is listed under a different film titled Split. Any ideas on future confusion in this regard?
Just a mislabeling (on my part, I think it was), unrelated to the new feature. Fixed now.

Do we have a quiz for Halloween? If not, I will make one that can be linked to the individual page, as well as the club, if that's something that happens. I'll make a John Carpenter club thread this weekend, and if need be, I can find any threads pertaining to the club, as well.
We do not. Contact our de facto Quizmaster Rodent: he has super magic powers to enter quizzes into the system, and once he does all I have to do is link them up to the DB and it'll show up on the relevant movie page.

I'll try to add another round of Clubs this weekend, but it'll be early or mid next-week at the latest.

Trouble with a capital "T"
Yoda, I just looked the new individual movie pages over carefully. They're a really nice & useful feature! I really like the layout you have now. I hope it doesn't change too much, and become too cluttered or use too small of font/pics. I call it perfect

: On 12 Angry Men individual movie page, under the reviews, there's a short blurb from the reviewers.

Where in the review is the blurb being pulled from?
Is the blurb being pulled manually or by some other means?
For the 12 Angry Men review blurbs, did you hand select those?

How will the review blurbs be pulled for other movies in the future?
What's the character limit size or other paymasters?

So why I'm asking is: if I knew what the parameters were for the individual movie page review blurbs...I would format my own reviews so that a review blurb was generated that made sense and was of use to the reader. (I do like the way the blurbs looked for 12 Angry Men)

Where in the review is the blurb being pulled from?
Is the blurb being pulled manually or by some other means?
For the 12 Angry Men review blurbs, did you hand select those?

How will the review blurbs be pulled for other movies in the future?
What's the character limit size or other paymasters?
It's drawn from the reviews themselves, and it's automated. There's no one answer to these questions, because it'll try to grab one using one set of criteria, and if it comes up blank or too short, it'll go back and do it with slightly different criteria, and it'll do this up to, like, four times to make sure it almost always gets something. It seems to produce decent excerpts maybe 70% of the time, but it could be better.

So why I'm asking is: if I knew what the parameters were for the individual movie page review blurbs...I would format my own reviews so that a review blurb was generated that made sense and was of use to the reader. (I do like the way the blurbs looked for 12 Angry Men)
That's an interesting idea. I certainly need to be able to generate one automatically, but I would definitely be open to simply adding the option, when someone submits a review, of providing their own excerpt. Obviously many won't have it, but it's not a big issue to display it if they do, and use the current method if they don't.

Any other of our regular reviewers confident they would utilize this?

Trouble with a capital "T"
...That's an interesting idea. I certainly need to be able to generate one automatically, but I would definitely be open to simply adding the option, when someone submits a review, of providing their own excerpt. Obviously many won't have it, but it's not a big issue to display it if they do, and use the current method if they don't.

Any other of our regular reviewers confident they would utilize this?
I wasn't really asking for the ability to manually create my own review blurbs...I just wanted to know what specifics the site used to create them, so that I could custom tailor my reviews. I have to say whatever parameters you do use for the auto blurbs works great! Better than the blurbs you see when doing a Google search. So no complaints at all, I was just curious.

Okay then. Yeah, even if I gave you the exact specs, it would be pretty darn tricky for anyone to write their review in just the right way without a lot of inconvenience.

If you change your mind and do want a way to provide an excerpt, let me know. Otherwise, I'll probably just tweak the settings a bit here and there and see if I can get it a little better.

Please Quote/Tag Or I'll Miss Your Responses
Great idea! Will there be a way for users to add comments to each movie?

There have been many times I wanted to talk about a movie, wanting an opinion, point of view, question, but didn't want to start an entirely new topic just for one minor thing.

Wasn't planning on any comments, though perhaps it'd be a good idea to see if I can link related threads in there and/or let people create one relatively easily? Hmm...

@Yoda can we make it so that when we do a review for a movie and it gets approved, it is automatically tagged as "seen"? I realized when reviewng recently, that when I jumped to the individual movie page for the one I reviewed, it wasn't marked as seen.

Would be cool if there was a way.

Great idea! I should have thought of that, because that's exactly the kind of common sense, elegant little addition I normally love. Let me get right back to you.

Is there a list anywhere of all the movies I've "seen"?
Someone asked this earlier: no, not yet, but yes, there will be. Just letting a little more data accumulate.

Also, how does the site know if I've seen something? Is it linked through the Lists or something?
Yes, that's what it started with. From there, it's just anything you mark, either on the individual movie pages, or with those little checkboxes on directors' filmographies in Clubs.

@Yoda can we make it so that when we do a review for a movie and it gets approved, it is automatically tagged as "seen"? I realized when reviewng recently, that when I jumped to the individual movie page for the one I reviewed, it wasn't marked as seen.

Would be cool if there was a way.
Cracking idea MM - I have to say that what you lack in looks you more than make up for in other departments