Good movies, bad endings


This thread is dedicated to good movies, but with endings that you weren't to fond of.

I got two:
The Lady Eve
There will be Blood (still made my top 100 though)
Yeah, there's no body mutilation in it

I hated the ending of Clockwork Orange. There was just that one scene that ruined it for me.

Precious tritium is what makes this project go.
I wouldn't say it was a bad ending, but the ending to Minority Report felt odd compared to the rest of the movie, I didn't like that ending...but I love the movie.
Oxfords not brogues.

Shutter Island, the ending was obvious from the first 15 minutes.
& also the ending has been done quite often.

Had read an article about the original novel that the author wished to pay tributes to all sorts of horror films.
But inspite of that I was still hoping for something more unpredictable.

For me, it's Apocalypse Now.
"Anything less than immortality is a complete waste of time."

Jurassic Park 3, even though it's close to the book, it's seriously unbelievable the way they put it together.

And Ridley Scott's Robin Hood, girl power in the lead up to the ending, then Cate Blanchett's monologue that sounds like she's taking the p*ss out of what she's reading... mixed with the badly written on-screen writing is a bit abrupt too. Awful ending.
The beginning was similar too, the music sounds like it's been thrown together at the last minute.

Good whiskey make jackrabbit slap de bear.
I wouldn't say it was a bad ending, but the ending to Minority Report felt odd compared to the rest of the movie, I didn't like that ending...but I love the movie.
Agreed, Spielberg's sentimentality completely changed the tone of the film.
"George, this is a little too much for me. Escaped convicts, fugitive sex... I've got a cockfight to focus on."

Not a brilliant film but I liked The Last House on the Left remake up until the end - prefered it to the Craven remake - but the very end sequence spoilt it for me. I was supporting the parents all the way through but then it was all ruined by changing from defending/survival to plain old torture with the
WARNING: "Last House" spoilers below
. It should have ended with
WARNING: "Last House" spoilers below
Krug dying after the massive fight, and the girl's family and Krug's son sailing away.

We've gone on holiday by mistake
Return of the King

Tron Legacy

Miss Vicky's Loyal and Willing Slave
David Fincher's The Game. Just watched it a few days ago and still annoyed! Just absolute nonsense! If you want to see just how p**sed I was read my review here - The Game review

Oh and No Country for Old Men. I understand the meaning behind it and know some people like it but just felt like such a disappointment for me

Almost anything that started life as a Stephen King novel.
Of course, the problem here lies in the fact that Steven King novels all tend to just peter out. I enjoy reading his books now and again, but so many of them end horribly or completely underwhelming.

Oh and No Country for Old Men. I understand the meaning behind it and know some people like it but just felt like such a disappointment for me
I have said this a couple of times around here. I never got that ending, even more I never got the purpose of that film.

About The Game, I don't hate it as much as you or even the ending for that matter. But the overall concept needed better tweaking, if it had a better screenplay, this could have been the ultimate 90s hitchcockian thriller.

I have said this a couple of times around here. I never got that ending, even more I never got the purpose of that film.
Did you get the title of the film? Because it's pretty much all laid out right there for you.

I knew this thread would be filled with films that I enjoyed; these types of threads always are. It's never something like Iron Man where the end action isn't as interesting as the scenes leading up to it. It's always films that I consider 4-star+ films.

Meh, whatever.

Because films like Iron Man are terrible films, & this is a thread about good movies with bad endings.
Your 4stars might not necessarily be others.
& someone just mentioned Apocalypse Now here a while ago, that's my #1 film & has one of the best endings ever & that same person had the movie on their top 10.

I just didn't like NCFOM, with that title or not.. I'll settle for Charley Varrick over it, maybe just an average action movie to most, but I enjoyed that.

Apocalypse Now: I love that film I think it is the greatest war film of ll time. But the ending should have been better.

No Country for Old men: The ending was so abrupt and dissatisfying for such an oddly charming film.

Lord of the Rings Return of the King: I think it is the best of all three films, but I was like WTF?
Going 18600 miles per second.

Because films like Iron Man are terrible films, & this is a thread about good movies with bad endings.
Your 4stars might not necessarily be others.
& someone just mentioned Apocalypse Now here a while ago, that's my #1 film & has one of the best endings ever & that same person had the movie on their top 10.

I just didn't like NCFOM, with that title or not.. I'll settle for Charley Varrick over it, maybe just an average action movie to most, but I enjoyed that.
Iron Man is a wonderful popcorn film. There's nothing wrong with pure entertainment as long as it's well made and sincere.

I don't consider great films with bad endings to be great films. If you can't sustain the film, then you've failed at part of the job. Close only counts in horseshoes and hand grenade's. I guess I'm questioning the entire concept of this thread.