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I also don't get why people love Boogie Nights so much, I thought it was rather boring.
It's two and a half hours of endless good music with a few fake penises thrown in, worn by Marky Mark Wahlberg. Boring? Yes. But it aims to please.

You mean me? Kei's cousin?
I enjoyed No Country for Old Men but not as much as, let alone more than, Fargo.
I don't like No Country at all; it is actually my second least favourite Coen movie out of the twelve i've seen only like The Ladykillers less. Love Fargo though.
Fargo is my favorite of theirs for sure. Definitely a five-star movie in my honest opinion.

I have passes to go see Civil War next week, before it comes out in theaters. That's my confession. I really wanted to gloat about it.
Best of 2016 - 10 Cloverfield Lane -- Worst of 2016 - God's Not Dead 2
Best of 2015 - Mad Max: Fury Road -- Worst of 2015 - Jupiter Ascending
Best of 2014 - Nightcrawler -- Worst of 2014 - God's Not Dead

I have passes to go see Civil War next week, before it comes out in theaters. That's my confession. I really wanted to gloat about it.

Master of My Domain
I'm sure a lot of you know this, but I put Ed Wood's most infamous film, Plan 9 From Outer Space, on my Top 50 list last year. I still love it. Also, I think Sharkando is a better film than The Departed and Back to the Future 2.
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Master of My Domain
Disliking Ed Wood or The Room is an unpopular opinion now.
On Youtube's film community, maybe, but other places I don't think so- yet.

I'm sure a lot of you know this, but I put Ed Wood's most infamous film, Plan 9 From Outer Space, on my Top 50 list last year. I still love it. Also, I think Sharkando is a better film than The Departed and Back to the Future 2.
OMG! Are you trying to cause a stroke?! Thats just not possible! You lie Gatsby, you lie!

Trouble with a capital "T"
Let's see...I hated: The Big Lebowski, Inglorious Bastards.

I don't like modern Hollywood CG block buster crap. I don't like superhero films.

I haven't seen any of the last Star War films. Didn't like The Grand Budapest Hotel.....

And I hated the zither music in The Third Man (but liked the film)

Oh and I'm also a fan of Ed Wood, the director.

You know maybe Ed Wood would have been a successful film maker in the 21st century. I mean, he was better than Gregg Araki.

Trouble with a capital "T"
Ed had a vision for his films, but he also had low production values.

I've seen just about all the mainstream films he made. The first ones had ground breaking ideas. Latter on he just started churning out no brainers.

I'm struggling to come up with anything I haven't already confessed, so here are some I've already said elsewhere on the forum.

I hate every Stanley Kubrick film I've seen.
I hate every Paul Thomas Anderson film I've seen, except Inherent Vice.
I hate every Wes Anderson film I've seen.
I hated The Godfather, Taxi Driver, and The Good, the Bad, and the Ugly.
I hate The Lion King.
I'm a Pixar fangirl, but am not a Toy Story fan.
I hate Black Swan, The Wrestler, and No Country for Old Men.
I think Citizen Kane is boring, but I don't hate it.

I may list more later.

Yeah I think Wes Andersons the drizzlin' sh!ts

Lynch, Cronenburg, and Terrence Malick are overrated as it gets.