Joker origin Movie


28 days...6 hours...42 minutes...12 seconds
That was why he turned down the role of Doctor Strange when he was offered the role. He didn't want to sign a 6-movie contract, and hence Benedict Cumberbatch took the role.

As for DC, I think the DCEU is pretty much non-existent at this point. We have this film, Wonder Woman 1984 being confirmed as not a sequel, but a standalone movie, James Gunn's soon to shoot The Suicide Squad is a reboot and not a sequel, and Matt Reeves' The Batman will feature a younger Batman and not the Batfleck incarnation, and is rumored to be set in the 1990s. As for The Flash, that's still up in the air right now, but last rumor is that Ezra Miller and Grant Morrison are writing a script that is dark as opposed to hired guns Jonathan Goldstein and John Francis Daley's "light hearted" approach and with Miller getting ready to shoot the next Fantastic Beasts film this fall, shooting may not begin until at the very least 2020.
I feel like their best approach should be to do their own thing and not try to copy MCU. Let their films stand on their own with their own stories. I wouldn't mind seeing a bunch of origin villain stories to be honest, done with this tone but not connected necessarily.
"A laugh can be a very powerful thing. Why, sometimes in life, it's the only weapon we have."

Suspect's Reviews

It’s A Classic Rope-A-Dope
Team trailer. I am genuinely excited for this now. Looks super dark and it will obviously be the Phoenix show, as it should

Let nobody think this isn't gonna franchise into _____ if this is yuge.

Mark my words. Joaquin Phoenix will win an Oscar for this.
“Let me tell you something you already know. The world ain't all sunshine and rainbows. It's a very mean and nasty place and I don't care how tough you are, it will beat you to your knees and keep you there permanently if you let it. You, me, or nobody is gonna hit as hard as life. But it ain't about how hard ya hit. It's about how hard you can get hit and keep moving forward. How much you can take and keep moving forward. That's how winning is done!” ~ Rocky Balboa

It’s A Classic Rope-A-Dope
Phoenix doesn't want one but I don't see why anyone would think they will never give him one. He already has multiple nominations and is certainly regarded as one of the greats at the moment.

Phoenix doesn't want one but I don't see why anyone would think they will never give him one. He already has multiple nominations and is certainly regarded as one of the greats at the moment.
He called the awards "total, utter bull****." I don't think the academy takes too kindly to that.

I have zero knowledge of these types of films as they're not something I am interested in, but can someone tell me if this is a standalone film?

Is it going to be a film that will make sense if you don't know anything about these comic book worlds / characters? Or do you need to be involved in some backstory of the 'Joker' and his peers etc?
This is kind of an interesting question because the Joker's "backstory" has become something very nebulous even in the source material of the comics themselves.

He's had so many backstories that part of his origin has become that no one (perhaps not even the Joker himself) knows which story is real, if any.

This aspect was highlighted in the Dark Knight - as the Joker told several different stories as to how he got his scars (themselves - an apparent "Glasgow smile" - only being particular to his character in that movie at the time).

So, basically, you don't really need to know a Joker backstory for any Joker story - as his origin is (as he himself admits) multiple choice.

He's had so many backstories that part of his origin has become that no one (perhaps not even the Joker himself) knows which story is real, if any.

This aspect was highlighted in the Dark Knight - as the Joker told several different stories as to how he got his scars (themselves - an apparent "Glasgow smile" - only being particular to his character in that movie at the time).

So, basically, you don't really need to know a Joker backstory for any Joker story - as his origin is (as he himself admits) is multiple choice.
this is probably my favourite part of the character.
I'm pumped that this will be it's own thing, I wanted it as far away from Suicide Squad and the Nolan-verse as possible. It looks pretty effed up and (fingers crossed) will be psychologically disturbing, it won't please everyone but I want something different
can i have one of those buttons?

this is probably my favourite part of the character.
I'm pumped that this will be it's own thing, I wanted it as far away from Suicide Squad and the Nolan-verse as possible. It looks pretty effed up and (fingers crossed) will be psychologically disturbing, it won't please everyone but I want something different
Definitely make sure it's separate from Suicide Squad!!!

Although, based on the trailer, it almost looks like it could be an origin for the Joker in The Dark Knight (as nothing was known about the character before he appears - the one big difference is the scars - but who really knows when he got them?).

Come to think of it, every Joker on film so far has been a separate character from all the other versions. Each one of them has been quite a bit different from all others.

Definitely make sure it's separate from Suicide Squad!!!

Although, based on the trailer, it almost looks like it could be an origin for the Joker in The Dark Knight (as nothing was known about the character before he appears - the one big difference is the scars - but who really knows when he got them?).

Come to think of it, every Joker on film so far has been a separate character from all the other versions. Each one of them has been quite a bit different from all others.

I disagree about the dark knight joker tho, firstly because in this he already looks a lot older than Ledger's lol. Everyone fixates on the scars, not all incarnations have to have them

It’s A Classic Rope-A-Dope
He called the awards "total, utter bull****." I don't think the academy takes too kindly to that.
Why does everyone still talk about the academy as if it is one old white dude grinding an axe.

Why does everyone still talk about the academy as if it is one old white dude grinding an axe.
The Academy Awards are about politics and popularity, not merit. This has been true for a long time and I have not seen any evidence of change.


I disagree about the dark knight joker tho, firstly because in this he already looks a lot older than Ledger's lol. Everyone fixates on the scars, not all incarnations have to have them
I think people fixated on the scars because they were completely new for the character (no comic, TV, cartoon or movie version had them before) - plus the fact that Ledger's Joker wore make-up and hadn't been turned white with green hair by a dunk in a toxic vat.

The DK Joker was a "realistic" version sans turning into the living embodiment of a playing card due to chemicals that altered both his body and his mind. And instead of the rictus grin that Nicholson sported, they gave Ledger a "Glasgow smile" (a real-life means of torture and permanent scarring, usually given by very bad & violent people).

And a bit of trivia: this was apparently an allusion to The Man Who Laughs (1928) - the silent film starring Conrad Veidt, which Bob Kane (Batman creator) claimed inspired the Joker (although other Batman creators, Bill Finger & Jerry Robinson, contest who actually created him!) In the movie, the man with the grin was a victim of a "Glasgow smile" (he'd been cut and disfigured).

Although the DK Joker was the first to have the smile scars - that went on to be adopted by certain non-canonical comic versions as well.

But, yes, Phoenix does appear somewhat older than Ledger's Joker, but then again we never really saw Ledger's Joker without make-up (except maybe when he disguised himself as a cop) so it's hard to tell with something like age when considering a guy who wears clown make-up.

P.S. I still can't belief Joaquin Phoenix is that kid from Parenthood!

I think people fixated on the scars because they were completely new for the character (no comic, TV, cartoon or movie version had them before) - plus the fact that Ledger's Joker wore make-up and hadn't been turned white with green hair by a dunk in a toxic vat.

The DK Joker was a "realistic" version sans turning into the living embodiment of a playing card due to chemicals that altered both his body and his mind. And instead of the rictus grin that Nicholson sported, they gave Ledger a "Glasgow smile" (a real-life means of torture and permanent scarring, usually given by very bad & violent people).

Although the DK Joker was the first to have the smile scars - that went on to be adopted by certain non-canonical comic versions as well.

But, yes, Phoenix does appear somewhat older than Ledger's Joker, but then again we never really saw Ledger's Joker without make-up (except maybe when he disguised himself as a cop) so it's hard to tell with something like age when considering a guy who wears clown make-up.

P.S. I still can't belief Joaquin Phoenix is that kid from Parenthood!
yeah I own the Brian Azzarello book, it's not bad, I'm more of a "a death in the family" or "the man who laughs" kind of joker fan, the new 52 stuff was so odd that it was pretty great too (they had Joker as some eternal entity that seems to have been around Gotham for centuries) and they way he got into people's heads was just mental, I was hoping Leto would be going down that route but unfortunately it wasn't to be

yeah I own the Brian Azzarello book, it's not bad, I'm more of a "a death in the family" or "the man who laughs" kind of joker fan, the new 52 stuff was so odd that it was pretty great too (they had Joker as some eternal entity that seems to have been around Gotham for centuries) and they way he got into people's heads was just mental, I was hoping Leto would be going down that route but unfortunately it wasn't to be
I go back a little further - I'm more of a Killing Joke Joker fan!

It’s A Classic Rope-A-Dope
The Academy Awards are about politics and popularity, not merit. This has been true for a long time and I have not seen any evidence of change.
The Academy Awards are about the consensus of a very large industry. Consensus almost always means the thing with the broadest appeal wins. It even work that way in Mofo HOF when you have 10 or 12 people coming to a consensus. How much more is it going to be true when you have 100's coming to a consensus.

I go back a little further - I'm more of a Killing Joke Joker fan!
my all time favourite, but it's everyone's though right?
(my pic is my number 1 artwork from any comic, regardless how the colours change depending on which edition)